Étiquette : orthodoxe

Visigothic line of the House of Barcelona (Raymond IV of Gothia and Toulouse)

From our Goths Nobility Theme Brunswick Continuing Knights Templar House of the Original Angevin Royals’ branch, with full Royal protections of the Templar, incl. fons honorum Goths’ Viking Royalty, Parallel Empire and Cultural Heritage. Priory of Salem, Institute of Peace Studies. Heirs of Several Former Goths’ States, the House of Brunswick-Wolfenbuettel Succeeded in the alloid […]

The Spirit of Lilith, Pre-Adamic Demons, and Worldly Psychiatry **mp3**

Pastor Crouch of Restoration Ministries in his open classroom setting, shares about the teaching of Lilith. He breaks the ice on the topic in a fun and humorous way, sharing from a popular article publication / Sun Magazine. He highlighted that it is a factual teaching out there, and that Adamkind did go through two […]

Relation avec le péché, définition biblique du péché: «Transgression de la loi» perd des récompenses RM 8-3-91

Ce seul verset biblique peut sauver aux théologiens 20 ans d'école biblique: 1 Jean 3: 4 «Le péché est la transgression de la loi.» 70% de Sa loi n'est applicable qu'au niveau national. Il nous a ordonné de «prier que son royaume vienne sur terre» et de «chercher d'abord son royaume», et «les saints des plus hauts prendront le royaume […]

Voyage de Saint Brendan (le Culdee) en Amérique au 6e siècle

Today our Church of the Culdees remembers Saint Brendan. Below you’ll find an article on the plausibility of his voyage. One of many such articles. St Brendan was a companion of St Columba, who also prayed for their search for the Isle of the Blessed, exchanged gifts, and supported each other in ministry. They were […]

Le dernier roi orthodoxe d'Angleterre Harold Godwinson

Beaucoup ont lu l'histoire orthodoxe et nos racines culdee préservées grâce aux évêques orthodoxes en Angleterre, au sein des branches wisigothiques, vaudoises, ostrogothiques et autres qui ont refusé de se joindre à Rome. Officiellement, le roi Harold était connu comme le dernier roi orthodoxe d'Angleterre. Le sabbat était le thème central des orthodoxes d'Angleterre. Le refus […]

Lois diététiques dans la véritable Église apostolique orthodoxe et catholique

From our series on clean and unclean 1. Spiritual, Biblical and Scientific Reasons of Clean and Unclean Meats 2. The Adverse Influence of Pork Consumption on Health by Dr Reckeweg M.D. 3. Authoritative quotes showing how the true Orthodox Celts detested pork consumption     Dietary Laws in the True Orthodox and Catholic Apostolic Church […]