An Exploding Phone Near You
by Dr Stephen MK Brunswick, Editor
I’d like to make you aware (if you haven’t seen the news) one of the least discussed security threats. The components of your phone, and firmware subject to be weaponized by enemy nations. This isn’t just about exploding phones, there are more lucrative destructive sequences for the dark shareholders and owners of the sub-sub-sub contracted companies (as you saw with Hunter Biden’s web of subcontracted companies, and is common with legislators’ family companies, and stockholdings, to be included to profit in the bills they pass). Senator Harry Reid’s family Chinese Clark County Nevada deal was a good example. Senator Reid, as part owner of the revolutionary green-tech farm, had the FBI be their personal hitmen to kill members of the Bundy Ranch. These land grabs have become law in Europe, lining the pockets of politicians that own the redevelopment companies (through dark ownership / offshore structures).
A comment on the Marxist corruption
The way that corruption gets in is every few years they have to campaign to the highest bidder to get enough campaign finance to be elected. If these positions were Biblical hereditary, as in a Theocratic Monarchy, this corruption would be non-existent. With clear succession matters (like you see in the UK and other modern Monarchies, the corruption is lower, and the wealth and peace is the highest). We who are converted Christians always must remind of this higher standard that God intended for all nations. In the Kingdom structure there’s lawful ownership, and duties for land owners, but there’s no hunger for power. As more local based people, they will conflict with the globalist totally foreign agendas. Most globalist items are said to profit someone unknown on the other side of the world, and we trust it goes to them mainly. Local based owners are not only Biblical, but harder to manipulate. That’s especially true when focused on the Biblical (natural) model of agriculture. This is why Kamala’s top item is promoting a “new green deal” which would finish the seizure of farmlands and banning much of agriculture (the 2030 plan to have 30% of land seized is just the beginning). Do you know about the 30-30 plan? Here’s a good article describing it: Farmers in Kansas are discussing how they will deal with this percent of their land being taken by the federal government. Recent Kansas legislation will block only 1 method of this happening. However, this seizure of farmland has already happened in Europe). Local lordships who have local sovereignty are not central manipulation focused. The Wolfenbuttel-Brunswick zone is a tech zone which has the latest available equipment. We’ll be announcing a crypto currency God-willing in the near future that is based on the innovation of this historic region of Niedersachsen.
The “unburdened by what has been” favorite comment by Kamalla Harris is directly from Karl Marx. The Marxism was a profiteer environment for enemy nations to subjugate and destroy, mainly by murdering the actual owners. The monarchies were almost fully destroyed. If even their property isn’t protected, what makes you think your own will be protected if now in the control of a faceless enemy nation?
Exploding Phones? really?
So lets talk about the phones overloading and exploding for starters. The risk exists even if your phone was built entirely secure by clean companies that were carefully inspected. We won’t imply any company already is doing it. Still it’s possible that a simple forced firmware update (through a subcontracted company) can cause your phone to explode, just like what happened to Hezbollah. Hundreds of civilians, women and children were indiscriminately killed when the pagers exploded. However, smart phones too, could explode once hacked. It’s a known process, that phones explode when a battery overheats. The firmware updates could also make a sophisticated overload which could theoretically cause such to happen. It may already be built into your phone from the manufacturer as some sort of kill switch.
Less smart devices are better, less wireless is better.
Simply subcontracting some part of the work out to another company makes it totally untraceable who built in such vulnerability. Cyber Security companies need a new focus, on the way components are built. A lot of 5g tech was banned by Trump if it was made in the USA for such reasons. A lot of countries, like the UK recently relaxed such rules regarding enemy nations manufacturing their critical components. Are your components certified against this threat? It is a form of terrorism, and when it kills the innocent this now has a new analysis by all countries of the world, does it not?
However, what will continue operating under the radar is injuries from EMF radiation (also known as electrosmog). Low level radiation also has major effects, that don’t only control mood. Some cyber security companies asked all this smart tech, including the nano smart dust be better regulated (because it’s all hackable, including components at the nano level inside of vaccines, so small it doesn’t even count as a trace ingredient, unless you go into other sub-definitions of some of the new ingredients re-labelling the banned materials for being so small and attracted to the nucleus of dna, and causing genetic damage). Currently this all is being ignored.
Meanwhile still the WHO truth has come out (albeit slowly) on the 30 year studies, that EMF / cellular / wifi radiation is carcinogenic. Best to keep things wired. You can quickly implement ethernet over your home electric plugs so you don’t have to run new cables through your whole house.
As so many aspects are un-regulated, Elon musk estimated that by this year everyone would have a nano-based computer chip in everyone’s brains worldwide. The transhumanism agenda that has been widely published by the World Economic Forum, to hack the dna is part of this plan.
Here’s a typical plug where you don’t need to re-wire your home, but can simply plug in ethernet adapters. You just plug one by your router, and the other wherever you wish in your house:

buy it on ebay. If you prefer to do all your work from a smart phone, you can continue, without any of the antennas turned on. You can work in flight mode, and the extra antenna’s turned off, and simply plug in any of the latest “docking stations” and plug in any favorite internet, keyboard, big screen etc, and use your phone like the best desktop. You can put the ethernet adapters and docking stations in every room. Then you have the luxury of having the best possible internet connection in every room (without wireless) and never again have to be exposed to the harmful 2g-5g radiation. Practical speaking some cannot avoid it, so they should at least turn off their extra WIFI antennas or routers at night bed time, here are some other recommendations by experts on electrosmog shielding etc. Give your body a break, and return to nature!
Examples abound on ebay. Just look for any kind of docking station that takes a USB-C adapter. Now you can be completely wired again, and more secure!
Transition to a fully wired solution today. We can forward you to IT Professionals that can provide expert guidance and consultation for environments of any size.
Other AI genetic weapons probably are more of a concern. These you may find in our technocracy news section at

Highlights from the latest E-Newsletter by Dr Stephen MK Brunswick: