Templar Did Not Have A Vow Of Poverty

Sprid kärleken

Contrary to the destructive propaganda of egalitarianism, marxism, and socialism, the Templar Did Not Have A Vow Of Poverty. While it claims to make everyone feel better to say there were no true Sovereign representatives in the past, that is purely satanic, destructive, and not of God. Enemies of Christendom have sought to re-write what God called good and righteous. The marxists falsely claim to “empower” thieves to kill the property owners, and steal, to fill the coffers of these foreign enemies. As Christians have all the rights, the power, the sovereign ownership etc, these are tricked to willingly forfeit what is theirs and to steal what is their neighbors to exchange it for debts to serve foreign enemy non-Christian nations (or other foreign-based globalist).

Only Official Royal Knights of a Sovereign Kingdom could become a Templar.

You could not be a Templar unless you were already a deeply established Noble, who had themselves a semi-sovereignty of a territory themselves. Each Knight was born already with a rank and dozens of servants that it took to fulfill any basic tasks of knighthood. That was not all, they had many subjects, tenants and subtenants that required they stay in office, never to abandon their duties as head of their governments back home. Yes the Knights each had their own ranks similar to a head of state, as a Lord of a mini government themselves. As only firstborns could become a Knight as Lord of Knights fees and other fiefdoms that were of “sword service” of a Kingdom, second-borns would only rarely be admitted into the order of Templar.

They served for “fixed terms” as laid out in the Primitive Order of the Templar. While away they would need to put all their focus on combat itself. So often these appointed the best regents. These had to take their mind off of any distractions from the battlefield, and so a few minimal items are touched on regarding the required combat.

As each individual Templar Knight being Royal Knights themselves, they would often arrive with the best horses and equipment of the Kingdom they represented and defended as it’s basis of survival. Knights going into the service of Templar often would arrive with half as many horses, heavy armor, and weapons as a whole Kingdom could provide.

There was no vow of poverty. There’s only one small section or two which deals with mitigating the sheer fact that it’s only the most wealthiest men of humanity that could undertake to be a Knight of their home, defending and governing their realms.

It explicitly lays out this high rank and position as officials of their home country. No Christian as the only head of their states would lay down their duties. As it says he who provideth not for his own household has denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.

1Ti 5:8 “But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.”

No Christian Knight ever laid this down his most integral allegiance or his official responsibilities as the highest representatives of their states, except for a small “fixed term” (cited below). Each brother had to be able to do combat of the most heaviest type of warfare on earth. Once these got over the age of 40, they typically went back to full time service of their governments back home, fulfilling their blood-born oaths to all that is in the word for a Sovereign Knight. This would especially include having enough heirs to continue on their governments of “best care” for their subjects’ welfare and protection. This would include giving their tenants permanent homes.

Side note: This was much more freedom back in the days of serfdom. It’s not of the type of slavery  today which could have someone evicted of their homes over 1 monthly payment. These are often enslaved to countless foreign owned company subscriptions, and taxes tied to numerous foreign benefiting interests. Even municipal authorities enslave their peoples now under globalism policy taxes that destroy the local in favor of poorer foreigners we never met (and will never get the funds that were stolen from our local citizens).

See Chapter 9, from the Primitive Rule of the Templar by Clairvaux:

Here Begins the Rule of the Poor Knighthood of the Temple

9. You who renounce your own wills, and you others serving the sovereign king with horses and arms, for the salvation of your souls, for a fixed term, strive everywhere with pure desire to hear matins and the entire service according to canonical law and the customs of the regular masters of the Holy City of Jerusalem. 0 you venerable brothers, similarly God is with you, if you promise to despise the deceitful world in perpetual love of God, and scorn the temptations of your body: sustained by the food of God and watered and instructed in the commandments of Our Lord, at the end of the divine office, none should fear to go into battle if he henceforth wears the tonsure.

Then see Chapter 51, from the Primitive Rule of the Templar by Clairvaux:

On Animals and Squires

51. Each knight brother may have three horses and no more without the permission of the Master, because of the great poverty which exists at the present time in the house of God and of the Temple of Solomon. To each knight brother we grant three horses and one squire, and if that squire willingly serves charity, the brother should not beat him for any sin he commits.

You may read the full Primitive Rule of the Templar below:



Learn more about the Legitimist Templar, and the Brunswick Commandery Knights Templar