ДОМАШНЯ СТОРІНКА You won’t hear the promotion of abominations and blasphemies from our church. “These days” some people say that our Orthodox beliefs will scatter the flock. Manmade traditions might do that, but we only have God’s word at our assembly. There is “no private interpretation of His word of Scripture”2Peter 1:20, but it is taught widely in all generations. We will hope to open people’s eyes to the bondage of sin they have been in. We do find God’s Divine law will always prove to be the best and most enjoyable way of living life to the fullest. By learning His law it will eventually persuade His true sheep not to be scattered, but to come back into the fold.
We unite the whole body of Christ. Teaching the commandments is a very basic requirement in all circles of Christianity. Without daily repentance from sin, and taking a stand for righteousness in His name then we are not eligible to take the Holy Communion nor of the sacraments of confirmation or baptism. It is universally taught that we must completely turn from all sin(“sin is transgression of the law” 1John 3:4) or you cannot partake of the Holy Communion. Only some have forgotten what sin is, or have forgotten their baptismal vows. It is also important to daily remember our position in Him, and ask that through His grace that He would enable us to live godly and holy lives in accordance with all His laws(both national 70% and personal 30% of His laws). We encourage everyone to do the щоденні ранкові та вечірні служби з нами, як із Книги загальної молитви.
ЗАМОВЛЕННЯ: Ми є приватною асоціацією, і вміст для кілька етапів членства in God’s church. For the rest who are not converted, confirmed and baptized they will not be at the Spiritual level to perceive our Spiritual points and intentions in Christ Jesus(Yahshua). Non-believers would only coincidentally gain irrelevant headknowlege from reading the site, totally absent from our spiritual intent. Only through the heartfelt conversion process, by anointing, laying on of hands, by teaching and churching the individual, can one become spiritually fed, and start making your spirit grow to be useful. Non-believers would totally misunderstand our website of all our points and intentions. All our points and intentions are strictly Spiritual, and demands freedom to enjoy the purity of the Gospel (like our early Pilgrim Fathers). With the Spiritual warfare going on you’ll need your Spiritual eyes and ears activated, and your spirit fed daily, and nourished in order to utilize the word of God (also preserved in the King James Version) for His path of victory. Our spiritual ears must be intently listening, eyes fully open and heart completely willing, and desires to be completely obedient to do all that He has commanded, as “Віра приходить, ЧУХАЮЧИ ГОВОРЕНЕ СЛОВО” (Romans 10:17). As faith comes through hearing (and obeying) it may be good to begin by hearing His word taught. If you don’t have a good assembly that teaches His pure word, you can begin by слухати наші mp3. You’ll need to put on your Spiritual armor and wield your Spiritual weaponry against the spiritual devils that control “spiritual wickedness in high places” and have “high things that exalt themselves against the knowledge of God”. As it says in Revelation, they only attack those who have the testimony of Jesus(YAHWEH Yashua) and His Commandments. Both of these items (Jesus and the Commandments) are the criteria for engaging in the struggle (Rev. 12:7). Yes the Eternal God YAHWEH and all of His unchanging word is to be honored. The articles at the Christ’s Assembly and Watchman News and even our whole library is intended for fully converted and mature Christians who know how to worship God in the balance of spirit and truth. It’s for those who have already said the sinners prayer (turned and repented from all sin) and have received and do nourish their born again Spirit that was purchased for them by the blood of the Lamb. Everything is Spiritual that we deal with. So our intentions are only to be properly understood if you have been Spiritually “Born Again” (unless God is somehow really calling you to these truths and to the saving knowledge of Jesus and His laws. All creation agrees that His law is good). We advise for all who are not believers, to become converted at your nearest local Christian church (one that still holds to basic fundamentals) before reading any further. After being born again and growing until you no longer need milk, but need strong meat, you’ll then be ready for a great number of our articles. However, don’t let it slow you down, you can also call us and a minister will guide you through this conversion process, at 866-477-6811. If you reach voicemail, leave your name and number, and say you want to give your life to Jesus Christ, and recieve that His blood has paid for your sin(and the sin of Adam) and you want to be empowered to live the new life by His word, as found in the Holy Scriptures. If you have confessed this short statement to us, then we will say congratulations, you’ve taken the first step and we will work with you in the new life in Christ, leaving your old life behind. You can also go to our “new believers” section for more information on giving your life to Christ. Don’t think God can never forgive you. Say this “sinners prayer” today and turn from all sin with all your heart. All the scattered True Israel nations can return to be grafted back in to His wonderful laws of liberty that He has given for our benefit and covenant promises for many more blessings. God’s contact to earth is made possible through His Son Jesus the Christ, and to His covenant nations to be empowered all to be sovereign royal priests wherever they live.
If you’re a new believer, please call 866-477-6811 to pray together with a Minister. Or use our “сторінка контактів”Призначити зустріч. Існує кілька мудреців членства. Якщо ви не можете знайти асамблею, яка б поклонялась у суботу і викладала заповіді, тоді, будь ласка, слухайте наші mp3, поки не знайдете її. Також зауважте, ми допомагаємо постійно запускати нові збірки.
Слово расизм було винайдено масовими вбивствами комуністів (які вбили 66 мільйонів власних людей). Один із найзліших людей, який коли-небудь жив, Троцький, найбільший масовий вбивця Сталіна та Леніна, винайшов слово расизм. РАСИЗМ - КОМУНІСТИЧНЕ СЛОВО! Вони не просто позначили б вас як расиста, а вбили б вас. Як і сьогодні, так багато лівих лідерів у суспільстві говорять:Убити всіх білих людейІ вони кажуть, що хочуть вбити президента США, коли він ніколи не говорив нічого расистського. Усі вони не просто етикеткують своїх нападів, а часто і смертельними нападами на тих, кого вони називають расистами, які є найвіддаленішими від расизму.
То чи є у вас у словниковому запасі це комуністичне слово? Відповідно до законодавства США, вас можуть заарештувати і судити за підтримку комунізму та таких організацій-наступників, як ANTIFA. Можна стверджувати, що, використовуючи слово расизм для повалення уряду, можна посадити когось на 20 років тюрми. Нещодавно ми висвітлювали ті закони, які кількох мерів США можуть бути визнані винними, які в даний час складають змову з терористичними комуністичними організаціями з метою закриття ДВЗ та просування міст-заповідників.