Our Current Primace Elected 2015-Present Orthodox Church of the Culdees Rev. Dr. Stephen M.K. d’Guelph Brunswick ThD, PhD. (Main Lines of Apostolic succession found below) The inspirational life testimony of ++ Stephen is a larger topic, however here are the main ministry events in the Orthodox Church of the Culdees in as chronological with some […]
Category: Christian Israel Nationalism
AMERICAN NATIONAL TREE OF LIBERTY ANALYSIS THE ORGANIC TREE OF LIBERTY. (Not a GMO, hybridized / adulterated counterfeit, synthetic patented and non-Created species which in some Constitutionalist groups falsely consider it liberty.) True Original Liberty, American tree analysis Footnotes to follow. Only sin is bondage (all sins) and must condemn all sins equally as […]
Melchizedek Praise-Blessing of YAHWEH
There were so many great Nationalistic (tribal advancement) blessings YAHWEH bestowed upon Abraham to be a great Nation to bless the whole world, and through them they be blessed. 10 lost tribes got the majority of those blessings in the House of Joseph which are the branch who got the name Israel and 99% moved […]
Membership / Involvement and Subscription
Membership Application (23 questions for stage 1 inquirers) ..scroll down for sign-up page CLAIM YOUR FREE BRITISH ISRAEL BOOK! For a limited time! Scroll down, and use the below signup form to join our British Israel Book Club. If you wish to receive a hardcopy book, for free, then just send an email to info@st-andrewsocc.org. […]
Rep. Wolfenbuttel-Romanov Speaks on Repelling the Red Invasion
Rep. Wolfenbuttel-Romanov Speaks on Repelling the Red Invasion WATCH on Youtube To the Church-State Royal Priesthood of all born into Christ (Baptized and confessed etc). A solution to our predicament through the inheritance and like-minded freedom of association. A message on how so many traitors against their God, their Nation, Church and Families has resulted […]
“Our Scythian Ancestors” by E W Filmer
OUR SCYTHIAN ANCESTORS By W. Edmund Filmer B.A. WITHIN half a century of the House of Israel going into exile, the Scythians were mentioned for the first time in any historical document. These documents, which date from the reign of Esarhaddon, King of Assyria (681-669 B.C.), were recovered from the archives of Nineveh and are […]
“Tamar Tephi: or the Maid of Destiny.” The great romance of the Royal House of Britain by J Dunham-Massey with notes by J J Pearson (1924)
Jeremiah, Ireland, the Stone of Scone, and the English Kings … Tamar Tephi: or The Maid of Destiny. The Great Romance of the Royal House of Britain. BY JOHN DUNHAM-MASSEY, A.M.Inst.C.E. WITH NOTES BY JOHN J. PEARSON. Second and Revised Edition. London: THE COVENANT PUBLISHING CO, LTD. 1924. “Truth is oft-times stranger than fiction.” […]
The United States of America Foretold in the Holy Scriptures by Rev F E Pitts (1857)
The United States Of America Foretold In The Holy Scriptures by Rev. F. E. Pitts Feb. 22 and 23, 1857 A DEFENSE OF ARMAGEDDON or Our Great Country Foretold In The Holy ScripturesBy F. E. PITTS of Nashville, Tennessee In two discourses delivered in the capitol of the United States, at the […]
Manasseh, the Double-portion Inheritor by J H Allen
Manasseh, the Double-portion Inheritor by R. J. H. Allen Author of Judah Sceptre and Joseph’s Birthright, 1902 The Case Stated In our former works we have shown that as descendants of Joseph, son of Jacob, the people of these United States of America have for a portion of their inheritance a part in the oath-bound covenant […]
The Queen’s Descent from King David the Psalmist by Rev A Grimaldi (1885)
Is there a King still sitting on the Throne of Judah?… THE QUEEN’S ROYAL DESCENT FROM KING DAVID THE PSALMIST A. B. Grimaldi: THE possible descent of Queen Victoria from King David was first entered upon in the present day by Rev. F. R A. Glover, M.A. (“England the Remnant of Judah.” London, 1861). He did […]
The Early British Church, from the book “Celt, Druid and Culdee” by Elder
The Gospel to Britain #2 Christianity in the first centuries AD in Britain From the book “Celt, Druid and Culdee” (1973) by Isabel Hill Elder THE EARLY BRITISH CHURCH THE name by which the British Church was first known in these islands was the Culdee Church, the natural result of Christianity having been introduced by […]
Read JUDAH’S SCEPTRE AND JOSEPH’S BIRTHRIGHT pt1, a Classic British Israel Book
The Orthodox Church of the Culdees is pleased to present you with a Classic British Israel book, entitled “Judah’s Sceptre and Joseph’s Birthright” – free PDF, click to read/download. You can also read the online text version below. Otherwise buy the book in print: “Judah’s Sceptre and Joseph’s Birthright” available on amazon.com We believe you […]
Merging of the Official “Zion” Known as Western Christendom with the Geographical Zion/Salem
Latest update February 2022: Brunswick Continuing Knights Templar House of the Original Angevin Royals’ branch, with full Royal protections of the Templar, incl. fons honorum by Rev Dr Stephen MK Brunswick, OCC Pub 2021 Announcement: This is a true Templar message for the day in which we live, Deus Vult (Note: the Templar worshipped in […]
Drama of Lost Disciples, Jesus’ Disciples to Britain #1 – Page One
Drama of the Lost Disciples (Jesus’ Disciples) to Britain #1 PDF Book version: or Download “Drama of the Lost Disciples” by Jowett to read the pdf offline. Below is the text only version The Introduction Drama of Lost Disciples #2 – Part 2 Drama of Lost Disciples #3 – Part 3 THE DRAMA OF […]
Welsh and Celto-Saxon Kings Protecting Glastonbury (and the religion of the Culdees)
A Chapter taken from our booklet on Celtic Ecclesiology, the Married Abbots and Clerics of the Orthodox Culdee. Full text is found at https://celticorthodoxy.com/2017/05/glastonbury-married-cleric-monks/ Welsh and Celto-Saxon Kings Protecting Glastonbury Peace to their shades! the pure Culdees Were Albyn’s earliest priests of God, Ere yet an island of her seas By foot of Saxon monk […]
Consequences of the Feds Claim to “Focus on White Supremacy”
Consequences of the Feds Claim to “Focus on White Supremacy” (Singling out people on the basis of white skin color alone to mistreat them disproportionately to others.) All races of the world love to think there is something special about their own people who should be preserved. A basic instinct of every living creature has […]
*Audio lesson: “Satan’s Demise, A Lesson on the Biblical Races, and Spiritual Cherubic Orders, Pre-Adamic World”, Priory of Salem
For all those redeemed in Christ, learn about our higher calling. Today we’re playing the message “Satan’s Demise, A Lesson on the Biblical Races, and Spiritual Cherubic Orders, Pre-Adamic World” at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GcLu4kLKvhk&t=4483s (Note: The first minutes of the audio was a little choppy. We hope to clean some of these up as we digitize the […]
110 Marks of Israel, Bible References Identifying the Difference Between True Israel (Saxon Christendom) and False (Idumea, a people of God’s curse)
110 Marks of Israel by Lt. Col. J.G. Wright Foreward by the Association of Covenant People: Colonel Wright was born in a small community in Ontario in 1877 but moved to Toronto where he graduated from the University of Toronto. He held a number of civic offices and was very active in military circles. He […]
Confederate Grandfathers of Rev Stephen MK Brunswick, Confederacy Soldiers
From Rev Dr Stephen MK Brunswick, at our office on Dixieland Rd: Counting here only my US Confederacy ancestors, the ones who fought as Soldiers. These are mostly just GG Grandpa. However some were GGG (3x!), and one is my GGGG Grandpa. (My Confederate America Nott lines are founders of the original government of America […]
Ending the Red Fascist Communist Occupation of the “Systemic White Supremacist” Nation. Priory of Salem, Institute of Peace Studies
A short lecture by Rev Dr Stephen MK Brunswick, Dean, Priory of Salem, Institute of Peace Studies: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VhKHOAfiK6k Till the Immigration Act of 1965, the precedent remained that only Whites could become US Citizens. People born after Obama in Hawaii in the 1960’s have also been stripped of their US citizenship as recent as the […]
Saint Brendan(the Culdee)’s Voyage to America in the 6th Century
Today our Church of the Culdees remembers Saint Brendan. Below you’ll find an article on the plausibility of his voyage. One of many such articles. St Brendan was a companion of St Columba, who also prayed for their search for the Isle of the Blessed, exchanged gifts, and supported each other in ministry. They were […]
The Jerusalem Church Moved To Britain, and the Apostolic See of Glastonbury, later called the “Second Rome”. Many 1st-2nd Century British Saints attest to this, see attached PDF of Saints
Succession of the Jersalem Bishops and Church. A study from the Priory of Salem Institute of Theology Many people are unaware of how much authority Saint Joseph (Christ’s uncle, the doctor of the Sanhedrin) had. He was widely recognized as the most eligible heir to the throne and crown of King David. Many thought he […]
Honoring of St Gall and St Othmar in the Orthodox Church of the Culdees
St Gall (a Culdee Disciple of St Columbanus) In tradition of the high Franko-Gothic Nobles, the Monastic Rule of Saint Columbanus(the Irish Culdee Missionary), was continuously promulgated in the farthest corners of the Germanic Empire. At the early foundation, with the Kings of the Carolingian Empire, these great Celtic schools became the bedrock of our […]
Numerous Ancient Manuscripts Confirming St. Joseph (of the Sanhedrin) Founded the British Hebrew Priesthood at Glastonbury in 36AD
These days it has become popular, and the google ranking system seems to prefer these “new” sources who have agendas to ignore the older authentic records of Joseph at Glastonbury. There are now mostly authors that ignore the 1st-4th Century writings that were the original sources for the later historians they attack as being only […]