Category: Humanitarian Projects

The Forgotten German Land: Why Kaliningrad Must Be Restored to Its Rightful Sovereign

The Forgotten German Land: Why Kaliningrad Must Be Restored to Its Rightful Sovereign Russia’s Ethnic Cleansing of Germans and the Ongoing Occupation of East Prussia For over a thousand years, German influence dominated East Prussia. From its conquest by the Teutonic Order in the 13th century to its role as a key German province, it […]

Russia’s Return to Germany? Only Fighting “Nazis”? the 1994 Russian bases in Germany

Main Russian Military Bases in Germany till 1994. Putin as KGB agent based in Germany.   The Hidden Russian Agenda: Germany and Ukraine Under Covert Occupation Threat For decades, Russia has covertly maintained influence in Germany, long after the Soviet Union’s formal military withdrawal in 1994. Now, through its weaponized use of the term “Nazi”, […]

An Exploding Phone Near You? subcontracting companies still go unchecked

  An Exploding Phone Near You by Dr Stephen MK Brunswick, Editor I’d like to make you aware (if you haven’t seen the news) one of the least discussed security threats. The components of your phone, and firmware subject to be weaponized by enemy nations. This isn’t just about exploding phones, there are more […]

Kelly’s Irish Brigade, Celtic Confederates

The History of Kelly’s Irish Brigade, and Recruitment Song The Confederate Irish Brigade. Kelly’s Irish Brigade and Recruitment Song. An effective unit of Irish Confederates which started at Missouri. Download original PDF from Report from the Military Order of the Stars and Bars: Colonel Joseph Kelly, an Irish immigrant organized the Washington Blues in […]

Hebrew Roots Enthusiasts

We believe those of Hebrew Roots backgrounds will get along well with us. We ourselves are Hebrew Roots Enthusiasts. Although we have more of a focus on more the British Israelism aspects, that is merely because thousands of books have been published on the topic from that aspect. A classic book being “Judah’s Sceptre, Joseph’s […]

Are You Promoting Kamala-Communism?

I must remind all those who are speaking out against Trump voters (stealth Kamala Communists). Especially all those “holier than thou” types. You’re advocates for the “Kamala communism” which is based on a fantasy of miracles that magically you will have exactly an equal pay as each illegal immigrant who crosses the border. A reminder […]

Psychological Warfare Attacks of Toxic Over-positivity

We believe that positivity is good and important, in balance. However some have fallen prey and become foot soldiers of enemies of America in the name of a false notion of positivity. There are very real military psyops (pychological operations) done by foreign enemy nations which falsify, hijack and manipulate their enemies under their doctrines […]

“Old Races” or Pre-Adamites, the Most Scientific, Biblical and Respectful Theory for all Races

Is there a good spiritual basis in the dominant Christian separatist doctrine that kept nearly 100% of America’s churches racially segregated through the 1960s? The below genetics studies, mainstream Universities and theology textbooks, demonstrate that the non-white races did not descend from the 6,000 year old Adamic-man but were part of the “older races”. This […]

1st Century Irish Druids Incorporated Hebrew Christianity at Glastonbury Under Direction of the King of Ulster

In the 1922 Cambridge printed book titled, “St. Joseph at Arimathea at Glastonbury” written by the Vicar of Glastonbury, Reverend Smithett Lewis, it says that as early as 48 AD Conor Macnessa, the King of Ulster sent all of his druidic priests to the Isle of Avalon on a special mission to write down all […]

Pope Reaffirms ban on same-sex couples

Lets take the chance now to let the light shine before this one gets way out of hand for this generation. The sooner orderly conduct can get restored the better. Lets not let the lies of Chris Christie go unchecked. He very irresponsibly (and conveniently) said that the pope now “endorses blessings on same sex […]

Tracing Our Ancestors (British Israel book of the month)

For our British Israel book club subscribers (local or online members), the book of the month is “Tracing Our Ancestors” by Frederick Haberman. Freely available for download below. Contact us if you wish to order copies As Paul told the Greeks: “do not be ignorant that your ancestors were with crossed the red sea” […]

State Monuments now being destroyed by church networks!

From the Desk of Dr Stephen MK Brunswick Prior, St Andrew’s OCC Priory of Salem, Institute of Peace Studies Dear Church, I recorded the following audio response Responding to the LEFTIST RADICAL TREACHERY OF SOME PREACHERS Promoting the: ILLEGAL PROJECT OF “SWORDS INTO PLOWSHEARS” I’m reaching out to at-risk areas, where the current trends […]

Some inconvenient news you may have missed 10/26/2023

Daily Nationalistic News For Christian Europeans main feed page: With the MILLIONS upon Millions of Muslim Jihadists in WESTERN CHRISTIAN COUNTRIES marching in support of Hamas at our capitals, it seems the Templar need to restore our safety zones not only at home but at the Holy Land.   The Brunswick Templar Commandery will assess […]

Hijacked America: “The Secrets of the Federal Reserve” and more worse foreign financial threats

Download the PDF or read online “The Secrets of the Federal Reserve” by Eustace Mullins. This important topic of the foreign private ownership of America’s money system came up in a recent article ADL Represents All Enemy Nations’ “Unrestricted Warfare” Against America. In that article we briefly exposed some of the ADL Crimes where they […]

ADL Represents All Enemy Nations’ “Unrestricted Warfare” Against America

Full Article: “Behind the Mask of Respectability: The truth about the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith – THE RACIST JEWISH MAFIA!” Priory of Salem – Institute of Peace Studies, O.C.C. (Est. 2011 at Mt Gibeon / Shiloh Israel, a Humanitarian Mission of the Brunswick Grand Commandery, Order of Knights Templar.) (Editor’s note:  A lot of […]

Birth of a Nation, Account of Battle of Bull Run, by Dr Josiah C. Nott

by Dan Masters    In July 1861, Dr. Josiah Clark Nott of Mobile, Alabama was spending his summer with his family in Virginia. As events seemed to point to a clash of arms in northern Virginia, Dr. Nott traveled north to join the Southern army and share in its fortunes.     Besides being noted as […]

The Orthodox Church at Ireland (Celtic Orthodox inspiration of the Saxon Anglican church).

It’s tragic that so many say that the Orthodox Church had not come to Ireland prior to the 1960s (when the new definition of Orthodox / world council of churches version, dominated by actual Bolshevist & Soviet installed bishops, when they had finally arrived in Ireland)! However the Benedictine order is considered Orthodox, as predating […]

Additional Journals and Booklets on the British Israel topic

In addition to the journals we mentioned at “British Israelism” Teaching in All Generations of Christendom and referencing the article by the late Pastor Alan Campbell, “The True and Noble Origins of the Anglo-Israel Message”, we’d like to make you aware of several more published by Sacred Truth Ministries. Watchmen of Israel, first printed 1921, Boston, Mass (STM […]

Eva Vlaardingerbroek latest headline news

Latest Info, What’s up with Eva Vlaardingerbroek. So many are unaware from the key points bringing this kind Christian lady to action. Thousands of farms stolen in the Netherlands, social upheaval, the foreign Marxist takeover of the true power of the representatives etc. Misconceptions about the 2030 agenda are dispelled with a quick analysis of […]

Male-Only Frank/Merovingian Ancient Genealogy of the NW German / Carolingian Emperors

Male-only line genealogical line of the Frankish Merovingian Dynasty of the Carolingian Emperors. A study backed by conclusive DNA testing. Our legitimist philosophy rooted in living Sovereign domains and International law The following line of Kings is one of the most confirmed DNA / Haplogroup family of Kings ever recorded. 10 of the Kings’ dna […]

Children Suing Hospitals For Forced Castration Crimes

From the Desk of Dr Brunswick I told you it’s really coming. The kids are going to sue them for the injuries and damages of these forced castrations (I did 3 videos on this topic). There will be no “on the fence” while the kids steamroll over all these evil crimes against nature, against God’s […]

Health Freedom Resources

Organizations you may wish to work with towards your health freedom and informed consent Health Freedom Groups Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North […]

John Nott de Arden’s Bye-law against usury, as Sheriff and Mayor of London

John Notte’s Bye-law against Usury (still invoked from time to time). The Sheriff John Nott (of the ancient Vicecommital house of 4 counties that overlap the Mercian circle of Kineton, continuing for Centuries as Lords of Solihull, etc of the Arden’s Saxon Royal inheritance), during his elected term as Lord Mayor he made a bye-law […]

Should Women be Forcibly Drafted to War? God’s Law on the Military Draft and Warfare by Sheldon Emry

military draft, God's Bible law

Great booklet by a former Washington DC Lobbyist Sheldon Emry. Who should be drafted? Should all women be equally drafted to war (by force) as they’re proposing? Download the PDF and/or share the url. Should Women be Forcibly Drafted to Equally Serve in Heavy Combat Warfare? How will we look as a people, seeing thousands […]