Daily Nationalistic Headlines: US, UK, EU News Pages

Premier: Galicia-Volhynia Sovereignty in the House of Wolfenbuttel-Brunswick

Dynastic Succession and Sovereignty Claims in Galicia, Volhynia (Lodomeira), and Lviv (Leopolis): The Piast, Bohemian, Hungarian, and Brunswick Inheritances

link: https://watchman.news/2025/02/succession-in-the-kingdom-of-galicia-lodomeira-and-lviv-in-the-house-of-brunswick/

The Forgotten German Land: Why Kaliningrad Must Be Restored to Its Rightful Sovereign

Kaliningrad Must be restored to its rightful sovereign and legitimate successor of the Duchy of East Prussia and other German States which never surrendered sovereignty (ie Wolfenbuttel-Brunswick in exile, with multiple treaties for consolidating German states as Emperor over a new German Empire). 

Read the article at: https://watchman.news/2025/02/the-forgotten-german-land-why-kaliningrad-must-be-restored-to-its-rightful-sovereign/

Russia’s Return to Germany? Only Fighting “Nazis”? the 1994 Russian bases in Germany


Is the British Govt getting sacked by the Islamic Sex-ring (documented millions of English girls raped / groomed) Scandals that they can no longer ignore? Will we be seeing resignations, as happened in Canada?

Till now we’ve all been banned, scorned, violently attacked, censored, ostracized whenever we responded to the rape crisis across Europe and the UK. These rapes were endorsed in the Imams’ official declarations. We responded to the Cologne New Years Rape-fest where hundreds of girls were raped in public. Trump also called it out during his 2016 run and the left attacked him on it. The Imams declared open season for rape on CNN and other outlets. They made an endorsement of raping any Western women who are not covering their faces with islamic scarves. These mandates from the Imams were copied to the UK, Netherlands and Australia. CNN and other major news asked the Imams in each of these countries if they would apologize. Each time their leaders were confronted they “doubled down” with more incitements to rape. This was confirmed as the official position from their main Mosques. So we at Priorat von Salem, Institut für Friedensforschung sent the Rape Ceasefire agreement which named the no-go zones of France and Sweden to be used as a model to bring the situation under control.
Europeans & Brits For Trump 2020! (Was 2008-2016, Republicans Abroad) also took on the issue.
Our “Rape Ceasefire” deal was also sent to the EU Parliament widely, the German and UK members of Parliament were sent copies by email and very few responded.

We’re hoping and praying that finally the lid is blown off this. They can’t keep imprisoning Britain First members, Nick Griffin’s Templar Order members, slandering UKIP reps, EDL, National Front, and many more.
They can’t keep doing that for ever, the truth will still catch up. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gll0Insl520 (I will tag some more later, forward this one to your friends).

Will God Use Trump to Liberate True Israel Christendom? w/ Dr Stephen MK Brunswick

Is God using Trump to restore and protect True Israel Christendom? Keep praying, we still got a long long way to go! (note if I tagged you, only you can see it. If you want your friends to see it then you have to go to Watchman News and share this video from there) Glory to Jesus our King of Kings, may His absolute Monarchies / Theocracies be restored, as is the requirement of His laws given by Christ.

Download the fact sheet: PDF version: “Illegal Alien Voter Fact Sheet PDF

Webpage version: Illegal Alien Voter Fact Sheet Webpage

Welcome to OUR *DAILY* NEWS PAGE www.Watchman.News. 100+ DAILY News Headlines for the US, UK and EU Christian Nationalists. Uncensored, Updated Hourly! Our King Jesus tells us to “Watch continually and pray”.


Major Disclosure by well known MTV Host Doctor: “Foot-Long Blood Clots” From mRNA (fake vaccines), Says Pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole w/ Dr Kelly Victory – Ask Dr. Drew

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Please take care and pray His nationalistic prayer of Christendom as we occupy till the King returns.

Alert: Strange Effects Manifesting From the “new strand” of DNA / mRNA vax injections Alert: Study Confirms 100% of mRNA Vax Recipients Have Heart Implications.

Alert: 13 Reasons to Have State Attorney Generals Seize and Destroy All COVID-19 mRNA Bioweapons

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Also on youtube: Stopping illegal alien voter fraud, proof and solutionhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WnKdun1hxwM