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HOMEPAGE-VORWORT: Sie werden die Förderung von Greueln und Gotteslästerungen von unserer Kirche nicht hören. "In diesen Tagen" sagen einige Leute, dass unsere orthodoxen Überzeugungen die Herde zerstreuen werden. Künstliche Traditionen mögen das tun, aber wir haben nur Gottes Wort bei unserer Versammlung. Es gibt „keine private Interpretation seines Wortes der Schrift“ 2Peter 1:20, aber es wird weit verbreitet gelehrt […]

Debunking the Kabbala Quote Against Trump

There are some people out there saying Trump became a kabbalist. This is a flat out lie. These take a piece of text out context from Trump’s book “The Way to the Top” published in 2004. Those weren’t Trump’s words about himself, that was what someone else said, which was printed in that book, it’s […]

Judge Napolitano/Judging Freedom 2/6/2025

Daily News from Col Douglas MacGregor’s site https://futuredefensevisions.blogspot.com Judge Napolitano/Judging Freedom 2/6/2025 by http://futuredefensevisions.blogspot.com/2025/02/judge-napolitanojudging-freedom-262025.html COL. Douglas Macgregor : Can the U.S. Own Gaza? Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/video/J149K4nvvBme YouTube: https://youtu.be/ndT3ZWvjmCY Come back to https://Watchman.News for news updates every hour. Find news from many other outlets that work on a standpoint of National Conservatism.

MOATS episode #419 on 2/5/2025

Daily News from Col Douglas MacGregor’s site https://futuredefensevisions.blogspot.com MOATS episode #419 on 2/5/2025 by http://futuredefensevisions.blogspot.com/2025/02/moats-episode-419-on-252025.html George Galloway interviews Colonel Macgregor regarding President Trump Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/video/QLkDHtGuMF9c YouTube:  https://youtu.be/F-IQbAqFFkI Come back to https://Watchman.News for news updates every hour. Find news from many other outlets that work on a standpoint of National Conservatism.

Judge Napolitano / Judging Freedom 2/4/2025

Daily News from Col Douglas MacGregor’s site https://futuredefensevisions.blogspot.com Judge Napolitano / Judging Freedom 2/4/2025 by http://futuredefensevisions.blogspot.com/2025/02/judge-napolitano-judging-freedom-242025.html COL. Douglas Macgregor : Trump and His Oligarchs. Bitchute:  https://www.bitchute.com/video/YQkDHFX1XNCm YouTube: https://youtu.be/ynys-ZMQnN4 Come back to https://Watchman.News for news updates every hour. Find news from many other outlets that work on a standpoint of National Conservatism.

Daniel Davis / Deep Dive 2/4/2025

Daily News from Col Douglas MacGregor’s site https://futuredefensevisions.blogspot.com Daniel Davis / Deep Dive 2/4/2025 by http://futuredefensevisions.blogspot.com/2025/02/daniel-davis-deep-dive-242025.html   Ukraine Russia Peace Talks: Trump Wants Kyiv’s Minerals Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/video/HZmMM14G1ox1 YouTube: https://youtu.be/kzzLiq7rSlM The presentation discusses the geopolitical and financial implications of the Ukraine-Russia war, particularly in relation to U.S. involvement and economic interests. Key points include: U.S. Financial […]

Regarding Monarch-led churches—a hallmark of Orthodoxy—East and West

From the Appendix to the book “Saturday Rest: Embracing the Christian Sabbath in Orthodox Faith” Regarding Monarch-led churches—a hallmark of Orthodoxy—East and West A vital point for those questioning the British ecclesiastical practice is the longstanding tradition of monarch-led church leadership. Some skeptics doubt the legitimacy of having the head of state serve as the […]

Is U.S. Hegemony Over? – What Comes Next Will Shock You 2/2/2025

Daily News from Col Douglas MacGregor’s site https://futuredefensevisions.blogspot.com Is U.S. Hegemony Over? – What Comes Next Will Shock You 2/2/2025 by http://futuredefensevisions.blogspot.com/2025/02/is-us-hegemony-over-what-comes-next.html https://republic.us/people-news/19801 Today on The Jay Martin Show, Jay is joined by Colonel Douglas Macgregor, Dr. Pippa Malmgren, and Dr. Pascal Lottaz to debate whether Washington’s narrative about U.S. power is collapsing. As global […]

No ‘death’ for diversity: How DEI is being rebranded

Daily News from Edmund Burke Foundation(NL)’s “NationalConservatism.org” The National Conservatism Conferences and study group represents a rich source of intellectual capacity for advancing good in the earth. Numerous conferences, essays and reports are uploaded regularly to the site. Come back to https://Watchman.News for news updates every hour. Find news from many other outlets that work […]

Russia’s Return to Germany? Only Fighting “Nazis”? the 1994 Russian bases in Germany

Main Russian Military Bases in Germany till 1994. Putin as KGB agent based in Germany.   The Hidden Russian Agenda: Germany and Ukraine Under Covert Occupation Threat For decades, Russia has covertly maintained influence in Germany, long after the Soviet Union’s formal military withdrawal in 1994. Now, through its weaponized use of the term “Nazi”, […]

Redacted with Clayton Morris 1/29/2025

Daily News from Col Douglas MacGregor’s site https://futuredefensevisions.blogspot.com Redacted with Clayton Morris 1/29/2025 by http://futuredefensevisions.blogspot.com/2025/01/redacted-with-clayton-morris-1292025.html What will the role of the U.S. Military be at the Southern Borders?  Peace talks with Russia?  Rebuilding the Pentagon….   Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/video/GWFUvTNfjqBm YouTube:  https://youtu.be/_BzNVbpNes0 Come back to https://Watchman.News for news updates every hour. Find news from many other outlets that […]

Judge Napolitano/Judging Freedom 1/29/2025

Daily News from Col Douglas MacGregor’s site https://futuredefensevisions.blogspot.com Judge Napolitano/Judging Freedom 1/29/2025 by http://futuredefensevisions.blogspot.com/2025/01/judge-napolitanojudging-freedom-1292025.html COL. Douglas Macgregor : Trump and War. Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/video/BKkkqrUN1jT2 YouTube:  https://youtu.be/pyhRreFVRaE Come back to https://Watchman.News for news updates every hour. Find news from many other outlets that work on a standpoint of National Conservatism.

Stephen Gardner 1/28/2025

Daily News from Col Douglas MacGregor’s site https://futuredefensevisions.blogspot.com Stephen Gardner 1/28/2025 by http://futuredefensevisions.blogspot.com/2025/01/stephen-gardner-1282025.html   Trump’s move TODAY caused HUGE PANIC! Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/video/2oLUV4ztT7iv YouTube: https://youtu.be/KsqGqSGce_I Come back to https://Watchman.News for news updates every hour. Find news from many other outlets that work on a standpoint of National Conservatism.

Daniel Davis/Deep Dive 1/28/2025

Daily News from Col Douglas MacGregor’s site https://futuredefensevisions.blogspot.com Daniel Davis/Deep Dive 1/28/2025 by http://futuredefensevisions.blogspot.com/2025/01/daniel-davisdeep-dive-1282025.html   Col Doug Magregor: Ukraine Russia War-Trump’s Limited Options for Peace Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/video/M913LMxjiufc YouTube:  https://youtu.be/rqbonZ7K65w Come back to https://Watchman.News for news updates every hour. Find news from many other outlets that work on a standpoint of National Conservatism.

The Orthodox Identity of the British Church and Anglicanism

The Orthodox Identity of the British Church and Anglicanism This document explores the foundational argument that the British Church and Anglicanism are inherently Orthodox, rooted in apostolic continuity, doctrinal integrity, and liturgical validity. The British Church is not seeking recognition but reasserting its historical and theological identity as an Orthodox jurisdiction since the earliest centuries. […]

Judge Napolitano 1/23/2025

Daily News from Col Douglas MacGregor’s site https://futuredefensevisions.blogspot.com Judge Napolitano 1/23/2025 by http://futuredefensevisions.blogspot.com/2025/01/judge-napolitano-1232025.html   The Coming World War III Bitchute:  https://www.bitchute.com/video/jHrtQPAte4Od YouTube:  https://youtu.be/vRVkJ91OVnA Come back to https://Watchman.News for news updates every hour. Find news from many other outlets that work on a standpoint of National Conservatism.

Assisted dying bill: The right to die cannot be contained as Canada’s experience shows

Daily News from Edmund Burke Foundation(NL)’s “NationalConservatism.org” The National Conservatism Conferences and study group represents a rich source of intellectual capacity for advancing good in the earth. Numerous conferences, essays and reports are uploaded regularly to the site. Come back to https://Watchman.News for news updates every hour. Find news from many other outlets that work […]