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The Lost Disciples to Britain #3

The Glory in the Name

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by George Jowett (1961)



     AFTER the Kimmerians had settled in the Isles of the West
they were known to the rest of the world by another name. The
name held no affinity with their racial title by which ancient
ethnologists identified them. In many respects the name was more
of a sobriquet which they appeared willingly to accept.
     They became referred to as "British." Why were they so
     What was so different about the Kimmerii, or their way of
life, that actuated other nations to christen them with this
strange surname that was - ever to identify them before the
world, both ancient and modern, even to the subjection of their
racial name?
     Ancient chroniclers leave no doubt that it was the religious
beliefs and customs of the Kimmerians that set them markedly
apart from all other faiths. It was diametrically opposed to all
other religions of that time. They believed in One Invisible God,
and the coming of a Messiah. They had no graven images, abhorring
the sight of idols. They always worshipped in the open, facing
the east. They had a passionate belief in the immortality of
life, to such an extent that both friend and foe claimed this
belief made them fearless warriors, disdainful of death.

     The religious ritual that appeared to make the greatest
impression on the foreign historians was their custom of carrying
a replica of the Ark of the Covenant before them in all religious
observances, as did their forefathers in old Judea. For
centuries, as the Kymri passed through foreign lands in migratory
waves on their march to the Isles of the West, the chroniclers
noted that this custom was never omitted.
     It was this ritual that gave birth to their British surname.
The name British is derived from the ancient Hebrew language,
with which the old Cymric language was contemporaneous. Formed
from two words, 'B'rith' meaning 'covenant', and 'ish' meaning a
man or a woman. Joined as one. word the meaning is apparent
'British' means a 'covenant man or woman'. The ancient word 'vin'
attached to the word 'B'rith', signifies 'land', therefore the
interpretation of the word 'Britain', as then and still employed,
is 'Covenant Land'.
     Unknowingly, the ancients named the Keltoi rightly. They
were, and still are, the original adherents of the Covenant Law.
With the later adoption of Christianity, and the name Christian,
a startling new interpretation presented itself. The 'Covenant
People' became the 'Consecrated People', living in the 'Covenant
Land'. This carries the implication that by the vicarious
atonement the British were consecrated in the Covenant Law and
initiated to be the advance guard of Christianity, to evangelize
the world in the name of Jesus Christ.


     From a close study of their religious beliefs everything
points to the fact that the Kimmerians held fast to the
patriarchal faith of the Old Testament. Many eminent scholars
point out the great similarity between the ancient Hebrew
patriarchal faith and the Druidic of Britain.
     Sir Norman Lockyer, in "Stonehenge and Other British Stone
Monuments" (p. 252), writes: "I confess I am amazed at the
similarities we have come across." Edward Davies, in "Mythology
and Rites of the British Druids" (Pref., p. 7), states: "I must
confess that I have not been the first in representing the
Druidical as having had some connection with the patriarchal
     Wm. Stukeley, in his book "Abury" (Pref., p. I), affirms
after a close study of the evidence: "I plainly discerned the
religion professed by the ancient Britons was the simple
patriarchal faith."
     Earlier testimony also affirms. Procopius of Caesarea, in
his "History of the Wars" (A.D. 530), says: "Jesus Taran, Bel -
One only God. All Druids acknowledge One Lord God alone" (De
Gothicis, bk. 3).
     Julius Caesar wrote, 54 B.C.: "The Druids make the
immortality of the soul the basis of all their teaching, holding
it to be the principal incentive and reason for a virtuous life"
(Gallic War, VI, I4).

     It is a curious fact that the British title was never
conferred on their Keltoc kinsmen in Gaul, Ireland and Scotland.
Historically the people of Gaul were even referred to as Gauls -
Gallie and the land known as Gaul-Gallica, and Galatia, until the
coming of the Franks. It is believed that the Biblical version of
the Epistle to the Galatians was addressed to the Gauls of
Galatia. The inhabitants of Hibernia (Ireland) and Caledonia
(Scotland) retained both their geographical and original racial
name. The peoples of what is now England and Wales actually never
lost either. The land was always Britain and the inhabitants were
documented as British Celts. The Irish perpetuated the name Kelt
but the Scottish, while known to be Kelts, were called Gaels. One
immediately recognized the similarity between the name Gaul and
Gael - Gallic and Gaelic. Incidentally, the Gaels were the
original inhabitants of Iberia. After centuries of domicile in
Iberia, a large host migrated into Caledonia (Scotland), making
way for the constant flow of Kelts from the Continent, to Iberia
(or Hibernia), who retained the Irish title.
     Even though this distinction in names has always persisted,
the affinity between them was recognized. The islands were always
referred to as the Brittanic Isles even in ancient times.... Not
until the reign of James I, when the Irish and Scottish began to
be blended into a central Parliament, were the islands known as
the British Isles and the United Kingdom. Of later date is the
name Great Britain.
     This may appear confusing to some who more commonly speak of
the people of Britain as English and Welsh, and the race as
Anglo-Saxon. The national name English was never shared, or
employed to designate, the other inhabitants of the Isles. To
this day they each retain their Celtic clan title of Welsh, Irish
and Scottish, in spite of the fact that they all shared the title
of British citizens.


     The name Britain continued to name England and Wales, long
after the arrival of the Anglo-Saxons in A.D. 426. Not until the
invading Normans began to be domestically absorbed by the British
Kelts and Saxons did the Anglican title obtain ascendancy. From
the lesser used name Angle the national name took form to label
the land and its people, England. Strange as it may appear on
first thought, yet there are no misnomers in the various names
and titles. Racially the Kelts, Anglo-Saxons and Normans were but
separate tribal branches of the same Keltic race. This also
includes the Danes, who had invaded Britain in A.D. 787.
     Ethnologically the whole Keltic race is composed of the
Keltic-Saxon-Scandinavian stock. Historically the arrival of the
Danes, Saxons and Normans are referred to as invasions, but
actually it was a converging of the one race into their
predestined homeland, which to them and to the world became their
Motherland, Britain. Together they have grown in stature, wearing
the British title like a badge, in honour and with glory.
     The fact that the British name was singularly identified
with the people of England and Wales is more curious than
mysterious. As the history of ancient Britain unfolds before us
we can understand the reason more clearly. Irrevocably they were
bound together by the ties of language and religion. Cymric was
their mother tongue and each practised the Druidic religion.
Britain was the central headquarters of Druidism, to which all
paid tithe. It was by far the most populous and by its commerce
and industry was world renowned. What London is to Great Britain
today, Ottawa to Canada, and Washington to the United States, so
was Britain to the whole Keltic race. Largely, this was the
reason for other nations identifying the British name with
England. From the religious point of view, out of which the
British name arose, this island was entitled by priority to the
title. England was the first of the British Isles to be
inhabited. Before the Kelts arrived it was a virgin land devoid
of human habitation. It is claimed that the first settlers
arrived c. 3000 B.C. Druidism was nationally organized under the
capable leadership of Hu Gadarn, circa 1800 B.c., the period
given for the erection of Stonehenge, which is also ascribed to
Hu Gadarn. He was contemporaneous with Abraham. Like Abraham, Hu
Gadarn was the chief patriach of the people, known as Hu the

More: Dardanus’ line (of Troy) to France, from Ambassador College 
Thesis of Herman L Hoeh
     Looking backward over the many centuries we see the deep
significance for this Isle being named Britain and its people
British. We see destiny motivating these people in their course;
a greater will than their own subconsciously directing them to a
predestined land where, as Jeremiah had prophesied, they would
'plant the seed'. The climax was reached with the arrival of
Joseph of Arimathea and the Bethany group. From then on the
meaning of the word Motherland became apparent. England is the
only country in history to be naturally known as the Motherland.
     The long centuries had prepared it for its Christian
destiny. From its womb the Christian cause was born, cradled, and
carried to the world.


     We know that the Kelts were by commandment and custom not
given to committing anything religious to writing. Neither were
they permitted to build altars with the use of metal, or nails.
They were the true people of the Biblical 'Stone Kingdom'.
     A traditional custom that indelibly bound the Kelts with the
old patriarchal faith was the building of altars wherever they
rested on their trek to the Isles, a religious custom as marked
as the carrying of the Ark of the Covenant before them. Today
their passage across the world into the Isles can be clearly
traced by the relics of the altars they raised in stone, enduring
memorials to their great pilgrimage.
     This custom outlasted the ritual of the Ark, which was
abandoned with the acceptance of Jesus Christ. It lingers today
and, as then, only among the Keltic-Saxon people. In our times
the custom of erecting these memorials to some great historic
event is chiefly practised by the Scottish and the Canadians.
They comprise pyramids of stones piled to a peak and are known as
cairns. This is the Keltic name for the word used in the Bible,
'heaps', 'stones of witness'.

     The first stone altar in the Biblical record was erected by
Jacob, after his significant dream of the ascending ladder
between heaven and earth, known to all Christians as Jacob's
Ladder. He built it as a witness to his contact and covenant with
God on that occasion. Ever after the erection of such altars, or
cairns, became a religious custom of the wandering Hebrews and
Keltoi, as they passed through strange lands; a declaration and a
witness to their belief and faith in the covenant with the One
and Only Invisible God.


     Despite the evolution of names that identified the people
finally named British, the names have always been synonymous with
their heritage and religion. The name Kymri originated from King
Omri, founder of Samaria, the capital of Israel. The Assyrians
called their Israelite captives Beth-Omri, Beth Kymri and People
of the Ghomri, after their king. The Greeks called them
Kimmerioi. The Welsh are the only people today retaining the
ancient title as the people of the Cymri.
     In the British Museum can be seen the famous Black Obelisk
of Shalmaneser II. This important relic bears reference to the
captivity, and to all kings subject to the King of Assyria.
Amongst these rulers so subject was Jehu, called the 'son of
Omri', king of Israel. The obelisk is a series of twenty small
reliefs with long inscriptions. The second relief depicts 'the
son of Omri' on his knees, paying tribute in gold and silver in
obeisance to the Assyrian ruler.
     In Keltic the word Kymrii is still pronounced with the vowel
sound, K'Omri, and easily became Kymri, from which Kimmerii,
Kimmerians, Keltoi, Keltic and Cymri have evolved. Crimea, by
which that land is still known, is a corruption of Cimmeri. Vast
cemeteries have been disclosed in the Crimea in recent years
producing numerous monuments identifying the Kymry in name,
religion, and character with that area where they remained
centuries before marching on. 


    It is interesting to know that the Welsh are the only members of
the Keltic race that retained throughout time to the present the
original name Kymri. Today it is usually spelt Cymri, and their
ancient language Cymric. The Welsh have perpetuated their ancient
racial characteristics more than any member of the great
Celtic-Saxon-Scandinavian race. The people of ancient England
later became more Saxon in type. This could be due to the vast
influx of Engles, Frisians, Jutes and Saxons that settled in the
land following their invasion. Of these the Engles or Angles and
Saxons were by far the most numerous. However, each acted
according to their native disposition. All of them originated
from the northern kingdom of Samaria, where they were first led
by Ephraim.
     It should be remembered that the Ephraimites were the legal
inheritors of the title Israel and not Judah, or the Jews. In the
Bible the southern kingdom at Jerusalem and the northern kingdom
of Samaria are always addressed separately under different names,
Judah and Israel. Even God in His instructions refers to them as
such: 'Judah and His sanctuary and Israel His dominion' (Psa.
114:2). Consequently, as to be expected, the Ephraimites
continued to govern according to the patriarchal law. Originally,
Judah was part of the priestly sect, with the Levites, the latter
being the true dispensers of religious jurisdiction who were
divided between Judah and Israel, in service. Among the Kelts are
the descendants of the priestly group that served Ephraim, or
Israel, which is manifested throughout the ages by their deep
religious disposition. They also represented the professional
class - scientists, doctors, lawyers, etc. - which we find so
vigorously demonstrated in ancient Britain, in religion, industry
and commerce. The Ephraimites were the true warrior tribe of
Israel, the Defenders of the Faith, as they are today. The
Levites were not permitted to bear arms or serve in war; neither
were the Druids. Nevertheless, the Keltoi were famed as valiant
warriors. This was because there were enough of the warrior
Ephraimite clan among them to protect the Priesthood and
associates in the professions. It has been stated that the major
warrior legions of the Ephraimites were the last to leave
Samaria, protecting the westward trek of their brethren. This
could be true. History shows that even though the Kymri were
engaged in conflict during their passage they did not experience
one fraction of the combat as fought by the Ephraimites.

     The question arises, How do we connect the Saxons with the
Ephraimites and as brethren of the Kelts?

     It is aptly said that the Bible is the truest history book
ever written, to which the writer subscribes. Within Scripture we
find the clues which modern scientists, particularly the
detectives of science, the archaeologists, have proved to be
     When Isaac was born, God made a strange statement to Abram.
He said: 'In all that Sarah hath said unto thee, hearken unto her
voice; for in Isaac shall thy seed be called' (Gen. 21:12).
     Nowhere in the Biblical record are God's people so known.
Theologians either evaded the explanation, or were blind to the
meaning and to other statements later given by the prophets and
by our Lord on the matter. Isaiah and Jeremiah not only strongly
emphasized the fact but gave positive clues to their identity.
Jesus said He had come to 'the lost sheep' - Ephraim. He told the
Jews their inheritance was to be taken away from them and given
to another. Jesus could only give such an inheritance to God's
own people, since from the beginning they were bound within the
Covenant Law to carry out God's purpose on earth through the
Christ. His strongest commission He gave to St. Paul, to go to
the Gentiles who would receive Him. While St. Paul went to the
Gentiles, more directly and positively he went to the people of
Britain and ordained the first Christian Bishop in Britain, in
the name of Jesus.
     Jesus had said that the old law was finished in His
sacrifice. He came to fulfil the Law - the Covenant between God
and man. Until the British Druidic church and its peoples were
consecrated in 'The Way', they were as Gentiles. But of all the
peoples of the earth the only existing faith that was prepared
beforehand to accept Christ, and the only people to know His
name, and to speak it before Christ was born, were the British
     Christ knew to whom He was addressing Himself. St. Paul knew
to whom he was specifically directed, as we shall show by
historic fact. Joseph of Arimathea, from longer and closer
association with Jesus, knew, and to these people both these
great Apostles went.


     The Christian elect were to be known in the name of Isaac.
Are they so known? Most certainly they are, and the name is
     Equally as the excavated monuments and artifacts from the
Royal Cemeteries of the Crimea have positively identified the
Kymri by actual name, so have the ancient historians documented
the evolution of the Saxon name from Isaac in their records.
     Let us check farther back in history. These important facts
are necessary to prove God's course and purpose, as later
demonstrated by Joseph of Arimathea and St. Paul.

     The name "Semite" is derived from Shem, who was the son of
Noah, and of whom it is said in Genesis 9:26, 'Blessed be the
Lord God of Shem.' From Shem is descended the special seed
elected to be the chosen race. Until the exodus of Abraham from
Chaldea the Covenant People were known as Shemites. Under Abraham
they became known as Hebrews. This term derives from Eber, who
was a descendant of Shem. The word Hebrew does not specifically
designate a race. It means 'colonist or colonizer', applied in
the same manner as it was once associated with the Americans and
Canadians. Like the Americans and Canadians, the people were
spoken of as colonists until they were nationalized.
     Nationalization of the Covenant People was acquired under
the dying Jacob, grandson of Abraham, and the son of Isaac. Then
they became a nation formed of twelve tribes to be so known by
the Will of God as Israel, meaning 'Ruling with God'. Later, when
the tribes revolted under Ephraim, the son of Joseph, they became
divided into two kingdoms, that of the north and of the south,
being known as Judah and Israel. Both went into captivity. A
fragment of Judah returned to Jerusalem but Israel, as
Ephraimites, never returned or were ever again mentioned in
scriptural history. During this long existence from Shem to the
vanishing Ephraimites the name Jew never occurred in history and
was unknown to the Shemites, Hebrews, Israelites or Ephraimites.
Nevertheless it is true that some of the Jews who later sprang
from the remnant of Judah that returned to the Holy City after
the Babylonian captivity are Shemites, or Semites, as we now use
the name, and they were part of Israel, but only a fragment. In
fact they had become so mixed from inter-marriage with other
peoples during their captivity, it is doubtful how clear their
native claim to Israel could be. However, they are recognized as
part of Israel, but only in the same manner as we would say all
Pennsylvanians are Americans and all Ontarions are Canadians, but
all Americans and Canadians are not Pennsylvanians or Ontarions.
Consequently it is a serious misnomer to consider the Jews of
today as the only surviving Semites or Israelites. The major
portion of both Judah and Ephraim had long passed out of their
original homeland to be known by other names, some of which have
already been explained.


     Now we come to the mysterious promise of God to Sarah, 'n
Isaac shall thy seed be called' (Gen. 21: 2). The prophets had
said they would dwell afar off and be known by another name, one
representing their racial heritage. On being questioned by the
people through whose lands they passed, the Israelites
(Ephraimites, and the many of Judah who had joined up with them
in their march) explained that they were the Sons of Isaac.
     The ethnological chart shows that they divided into two
groups, each taking a different route that was ultimately to lead
them into the Isles of the West - Britain. The Kymri we have
already established but the warrior Ephraimites became more
markedly referred to as Sons of Isaac. In writing this name it
took on different variations according to language but the
pronunciation was the same, leaving no doubt as to their
identity. Ancient documents and monuments refer to them as
I-Saccasuns, I-Sak-suna, Sakasuna, Saksens and finally Saxons. It
is true, historically, they are also known collectively as
Scythians, but it must be remembered it was not the name by which
the amalgamated tribes called themselves but the name applied to
them by the Greeks. For about seven hundred years they lived in
the districts known to the Greeks as Scythia, to the Romans as
Dacia (now Roumania), and Thrace. Just as the Kymri of Britain
assumed the name British, so did the old Ephraimite Israelites
elect to be known as Saxons, the name which both concealed and
revealed the name of Isaac.
     The Anglo-Saxons were the chief and most powerful among the
associated tribes, hence the accepted leaders. As Saxons, on the
invitation of the British chieftain Vortigern, they first entered
     After the Saxon settlement in Britain, observers of other
nations would have noticed what they might have termed a strange
breach of Saxon policy. They began to intermarry with the British
     Whether or not the fair, blue-eyed Saxons and the darker
Kelts realized their racial affinity, mutually they blended
     In all their migratory wanderings the Keltic and Saxon
peoples steadfastly refused to intermix, or intermarry with the
people of other races. To do so was a serious tribal offence
recognized by both. In this they were more loyal to the
patriarchal law than were their brethren of Judah during their
Babylonian captivity. As prophesied, for this overt act this
section of Judah was to be branded by 'the shew of their
countenance'. This is markedly shown, even today, in their
descendants by the Hittite cast of black hair and the hooked
     Not only did they refuse to intermix. They were true to the
ancient command to 'dwell together'. History informs us whenever
they began their next migratory step they left few behind,
emptying the land. Contrary to the custom of other people who
either left behind the aged, the too young and the infirm, or
slew them, the Kymri and the Saxon tribes took all with them.
     This was more particularly related of the Anglo-Saxons,
whose migrations were more numerous and longer spaced in reaching
the eventual 'Homeland'. This fact is historically stated in the
mass migration of the Saxon peoples into Britain. Dr. Latham
writes in his "Ethnology of the British Islands" - "Throughout
the whole length and breadth of Germany there is not one village,
hamlet or family which can show definite signs of descent from
the Continental ancestors of the Anglo-Saxons of England."
     Professor Sayce writes: "All the branches that flowed into
Britain are branches of the self-same stock. Not a single pure
Saxon is to be found in any village, town or city of Germany. We
once came there, but came out again in our wanderings to these
British Islands."
     That they all were kinsmen, Briton-Kelt, Gaels, Angl-Saxons,
Jutes, Frisians, Danes and Normans is emphasized by Freeman in
"The Norman Conquest": "It is difficult to realize the fact that
our nation which now exists is not really a mixed race in the
sense which popular language implies."
     Professor Huxley, writing of the political tumult in Ireland
in 1870, when agitators tried to make racial difference an issue,
wrote: "If what I have to say in a matter of science weighs with
any man who has political power, I ask him to believe that the
arguments about the difference between the Anglo-Saxons and the
Celts are a mere sham and delusion."
     In referring to the characteristic of the Kelt, like the
Saxon, to 'dwell alone', he states that during the Roman
occupation of Britain, Roman and Kelt led a separate life from
each other. And when the Romans withdrew permanently from Britain
A.D. 410, the population was as substantially Celtic as they had
found it.

Learn more about our teachings in the Orthodox Celtic Church

     In the name of Isaac the promised Seed of God was to be
found. As I-Sax-Sons, they became Israelites, to be lost,
punished for their sin in worshipping the golden calf, scattered
throughout the nations, but 'like corn winnowed in a sieve' would
finally be gathered together into a place appointed by God
Himself (2 Sam.7:10) where they would settle and move no more,
and where no weapon formed against them should prosper (Isa.
     The validity of these facts cannot be overlooked, nor the
other ancient custom among them of keeping the Sabbath.

     In Exodus 31 we read to whom the command to observe the
Sabbath was given: "Wherefore the children of Israel shall keep
the sabbath, to observe the sabbath throughout their generations,
for a perpetual covenant" (v.16). "It is a sign between Me and
the children of Israel for ever" (v.17).
     The Anglo-Saxon race were and are the only people to observe
this sign. In the past, when foreigners were questioned as to
what impressed them most about English and American customs they
replied, "Your English Sunday." While all places were wide open
in foreign lands, in Britain and America the Sabbath was
observed. Even at the great Paris Exhibition only the British and
United States sections were closed on Sunday.
     Voltaire, the extraordinary intellectual infidel, said:
"Whether Englishmen know it or not, it is the English Sunday
which makes England what England is."
     This is equally true of America, and the British
Commonwealth of nations.
     Dr. Ryle, Bishop of Liverpool, said: "I assert without
hesitation that the only countries on the face of the globe in
which you will find true observance of the Sabbath are Great
Britain, the Commonwealth nations and America. No other nations
can possibly be said to fulfil this sign."

Get our Book "Sabbath in the Celtic Orthodox Church" to help clarify 
the continuity of the Saturday Biblical Sabbath.

     However, the warning is sounded in the announcement that
when we begin to forsake the Lord's Day, which all Anglo-Saxon
people have been doing in various degrees over the years, our
prosperity will depart from us.
     A few years ago a foreigner visiting England made the remark
in the Press: "You have in England something which we have always
longed to have, and never could attain - Sunday - and you are
losing it almost without a protest."
     America has always been the greatest desecrator of the
Sabbath, more so than the other Anglo-Saxon nations. We all
should heed the warning.

If you study a little bit deeper you'll find they continued 
keeping Saturday as the Hebrew Biblical Sabbath in the Orthodox 
Celtic Church.
     England derived its name from the Engles (Angles). The
meaning of the name is again significant. Engles means 'God-Men'.
This name was not conferred upon them because of any special
righteousness but because instead of worshipping idols of stone,
as others did, they worsripped God. The idolaters called them
'GodMen' - Engles (Angles).
     The story is told that one day, when Pope Gregory was
walking along the streets of Rome, he encountered a group of
Roman soldiers with several British (Yorkshire) captive children.
He paused in wonderment, enamoured by their unusual countenance:
golden hair, blue eyes and fair skin, something he had never seen
before. He asked the soldiers who they were. On being told they
were Engles, from Engle-land, he remarked on their beauty,
replying, "They are well named. They look like angels." From this
encounter it is claimed Pope Gregory became persuaded of himself
to send Augustine to Britain on his mission.

     The religious habits, customs and characteristics that so
definitely marked the Kymri and the Saxons from the rest of the
peoples of the earth cannot be charged to mere coincidence with
the ancient patriarchal law. They are too deeply significant.
     Regardless of how the Keltic-Saxon people may have deviated
from full adherence to the Law, in their wanderings, the
Covenants were the core of their spiritual life, directing their
material policies. The Covenant-meaning-name, British, would
never have been conferred upon them by other peoples if they had
not been more than duly impressed by their religious observances.
     As one studies the Druidic Triads, a greater association
with the Covenant Law is shown with startling clarity.
     Considering these Hebraic religious customs and the
acquisition of interpretative names, one can readily realize how
simply and effectively the wedding between the old Druidic
religion and the new Covenant of 'The Way' took place, providing
a fertile field and a safe sanctuary for Joseph of Arimathea and
his companions.
     This was not an accident. It was the beginning of the new
destiny long before prophesied, which was brought to birth in the
great sacrifice of Jesus Christ, our Saviour.

     There are still people who insist that the British story is
a superstitious myth without foundation, just as they continue to
debate that the Bible is untrue. They are as mentally fogbound as
the Victorian historians who could not understand how, why or
where there could be any connection between the ancient British
and the continental races, and less with the prophecies and
people of the Bible. Unfortunately at that time the historic past
was not so well revealed to them as archaeology has disclosed it
in modern times.
     Even as the amazing discoveries in the caves of the Dead
Sea, during the years 1955-56, have brought to the light of day
thousands of stored documents secreted therein by the Essenes,
substantiating the books of the Bible in every instance, equally
so, during the last twenty-five years, archaeologists have
supplied the modern ethnologist and historian with indisputable
evidence to vindicate the historic age-old story of the people of

     The Essenes were the most cultured and learned religious
order existing before the birth of Christ, free of the
contamination of power politics, or orthodox religion. They were
the greatest truth seekers of their time. Most of the discovered
documents were written before Christ and much after His advent.
Every day translators are disclosing material that has long
puzzled theologians concerning both the Old and New Testaments.
Much of this testimony proves the historic validity of the facts
given herein. Archaeologists unearthing monuments, tablets, coins
and various other artifacts name and trace the Covenant Peoples
of our story from their ancient birthplace to the Isles of the
West and the British and Americans to their place in modern

     Crushed beyond revival are the diatribes of the atheists and
the mocking voices of the Higher Critics of Germany. Authority
has been stripped from the irresponsible historians.
     It is not so well known that H. G. Wells' "Outline of
History," that sold by the million copies, was most severely
criticized by an angry group of scientists and scholars who
dubbed Wells' work as 'a gross mass of mediaeval historic error'.
Wells was obliged to abridge the next edition. Although he
corrected a number of his flagrant errors he was unable to make a
complete correction without rewriting the whole work, which he
did not do.

     The devil is ever alert to use the infidel mind to divert
all whom he can from the truth.
     In the end truth always wins.

     There is ever a fascination to be found in fails to intrigue
the mind, creating a curious desire to learn what it may mean and
how it was derived. In names, as shown herein, invariably is
found the key that unlocks the door to an age-old mystery. No
names can equal the drama of Kymri, Saxon and British, and of
them all the name British is the most enthralling name in all