Tag: christian liberty

Was Abraham Lincoln Evil? How He FAILED Emancipating “People of Color”. Worldwide BLM Violent Activists Demand Freedom Every Day.

BLM demands a “blacks-only” government. Our basic civic duties may help bring about this good Christian peaceful measure, as our forefathers always ensured. We have a message of positivity as it relates to these good solutions restoring the earth back to Divine order, just as our Christian forefathers paved the way for our total success. […]

DROOGTE(Drought): YAHWEH Is Cursing The Ground For Sake Of The Wickedness, vloekt de grond omwille van de goddeloosheid

Nederland moet terug naar God, ook als je heb geen geloof. I write and make declaration as Archbishop(OCC) of the Netherlands and scion of the den Bosch regency family d’Este-Guelph (Brunswick-Wolfenbeuttel), peer of the King. For centuries my family has held the seat of the Capital of Brabant as well as a senior seat at […]

TRUE American Government is a Perpetual Divine Theocracy, under Jesus Christ and for advancement of His Government on earth, our daily prayer

America’s first constitution declared our government is a perpetual Divinely instituted Theocracy under Jesus Christ the King for His Kingdom to be advanced on earth. In this article I will prove it to you it is still in force as legally binding, and is the legal foundation of our government’s legitimacy today. This constitution defining […]


DIGEST  OF  THE  DIVINE  LAW  #1 by Howard Rand (1942) FOREWORD The Bible contains precepts and commands which are the God-given authority for the direction and control of humanity. God speaks through various channels. Invariably He chose those through whom He conveyed to His people His commands and through whom He spoke to the people. These men, who were thus […]

Eustace Mullins Books Freely Available for download in PDF

Some have written in and asked about where the Eustace Mullins books moved to. You can find them at https://newensign.com/eustace-mullins/ Eustace Mullins books, freely available for download in pdf format. These books are being freely made available by The New Ensign magazine. All of Mullins’ books except for ones on the Jewish Holocaust(for international legal […]