John Notte’s Bye-law against Usury (still invoked from time to time). The Sheriff John Nott (of the ancient Vicecommital house of 4 counties that overlap the Mercian circle of Kineton, continuing for Centuries as Lords of Solihull, etc of the Arden’s Saxon Royal inheritance), during his elected term as Lord Mayor he made a bye-law […]
Tag: christian true israel
When Christianity Came To Britain, Before 40AD!
The Gospel to Britain #1 (#2) It came about 37 A.D. From the book “Celt, Druid and Culdee” (1973) by Isabel Hill Elder To trace the history of the Culdees from the days of St. Columba is a comparatively easy task; to find their origin is more difficult. In the minute examination which such an […]