Article “The Forgotten WASHING Commandment FOR EVER, for the redeemed Gentiles!”, Priory of Salem, Institute of Health, by Hon Prof Rev Stephen MK Brunswick (Members and students only content. Priory of Salem) (From the Good News of the Kingdom Newsletter Issue No 52, 2013) Also published online in 2014 under the heading “Snapping the Bonds […]
Tag: clean
SNAPPING THE BOND OF ESAU PHARMAKIA WITCHCRAFT The fearful, cowards and liars should not read this, as it says every one of you will be cast into the lake of fire. For those with the Saints in the light then you love this sound of Jubilee and you will love trusting and having faith in […]
NEW VIDEO: Paul Taught Dietary Laws and Levitical Blood Laws (NOT for spiritual salvation but for physical survival)
Teaching series “How Paul Taught We MUST Keep The Law.” Lesson one “Foundation For the Gentiles” How Paul taught Gentiles MUST keep the law. This study goes specifically into the topic of the dietary laws and blood laws. Things strangled and blood. An excellent study on clean and unclean. What God wants for us all, […]