Tag: doctrine

On the Person and Work of the Holy Spirit

1John 5:7 “For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.” By Dr Stephen MK Brunswick   This message is to help provide insight into the workings of God in the life of the believer. It helps to know how close His […]

Dietary Laws in the True Orthodox and Catholic Apostolic Church

From our series on clean and unclean 1. Spiritual, Biblical and Scientific Reasons of Clean and Unclean Meats 2. The Adverse Influence of Pork Consumption on Health by Dr Reckeweg M.D. 3. Authoritative quotes showing how the true Orthodox Celts detested pork consumption     Dietary Laws in the True Orthodox and Catholic Apostolic Church […]

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HOMEPAGE FOREWORD: You won’t hear the promotion of abominations and blasphemies from our church. “These days” some people say that our Orthodox beliefs will scatter the flock. Manmade traditions might do that, but we only have God’s word at our assembly. There is “no private interpretation of His word of Scripture”2Peter 1:20, but it is taught widely […]