Another article on Babylon’s Pharmakia Witchcraft led by an unlawful and corrupt financial system. Healthcare and values of True Christians is far more superior and stable.
Obamacare Bubble Will Burst and those who believe the mythical illusion that they needed it will fall
What these “experts” fail to realize is called the conspiracy theory of history (and history is merely past current events, and therefore it is also the conspiracy theory of politics and big business).
Everything that modern “government” does IS INTENDED TO FAIL, TO DESTROY THE NATION, and TO ENRICH THE ELITE. That is the only explanation for why allegedly intelligent/competent (a broad-based assumption) individuals to whom the reins of the government have been entrusted FAIL at EVERYTHING they do and destroy everything they touch—having the “Anti-Midas” touch, they turn everything that was golden into toxic lead (in addition to committing crimes that would land them behind bars in the private sector, which shows the real reason they enter politics—so they can commit crimes for which they will not be prosecuted, because the servants now consider themselves the untouchable elite… how is it that these politicians, for the most part, entered politics as paupers, and retire multi-millionaires who won’t even have to pay for their own health care an continue to receive a pension although they are already filthy rich…?). Anyone in the private sector who was hired to do a job and FAILED at everything he did, would be FIRED and arrested and prosecuted when it was realized that he was selling off the company goods and stock out the back door and pocketing the money for himself. When “everything goes wrong just right” in the enemy’s favor, every single time, time after time, it is no freak coincidence. Conspiracy is the only answer. NO ONE is THAT stupid and NO ONE has THAT bad of luck. It is all planned. The elite pretend that “there will be a few hiccups” and it will aright itself in times if we all (all meaning everyone but the elite) tighten our belts (by taking multi-million dollar vacations at taxpayer expense?)… that is the mantra they say over and over, pretending everything is fine, when it is anything but fine, in face of their failure… and the stupid lobotomized populace simply tells jokes and repeats their sterile mantra, “we’ll show them in 4 years, we’ll vote them out” (even though that has never worked in the past 150 years). “My people are destroyed because they lack knowledge”. The conspiracy theory (make that “reality”) of history, politics, big business, and economics is only made possible by the “DUMB-ASS” theory of the people’s duty to be responsible and try all politicians for their crimes the very first time they step out of line. You don’t vote out treasonous, seditious criminals. You try them for their crimes and treason and execute judgment to its fullest.
WHO has benefited from abombinable-care? not healthy people; not moderately sick people; not healthy people who have injuries. This is communism in action. The only ones who benefit are the elite and the lowest class (and MILLIONS of imported aliens) that will never produce anything in their lives but only be an eternal drain on the producers… and thus the worthless nonproducers must (ironically) reproduce and reproduce ad infinitum to be a continual cancer eating away at the healthy host body.
[Am I saying that nonproducers should be executed? of course not. It is not a crime to be worthless. However, the Bible says, “If a man shall not work he shall not eat” and that was the PURITAN work ethic on which this nation was FOUNDED. If the worthless will not work, they will starve to death, or they will commit crimes for which they will be executed (not warehoused at $50,000 / year for the rest of their lives at taxpayer expense. It is not a crime to be a worthless individual merely wasting food, space, water, and oxygen. That is any person’s right (though he will answer to God for it, he owes man nothing for his own worthlessness to the same degree that taxpayers owe nothing to support those who are worthless). However, when that worthless individual commits a crime–robbing someone else who does work to provide for his own needs and those of his family–then that individual should be subjected to involuntary servitude until his debt is paid off to the victim, as well as any expense incurred to sustain that judgment). If he refuses to work or tries to flee, he is to be executed. That is the Law that God established. It works quite well. Those who don’t like it, shut up and work for the things you want from life. Life, Liberty, and Property occur in that order. Those who are alive have the freedom to work and keep what they have worked for (property). But property is not free… it has to be worked for.]
“Atlas Shrugged” is the answer. When will he shrug…? or will he simply wait until his strength has waned and collapses under the weight of the world, allowing himself to be crushed and killed because of his misguided sense of duty and altruism?
There is no moral or Biblical or Constitutional justification for the welfare state (which includes abominable-care and 95% of modern so-called “government” which would more honestly be called “enslavement”) or for so-called foreign aid. It is all unconstitutional and illegal. It is treason. It is communism. Redistribution of wealth. Take from the producers, keep most of it for the elite, give some to the nonproducers so they can continue to reproduce more nonproducers like themselves, and give some of it to our enemies so that there will always be a threat to protect us from, which will require more taxation and more regulation. Welcome to the endless circle of self-destruction. OPT OUT. Exercise your God-given inalienable rights and stop contributing to criminal enterprises.
WELCOME TO COMMUNISM. We were established as a republic. Any politician, historian, law professor, author, etc. who refers to us as a “democracy” is either part of the conspiracy or a complete ignoramus! Our Founders SPECIFICALLY TOLD US THAT THEY DID NOT give us a democracy because in their great study (not imaginary fabrications of “truth”) they realized that DEMOCRACIES ARE SHORT LIVED and do not last, but QUICKLY DEGENERATE INTO DESPOTISM due to corrupt, powerful individuals who undermine the government due to their own perverse avarice, hubris, and hatred of all that is good. Our Founders gave us a Constitutional Republic–yet 99.9% of society is BRAINWASHED into touting, even worshipping “DEMOCRACY”–and it is “democracy” that is DESTROYING CHRISTENDOM! Democracy is simply a code word for TRANSITIONAL COMMUNISM. The U.S. follows the 10 planks of the Communist Manifesto—not the U.S. Constitution and not the Law of God upon which American and English and Saxon Common Law were founded.
for more information.]
The goal of modern corrupt pseudo-government (the only kind in existence) is to drain the wealth of the nation from the producers, keep them in fear, make them THINK that they need health insurance–and FORCE IT DOWN THEIR THROAT if they disbelieve the Almighty All-wise State. It is the old game of the “protection racket”. Forced insurance violates many constitutional rights and is not enforceable and is not lawful and no one needs to participate. The seditious politicians’ plans are to bring the people to the point of economic and personal financial bankruptcy as well as moral bankruptcy—fueled with fear of terrorism (which the government imported and breeds) and fear of the need for health insurance–if doctors and food producers did not poison us, and if the corrupt government didn’t import disease from the third world, and if the corrupt bastards did not invent disease, there would be little need for health insurance. If the godless state had not destroyed the people’s faith in God, they would realize that if they trusted God and lived as He commanded, they would be blessed, rather than worshipping the impotent and cruel gods of government and insurance. The world existed for THOUSANDS of years without health insurance. If medicine has made such vast improvement, why then is insurance needed? Why are people sicker than ever? Insurance is a communist ponzi scheme that robs healthy responsible people and gives it to perverts, nonproducers, and irresponsible people.
If people want insurance because they live irresponsibly, immorally, and don’t trust God, then they have every right to purchase insurance and if they were not overtaxed then they could easily afford it. The lowest class, those who have been on welfare for their entire lives, generation after generation, if they actually worked for a living would be healthier, instead of eating candy and soda and chips, smoking, chewing tobacco, and drinking alcohol, and watching tv. NEWS FLASH!: Health is not a constitutional right. Free Health care is not a constitutional right. Life, Liberty, and Property are God-given inalienable rights that the Constitution was developed to preserve and defend. However, corrupt government bureaucrats think that they are the origin of life, and that they own the populace of the nation that they have hijacked. They curtail liberty, steal your wealth, and tell you that they have all power over your life. That is why they want to confiscate and outlaw all firearms… because some are still refusing to surrender and enter the matrix.
The purpose of abominable care is to make a handful of medical corporations richer, and like walmart gobble up all small businesses so that price can then be controlled and kept high, and so a stranglehold is maintained over health and life itself.
Abominable care is unconstitutional, immoral, and illegal.
See also
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