Restoring the Celtic Embassy, Phase 1 “Restore the British Israel Library”

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FUND OUR CHARITABLE CAUSE. The OCC is collecting funds for Phase 1 of 3, in the plan to RESTORE THE CELTIC EMBASSY (Glastonbury).

This is the best protection for the Celtic minority people, and those of common Christian cultural origin.

Until the time of Henry VIII Glastonbury was respected as a civil and religious place of power. It had long been considered the Celtic Christian Embassy of the world. 

The Abbey was four times larger than Constantinople’s Cathedral. 

It was called “the Second Rome”, “the most hallowed ground on earth”, “The Sacred Isle”, “The Motherland”, “the Old Church”, “the Mother of Saints” , “the Cradle of Christianity”, “Built by the Hands of God Himself”, “the fountain and origin of all religion”, “built by the hands of Christ Himself (- Augustine’s own admission)”The History and Our Successful Reestablishment

The Primace of the Orthodox Church of the Culdees, +Abp Stephen Michael, is a public advocate for more than 20 years on the topic of this restoration. He has obtained the legal and spiritual rights for this restoration. He fully endorses and oversees these charitable efforts in the three phases. The most critical of these phases will be done first.

Phase 1:  “Restore Our British Israel Library”

Our Crowd Funding to RESTORE THE BRITISH ISRAEL LIBRARY is now online. The plan to complete the library will cost only $2 Million.

More than 2,500 books (largely out of print) on the Topic of British Israelism and Glastonbury will be reprinted and made available in the restored British Israel Library at Glastonbury.

This includes maintenance and ownership of the library facilities.

For Phase 2 and Phase 3, (for this full restoration of the Celtic Embassy) it will include acquiring and re-opening several of the religious and civil buildings, and employing the staff necessary to complete the following Charitable objectives for our people.

The OCC which is handling this Charity is registered as a charitable organization with the following objectives:

+ Advancement of the Orthodox (Christian) Culdean Religion that is rooted in the Hebrew faith and identity brought to Glastonbury by the Apostles in the First Century.

+ Restoring and preserving the libraries on British Israelism.

+ Equality advocacy for protection of persecuted minorities of Culdean origin, against any prejudicial discrimination against their ethnic or orthodox cultural religious practices.

+ Political advocacy for the Restoration of the Glastonbury Culdees’ authority to judge in the Royally prescribed matters that go beyond the spiritual, into the realms of the civil, criminal and international jurisprudence.

+ International associations for peaceful inter-cultural and inter-religious dialogue.

ORG NR: 1077192427
27 Old Gloucester Street
London, WC1N3AX

Tel nr: +44-20-8123-8294

While it may cost several million more to finance the next phases for the complete Embassy, the first step is EDUCATION. For this, we need to reestablish the British Israel Library.

In times gone by Glastonbury served as a spiritual center as well as civil power for the people. Glastonbury was called “the second Rome” because so many flocked to there and respected it’s power.

These days our people of Albion(England) and our kindred tribes around the world need our Celtic Christian Embassy now more than ever.

 As a foundational part of rebuilding the Celtic (Culdean/Christian) Embassy at Glastonbury, we are restoring the British Israel Library.

More than 2,500 books on the topic of “British Israelism” will be relocated and housed at a central library building at Glastonbury. About a dozen books on British Israelism that are out of print, also recently sold out from the Glastonbury bookshop. So these will also need to be replentished.

Primace Stephen Michael, of the Orthodox Church of the Culdees has been spearheading this effort for much of the last two decades. Several different organization’s Newsletters have written about his efforts and his active involvement with the locals. The most urgent of which will be restoring the British Israel Library. We have located nearly all of the books for reprinting and have selected a few appropriate buildings to house them. This fund will also cover refurbishment and remodeling of the buildings.

Go to the crowd funding page:

Note: We also do not seek to undermine the ministry of the British Orthodox Church, English Episcopal Church, or any other jurisdiction seeking to establish a valid Christian mission to serve the many pilgrims visiting Glastonbury each year. The primary outreach of the (Culdean Ambassador College) Library would be to provide classes to seminarians throughout the winter and workshops to pilgrims during the summer.