Daily Lections For the Week Jan 20th-28th and Commemorations

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Worship together with us and study the daily Scriptures as part of the daily service of the book of common prayer.

Sat 20 Jan 2018 CW Richard Rolle, 1349; Third Day of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity Richard Rolle of Hampole, Spiritual Writer, 1349
Third Day of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unityalmanac.oremus.org/2018-01-20

Morning Prayer
Psalms 122, 128, 150 (or) 96, 97, 100
Genesis 11.1-9
Matthew 25.31-end

Evening Prayer
Psalms 61, 66 (or) 104
Hosea 2.2-17
1 Corinthians 9.1-14

Sun 21 Jan 2018 CW* Epiphany 3; Fourth Day of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity The Third Sunday of Epiphany
Fourth Day of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unityalmanac.oremus.org/2018-01-21
Mon 22 Jan 2018 CW Vincent of Saragossa, 304; Fifth Day of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity Vincent of Saragossa, Deacon, first Martyr of Spain, 304
Fifth Day of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unityalmanac.oremus.org/2018-01-22

Morning Prayer
Psalms 40, 108 (or) 98, 99, 101
Genesis 11.27-12.9
Matthew 26.1-16

Evening Prayer
Psalms 138, 144 (or) 105* (or 103)
Hosea 2.18-3.end
1 Corinthians 9.15-end

Tue 23 Jan 2018 CW Sixth Day of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity Sixth Day of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity


Morning Prayer
Psalms 34, 36 (or) 106* (or 103)
Genesis 13.2-end
Matthew 26.17-35

Evening Prayer
Psalm 145 (or) 107*
Hosea 4.1-16
1 Corinthians 10.1-13

Wed 24 Jan 2018 CW Francis de Sales, 1622; Seventh Day of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity Francis de Sales, Bishop of Geneva, Teacher of the Faith, 1622
Seventh Day of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unityalmanac.oremus.org/2018-01-24

Morning Prayer
Psalms 45, 46 (or) 110, 111, 112
Genesis 14
Matthew 26.36-46

Evening Prayer
Psalms 21, 29 (or) 119.129-152
Hosea 5.1-7
1 Corinthians 10.14-11.1

(or) Evening Prayer on the Eve of the Conversion of Paul

Thu 25 Jan 2018 CW* Conversion of Paul; Last Day of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity The Conversion of Paul
Last Day of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unityalmanac.oremus.org/2018-01-25
Fri 26 Jan 2018 CW Timothy and Titus Timothy and Titus, Companions of Paul


Morning Prayer
Psalms 61, 65 (or) 139
Genesis 16
Matthew 26.57-end

Evening Prayer
Psalms 67, 77 (or) 130, 131, 137
Hosea 6.7-7.2
1 Corinthians 11.17-end

Sat 27 Jan 2018 CW almanac.oremus.org/2018-01-27

Morning Prayer
Psalm 68 (or) 120, 121, 122
Genesis 17.1-22
Matthew 27.1-10

Evening Prayer
Psalms 72, 76 (or) 118
Hosea 8
1 Corinthians 12.1-11

If the Presentation is celebrated on Sunday 28 January:
Evening Prayer on the Eve of the Presentation

Sun 28 Jan 2018 CW* Epiphany 4 If the Presentation is celebrated on Friday 2 February:
The Fourth Sunday of Epiphanyalmanac.oremus.org/2018-01-28
Sun 28 Jan 2018 CW* The Presentation If the Presentation is celebrated on Sunday 28 January:

The Presentation of Christ in the Temple (Candlemas)
