The Cele Dei Litany from Dunkeld

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The Cele Dei Litany from Dunkeld

translated by Peter Farrington

A litany used at the ancient monastery of Dunkeld, which was accustomed to be sung together at public processions of the Keledei, called Culdees. A skeptical analysis follows from the Preface of Forbes’ Kalendars of Scottish Saints. Other analysis by our institute shows the more ancient versions of litanies of Saints were not asking the Saints to pray, but, as in the original language, they were thanking God that the Saints Praise Him.

This Litany is published in Latin in the Appendix to Kalendars of Scottish Saints by Alexander Penrose Forbes, Bishop of Brechin, Edmonston and Douglas, Edinburgh, 1872.

Lord have mercy
Lord have mercy
Lord have mercy

Christ have mercy
Christ have mercy
Christ have mercy

O God, Heavenly Father, have mercy on us
O God, Redeeming Son, have mercy on us
O God, Holy Spirit, have mercy on us
O Trinity and One God, have mercy on us

Holy Mary, pray for us
Holy Virgin of virgins, pray for us
Holy God bearer, pray for us

The Naming of the Angels
Holy Michael the Archangel, pray for us
Holy Raphael the Archangel, pray for us
Holy Uriel, pray for us
Holy Cherubim, pray for us
Holy Seraphim, pray for us
All the Holy Choirs of the ranks of Heavenly Spirits, pray for us

The Naming of the Apostles and Evangelists
Holy Peter, the Prince of Apostles, pray for us
Holy Andrew, our patron, pray for us
Holy Paul, pray for us
Holy James, pray for us
Holy John, pray for us
Holy James, pray for us
Holy Thomas, pray for us
Holy Phillip, pray for us
Holy Bartholomew, pray for us
Holy Matthias, pray for us
Holy Simon, pray for us
Holy Jude, pray for us
Holy Barnabas, pray for us
Holy Luke, pray for us
Holy Mark, pray for us
Holy Matthew, pray for us
All the Holy Choirs of Apostles and Evangelists, pray for us

The Naming of the Holy Martyrs
Holy Stephen, pray for us
Holy Joseph of Arimathea, pray for us
Holy Aristobulous, pray for us
Holy Alban, pray for us
Holy Amphibalous, pray for us
Holy Kilian and his kindred, pray for us
Holy Ocolman, pray for us
Holy Donat, pray for us
Holy Colonach, pray for us
Holy King Constantine, pray for us
Holy Mordouch, pray for us
Holy Armkillach, pray for us
Holy Adelanh, pray for us
Holy Eobanach, pray for us
Holy Blaithmac and his kindred of monks cruelly killed by the heathen Danes, pray for us

The Naming of the Holy Bishops
Holy Victor, Pope of Rome, pray for us
Holy Celestine, Pope of Rome, pray for us
Holy Martin, pray for us
Holy Ninian, pray for us
Holy Palladius, pray for us
Holy Servanus, pray for us
Holy Patrick, pray for us
Holy Modoch, pray for us
Holy Ferranach, pray for us
Holy MacKessog, pray for us
Holy Volocus, pray for us
Holy Carnach, pray for us
Holy Kentigern, pray for us
Holy Convall, pray for us
Holy Baldred, pray for us
Holy Colmac, pray for us
Holy Cormac, pray for us
Holy Kelloch, pray for us
Holy Fothalh, pray for us
Holy Cuthbert, pray for us
Holy Edhan, pray for us
Holy Finnanach, pray for us
Holy Colman, pray for us
Holy Marnach, pray for us
Holy Moloch, pray for us
Holy Nothlan, pray for us
Holy Marnan, pray for us
Holy Rumold, pray for us
Holy Tigernach, pray for us
Holy Medanach, pray for us
Holy Machut, pray for us
Holy Cormac, pray for us
Holy Dagamach, pray for us
All the Choirs of the Holy Bishops, pray for us

The Naming of the Holy Abbots
Holy Anthony, pray for us
Holy Pachomius, pray for us
Holy Oronach, pray for us
Holy Columba, pray for us
Holy Benedict, pray for us
Holy Congall, pray for us
Holy Brendan, pray for us
Holy Kyrane, pray for us
Holy Dunichad, pray for us
Holy Mirine, pray for us
Holy Blane, pray for us
Holy Baithene, pray for us
Holy Segene, pray for us
Holy Adamnan, pray for us
Holy Cumminach, pray for us
Holy Cahinninach, pray for us
Holy Ethernach, pray for us
Holy Erenach, pray for us
Holy Cuganach, pray for us
Holy Cuninach, pray for us
Holy Comogell, pray for us
Holy Devenach, pray for us
Holy Com, pray for us
Holy Fillan, pray for us
Holy Moach, pray for us
Holy Conwallane, pray for us
Holy Odomnane, pray for us
Holy Romane, pray for us
Holy Finnan, pray for us
Holy Fursee, pray for us
Holy Fridelin, pray for us
Holy Barach, pray for us
Holy Kiernach, pray for us
Holy Ronan, pray for us
Holy Middan, pray for us
Holy Winoch, pray for us
Holy Theinan, pray for us
Holy Drustan, pray for us
All the Holy Choirs of Abbots, pray for us

The Naming of the Holy Confessors and Monks
Holy King Dovenald, pray for us
Holy King Crathlinth, pray for us
Holy King Convallec, pray for us
Holy King David, pray for us
Holy King Constantine, pray for us
Holy Diarmit, pray for us
Holy Comin, pray for us
Holy Donan, pray for us
Holy Doban, pray for us
Holy Ethbin, pray for us
Holy Fetnoch, pray for us
Holy Eoglodach, pray for us
Holy Malcall, pray for us
Holy Suranach, pray for us
Holy Viganach, pray for us
Holy Gudloch, pray for us
Holy Frefanoich, pray for us
Holy Dronach, pray for us
Holy Molonach, pray for us
Holy Futtach, pray for us
Holy Sumach, pray for us
Holy Guenalt, pray for us
Holy Gudal, pray for us
All the Holy Choirs of the Confessors and Monks, pray for us

The Naming of the Holy Virgins and Widows
Holy Mary Magdalene, pray for us
Holy Martha, pray for us
Holy Brigid the Great, pray for us
Holy Dairlugtach, pray for us
Holy Brigid of Abernethy, pray for us
Holy Scholastica, pray for us
Holy Ursula with her kindred, pray for us
Holy Maxentia, pray for us
Holy Bega, pray for us
Holy Christinach, pray for us
Holy Ebba and her kindred, pray for us
Holy Kennocha, pray for us
Holy Maara, pray for us
Holy Modwenna, pray for us
Holy Syra, pray for us
Holy Mancinach, pray for us
Holy Muriel, pray for us
Holy Ninoch, pray for us
Holy Keneira, pray for us
Holy Kentigerna, pray for us
Holy Evilla, pray for us
Holy Murichach, pray for us
All the Holy Choirs of the Virgins and Widows, pray for us

All the Holy Angels and Archangels, intercede for us
All the Holy Powers, intercede for us
All the Holy Thrones, intercede for us
All the Holy Principalities, intercede for us
All the Holy Dominations, intercede for us
All the Holy Choirs of the Heavenly Orders, intercede for us
All the Holy Patriarchs, intercede for us
All the Holy Apostles, intercede for us
All the Holy Martyrs, intercede for us
All the Holy Bishops, intercede for us
All the Holy Abbots, intercede for us
All the Holy Confessors and Monks, intercede for us
All the Holy Virgins and Widows, intercede for us

That through your prayers with true penitence we may persevere,
intercede for us
That through your intercessions we may overcome the Devil and his temptations,
intercede for us
That through your intercessions we may be brought safely to the Heavenly Kingdom, intercede for us

Be gracious, free us Lord
Be gracious, hear us Lord
Be gracious, spare us Lord

From all evil, free us Lord
From all evil desires, free us Lord
From all impurity of mind and body, free us Lord
From a spirit of pride, free us Lord
From sickness, free us Lord
From the snares of the Devil, free us Lord
From strangers to the name of Christian, free us Lord
From the persecution of all our enemies, free us Lord
From evil tempests, free us Lord
From hunger and nakedness, free us Lord
From theives and robbers, free us Lord
From wolves and all evil creatures, free us Lord
From the inundation of the waters, free us Lord
From the trial of death, free us Lord
In the Day of Judgement, free us Lord

By Thy Advent, free us Lord
By Thy Nativity, free us Lord
By Thy Circumcision, free us Lord
By Thy Baptism, free us Lord
By Thy Passion, free us Lord
By Thy Sending of the Holy Spirit, free us Lord

Sinners, we ask you to hear us
Holy Father, we ask you to hear us
Holy Father, we ask you to hear us
Holy Father, we ask you to hear us

That peace and harmony may be given us, we ask you to hear us
That health and wholeness may be given us, we ask you to hear us
That a fruitful earth may be given us, we ask you to hear us
That our beasts may be kept from all pestilence, we ask you to hear us
That fair weather may be given us, we ask you to hear us
That rains in due season may be given us, we ask you to hear us
That perseverance in good works may be given us, we ask you to hear us
That we may be led to true repentance, we ask you to hear us
That fervour in your holy service may be given us, we ask you to hear us
That all Christian people may be granted peace and unity, we ask you to hear us
That we may be preserved in true faith and worship, we ask you to hear us
That the Catholic Church may be preserved and increase in dignity, we ask you to hear us
That the supreme and universal Pope of Rome may be granted long life and health,
we ask you to hear us

That Bishops, Abbots, Culdees and all the people of Albany may be preserved and protected, we ask you to hear us
That our King Gregory with his army, from all the snares of the enemy may be defended, we ask you to hear us
That victory and long life be granted them, we ask you to hear us
That all the congregations of the faithful be preserved in true faith and worship,
we ask you to hear us
That the enemies of all Christians be expelled from the earth, we ask you to hear us
That they be brought to Holy Baptism, we ask you to hear us
That all Christians be granted mercy, we ask you to hear us
That all the faithful departed may rest in eternal peace, we ask you to hear us
That we be spared, we ask you to hear us
That we be granted mercy, we ask you to hear us
That you look upon us, we ask you to hear us

O Son of God, we ask you to hear us
O Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world
Have mercy upon us, O Lord
O Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world
Have mercy upon us, O Lord
O Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world
Grant us your peace

Christ conquers, Christ reigns, Christ commands
Christ conquers, Christ reigns, Christ commands
Christ conquers, Christ reigns, Christ commands

O Christ, hear us
O Christ, hear us
O Christ, hear us
Lord have mercy
Lord have mercy
Lord have mercy
Christ have mercy
Christ have mercy
Christ have mercy

O Christ, grant us your grace
O Christ, give us your joy and peace
O Christ, grant us life and health

Let us pray
Our Father in heaven
Hallowed be thy Name
Thy Kingdom come
Thy will be done
On earth as in heaven
Give us this day our daily bread
Forgive us our trespasses
As we forgive those who trespass against us
Lead us not into temptation
But deliver us from evil
Through Jesus Christ our Lord

Almighty and Gracious God, we humbly entreat Thy Majesty that our works and prayers may merit Thy Holy remembrance, and that through the intercessions of Thy Holy Mother Mary, all the Patriarchs, Prophets, Apostles, Martyrs, Bishops, Abbots, Confessors and Monks, Virgins and Widows, who reign with you in heaven, we may be granted kindness and forbearance towards all our sins. Increase Thy heavenly grace and Thy Almighty aid against all the snares of our enemies, visible and invisible. By Thy command may our heart be delivered, so that finally after this mortal life has ended, we may appear holy and glorious in the Kingdom of God, and rejoice with those made worthy, to serve our Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ, to whom be honour, power and might, together with the Father and the Holy Spirit, unto ages of ages. Amen


Version 2:

(Modern Rendition, from “Prayers from the Ancient Celtic Church”, © 2018, Paul C. Stratman


Lord, have mercy.
Christ, have mercy.
Lord, have mercy.

God, the Father in heaven, have mercy on us.
God, the Son, Redeemer, have mercy on us.
God, the Holy Spirit, have mercy on us.

You are three, and yet one God, have mercy on us.

Be gracious, free us, Lord.
Be gracious, hear us, Lord.
Be gracious, spare us, Lord.

From every evil,
from every evil inclination,
from every impurity of heart and body,
from a haughty spirit,
from the evil of sickness,
from the snares of the devil,
from enemies to the Christian name,
from destructive storms,
from famine and nakedness,
from thieves and robbers,
from wolves and all dangerous animals,
from floods  of water,
from trials of death,
in the day of judgment, free us, Lord.

By your advent,
by your birth,
by your circumcision,
by your baptism,
by your passion,
by sending the counseling Spirit, free us, Lord.

We sinners pray, free us, Lord.

Holy Father, we pray, hear us.

To give us peace and concord,
to give us life and health,
to give us the fruits of the earth,
to protect our livestock from all pestilence,
to give us favorable weather,
to give us rain at the proper time,
to give us perseverance in good works,
to work true repentance in us,
to move us in charity for those in need,
to give us fervor in your service,
to give all Christian people peace and unity,
to keep us in the true faith and religion,
to preserve and spread your holy church,
to give long life and health to pastors, teachers and all leaders in the church,
to protect the leaders of our land from all enemies and snares.
to give them victory and long life,
to drive out the enemies of Christians from the earth,
to bring them to holy baptism,
to give all Christians your mercy,
to spare us,
to grant us mercy,
to look upon us, we pray, hear us.

Son of God, hear us.

Lamb of God, you take away the sin of the world,
have mercy on us, Lord.

Lamb of God, you take away the sin of the world,
have mercy on us, Lord.

Lamb of God, you take away the sin of the world,
grant us peace.

Christ conquers,
Christ rules,
Christ commands.

O Christ, hear us.

Lord, have mercy.
Christ, have mercy.
Lord, have mercy.

O Christ, give us your grace,
O Christ, give us joy and peace.
O Christ, give us life and salvation.

Let us pray.

Our Father…

Let us pray.
Almighty and gracious God, in your majesty remember us. Grant us forgiveness of all sins, increase your heavenly grace to us, and give us your help against all the snares of our enemies, seen and unseen. In the same way, protect our hearts by your command, so that after this mortal life, we may rejoice together with all your saints in the glory of the kingdom of God, serving our Jesus Christ our Lord and Redeemer, who has all power and rule, one with the Father and the Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen.


Preface section on the Dunkeld Litany from Forbes’ Kalendars of Scottish Saints:

The last of the pre-Reformation documents, which is given in
Appendix III., is the Litany said to have been used by the Culdees at
Dunkeld. It was first printed in ” Notes and Queries” by Dr. J. G. F.
Gordon of Glasgow, from the manuscripts of Prior Marianus Brockie,
of S. James’ Monastery at Ratisbon, Dr. Gordon states that Father
(Servanus) Thomson (formerly a monk of Dunfermline) preserved
it in the library of the convent, where Father Brockie found it.
It is an interesting piece, but not entirely above suspicion ;
that is to say, the date which the prayer for the king would indi-
cate is an impossible one. Girig is the King Gregory who was
solemnly crowned at Scone in 875, and reigned about twelve
years.2 Yet we find S. David Rex among the intercessions. Again,
the presence of Crathlinthus shows that it must have been drawn up
after the time of Boece, which is confirmed by the latinity of the
prayer at the conclusion. The expression ” Almificus” does not occur,
apparently, before 1046.3 The debased form ” recensitorum ” also
indicates a very late epoch ; and the theological formula, ” Tecum in
ccelo regnantium,” is that of the decree on the saints in the canons of
the Council of Trent. Again, no Culdean litany would speak of the

1 Vol. ii. part ii. p. 256.
2 Fordun, Scotich., lib. iv. c. 17, vol. i. p. 198, ed. Goodall.

3 Vide Du Cange, ad verb.



Pope as ” Summo et universali Papse Romano.” Frequent as was the
intercourse between the Scotican churches and Rome, active as was
the Papal interference with the Culdees in the days of their decline,
this peculiar form would not be used till the Hildebrandine ideas
prevailed in Scotland.

However, though this litany in its present form has no just
pretensions to the extreme antiquity assigned to it, there is no reason
to believe that it is not a pre-Reformation document. Yea, rather,
it seems to bear upon its face traces of the same spirit which dictated
the publication of the Breviary of Aberdeen. Just as in that valu-
able work we see evidences of the desire to systematise the native
hagiology by the incorporation of the old legends and lives ; so in
this litany we see the increased light thrown on Scottish history by
Boece’s publication employed to excite the devotion of the people.
The light may have proved to be an ignis fatuus, as those who
discredit Boece would maintain ; but we must respect the motive
that would thus seek to rekindle the flames of devotion at the lamp
of history. Probably the present form is based upon an elder docu-
ment. In any case the compilation is not likely to have been made
at Ratisbon. There is too much local colouring. There is the absence
of any allusion to the unspeakable calamities that had befallen the
ancient Church. An ideal litany for the restored Catholic Church of
Scotland would not specially pray against catherans, robbers, and
wolves. It would have some allusion to the progress and effects of

On the whole, then, I am disposed to believe that it is a genuine
document, really connected with the diocese of Dunkeld. As a
matter of fact, we know that by the exertions of Bishop George
Brown, who presided over the diocese from 1484 till 1515, a great
effort at reformation took place. ” This Bishop has the reputation of
having been a very good man, and a strict observer of discipline, and
that he wrought no small reformation in all parts of his diocese/’1

1 Keith’s Scottish Bishops, p. 92, ed. Kussel.

Note: King Gregor, founder of the MacGregor Dynasty, Protector of the Culdees