Categorie: Fighting Communism (CDL)

Debunking the Kabbala Quote Against Trump

There are some people out there saying Trump became a kabbalist. This is a flat out lie. These take a piece of text out context from Trump’s book “The Way to the Top” published in 2004. Those weren’t Trump’s words about himself, that was what someone else said, which was printed in that book, it’s […]

Russia’s Return to Germany? Only Fighting “Nazis”? the 1994 Russian bases in Germany

Main Russian Military Bases in Germany till 1994. Putin as KGB agent based in Germany.   The Hidden Russian Agenda: Germany and Ukraine Under Covert Occupation Threat For decades, Russia has covertly maintained influence in Germany, long after the Soviet Union’s formal military withdrawal in 1994. Now, through its weaponized use of the term “Nazi”, […]

Continuity of the Brunswick Templar, the Sovereign Protection

Continuity of the Brunswick Templar Introduction: The Significance of the 1321 Agreement The 1321 Agreement between Duke Otto of Brunswick, a former Templar commander, and the Order of St. John (Hospitallers) stands as a cornerstone document in the history of the Templar Order in Europe. This agreement not only outlines the transfer of key Templar […]

Profile of the Billionaire Club

By: Theordore Wilson July 22, 2024   There are approximately 3,338 billionaires who make up most of the world’s wealth. Their bank accounts and philanthropy don’t qualify them as image-laden classy, brilliant, virtuous, or members of a club. A small group conducts business secretly, away from public scrutiny, to implement their own agenda.    Not […]

Are You Promoting Kamala-Communism?

I must remind all those who are speaking out against Trump voters (stealth Kamala Communists). Especially all those “holier than thou” types. You’re advocates for the “Kamala communism” which is based on a fantasy of miracles that magically you will have exactly an equal pay as each illegal immigrant who crosses the border. A reminder […]

German Princes as “head of church” – God’s Sword

Small intro to the article “German Princes as “head of church” – God’s Sword” by the Grace of God HMSH, the Primace Dr. Stephen MK d’Guelph Brunswick, ThD, PhD, House of Wolfenbuttel-Brunswick, Chief of House. Registered since 2007 at,, et al. Dedicated to our King of kings Jesus Christ, who is ultimate […]

Psychological Warfare Attacks of Toxic Over-positivity

We believe that positivity is good and important, in balance. However some have fallen prey and become foot soldiers of enemies of America in the name of a false notion of positivity. There are very real military psyops (pychological operations) done by foreign enemy nations which falsify, hijack and manipulate their enemies under their doctrines […]

The World Conquerors, the real war criminals by Louis Marschalko PDF download

The book “WORLD CONQUERORS” exposes the foundations enslaving the Western European Nations under Communist (or Soviet) Bolshevism.  We have categories of articles on these themes, such as  Red Genocide, Red Invasion which may be of interest. Examples  of the Bolshevik takeover and occupation of the world abound. From the monopoly on race discussions, to religious. As our […]

“Old Races” or Pre-Adamites, the Most Scientific, Biblical and Respectful Theory for all Races

Is there a good spiritual basis in the dominant Christian separatist doctrine that kept nearly 100% of America’s churches racially segregated through the 1960s? The below genetics studies, mainstream Universities and theology textbooks, demonstrate that the non-white races did not descend from the 6,000 year old Adamic-man but were part of the “older races”. This […]

Pope Reaffirms ban on same-sex couples

Lets take the chance now to let the light shine before this one gets way out of hand for this generation. The sooner orderly conduct can get restored the better. Lets not let the lies of Chris Christie go unchecked. He very irresponsibly (and conveniently) said that the pope now “endorses blessings on same sex […]

WAR AND THE BREED by David Starr Jordan – PS, Institute of Peace Studies

The War and The Breed by David Starr Jordan. The Relations of War to the Downfall of Nations Download “War and the Breed” in PDF format Priory of Salem, Institute of Peace Studies War and the Breed: The Relation of War to the Downfall of Nations by David Starr Jordan, published in 1915. This is […]

Potential Orthodox Blessings for Repentant Sinners (as the Latin Pope would agree?)

Open letter to ministers of the Gospel: I feel led of the Lord Jesus Christ to share this bit of admonishment with you to continue on the great work of the faith you’re doing. As from: Many of our Clergy have been asked by sworn enemies of Christ if they will be giving a blessing […]

The Spirit of Lilith, Pre-Adamic Demons, and Worldly Psychiatry **mp3**

Pastor Crouch of Restoration Ministries in his open classroom setting, shares about the teaching of Lilith. He breaks the ice on the topic in a fun and humorous way, sharing from a popular article publication / Sun Magazine. He highlighted that it is a factual teaching out there, and that Adamkind did go through two […]

CREATION… or CHANCE! God’s purpose with mankind proved by the wonder of the universe

Creation or Chance! God’s purpose with mankind proved by the wonder of the universe Sections: “A World Gone Wrong” The Theory of Evolution The Cause How Clever is Man? The Evil of Evolution Has Man Penetrated Space? When Pygmies Look Up! Symbols in the Sky The Evolutionist Caught in a Fly-Trap! The Marvel of Man […]

State Monuments now being destroyed by church networks!

From the Desk of Dr Stephen MK Brunswick Prior, St Andrew’s OCC Priory of Salem, Institute of Peace Studies Dear Church, I recorded the following audio response Responding to the LEFTIST RADICAL TREACHERY OF SOME PREACHERS Promoting the: ILLEGAL PROJECT OF “SWORDS INTO PLOWSHEARS” I’m reaching out to at-risk areas, where the current trends […]

Ignoring Corruption Codes and USSC Precedents That Would Jail the Bidens Already

Textbook corruption and bribery is being ignored as it relates to the Bidens. US laws are being ignored as it relates to the Bidens, to change the focus over to irrelevancies in a fog of hundreds of proven instances of bribery to several foreign countries. ACCORDING TO THE SUPREME COURT, IT DOESN’T MATTER WHO GOT […]

Hijacked America: “The Secrets of the Federal Reserve” and more worse foreign financial threats

Download the PDF or read online “The Secrets of the Federal Reserve” by Eustace Mullins. This important topic of the foreign private ownership of America’s money system came up in a recent article ADL Represents All Enemy Nations’ “Unrestricted Warfare” Against America. In that article we briefly exposed some of the ADL Crimes where they […]

ADL Represents All Enemy Nations’ “Unrestricted Warfare” Against America

Full Article: “Behind the Mask of Respectability: The truth about the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith – THE RACIST JEWISH MAFIA!” Priory of Salem – Institute of Peace Studies, O.C.C. (Est. 2011 at Mt Gibeon / Shiloh Israel, a Humanitarian Mission of the Brunswick Grand Commandery, Order of Knights Templar.) (Editor’s note:  A lot of […]

Additional Journals and Booklets on the British Israel topic

In addition to the journals we mentioned at “British Israelism” Teaching in All Generations of Christendom and referencing the article by the late Pastor Alan Campbell, “The True and Noble Origins of the Anglo-Israel Message”, we’d like to make you aware of several more published by Sacred Truth Ministries. Watchmen of Israel, first printed 1921, Boston, Mass (STM […]

Eva Vlaardingerbroek latest headline news

Latest Info, What’s up with Eva Vlaardingerbroek. So many are unaware from the key points bringing this kind Christian lady to action. Thousands of farms stolen in the Netherlands, social upheaval, the foreign Marxist takeover of the true power of the representatives etc. Misconceptions about the 2030 agenda are dispelled with a quick analysis of […]

Male-Only Frank/Merovingian Ancient Genealogy of the NW German / Carolingian Emperors

Male-only line genealogical line of the Frankish Merovingian Dynasty of the Carolingian Emperors. A study backed by conclusive DNA testing. Our legitimist philosophy rooted in living Sovereign domains and International law The following line of Kings is one of the most confirmed DNA / Haplogroup family of Kings ever recorded. 10 of the Kings’ dna […]

Children Suing Hospitals For Forced Castration Crimes

From the Desk of Dr Brunswick I told you it’s really coming. The kids are going to sue them for the injuries and damages of these forced castrations (I did 3 videos on this topic). There will be no “on the fence” while the kids steamroll over all these evil crimes against nature, against God’s […]

Health Freedom Resources

Organizations you may wish to work with towards your health freedom and informed consent Health Freedom Groups Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North […]

Texas Senate passes bill requiring the Ten Commandments in public school classrooms

Texas Senate passes bill requiring the Ten Commandments in public school classrooms “We think there can be a restoration of faith in America, and we think getting [the] Ten Commandments on these walls is a great way to do that. . . . We think we can really set a trend for the rest of the country.” […]

Supreme Court Inches Closer to Decision in Major Election Integrity Case

This was the pimary matter that was in the complaints submitted to the court to challenge the validity of the 2020 election. It now is being heard if they were right, but this wouldn’t have impact on the election itself. Some may not see this as exactly the matter. However, it is the Constitutional matter […]