Categorie: Verbonds Soevereiniteit

De jure christelijke soevereiniteitswet. Theocratische wettige oplossingen zoals erkend in het internationaal recht wereldwijd voor het naleven van bestaande wetten en verbonden die nog steeds effectief en legitiem zijn voor verschillende christelijke partijen. De voorgeschreven nationale rechten van soevereiniteit, burgerrechten, erfrecht, gezag, rechten op cultureel behoud door separatisme, en alle vormen van christelijke vrijheid en onafhankelijkheid onder Jezus Christus en Zijn oude wetten als de God van Israël.

the Monastic Rule of St Comgall, Culdee Saint and “Chief of Ireland’s Monks”

The Rule of Saint Comgall Saint Comgall, founder of the monastery of Bangor, was trained by St Finnian and became a disciple of St Tigernach of Clones. He instructed several great Culdees including St Columbanus. The Rule of Comgall, as referred to by Saint Adamnan, exists as handed down, in a text from the late […]

Kelly’s Irish Brigade, Celtic Confederates

The History of Kelly’s Irish Brigade, and Recruitment Song The Confederate Irish Brigade. Kelly’s Irish Brigade and Recruitment Song. An effective unit of Irish Confederates which started at Missouri. Download original PDF from Report from the Military Order of the Stars and Bars: Colonel Joseph Kelly, an Irish immigrant organized the Washington Blues in […]

Hebrew Roots Enthusiasts

We believe those of Hebrew Roots backgrounds will get along well with us. We ourselves are Hebrew Roots Enthusiasts. Although we have more of a focus on more the British Israelism aspects, that is merely because thousands of books have been published on the topic from that aspect. A classic book being “Judah’s Sceptre, Joseph’s […]

Visigothic line of the House of Barcelona (Raymond IV of Gothia and Toulouse)

From our Goths Nobility Theme Brunswick Continuing Knights Templar House of the Original Angevin Royals’ branch, with full Royal protections of the Templar, incl. fons honorum Goths’ Viking Royalty, Parallel Empire and Cultural Heritage. Priory of Salem, Institute of Peace Studies. Heirs of Several Former Goths’ States, the House of Brunswick-Wolfenbuettel Succeeded in the alloid […]

German Princes as “head of church” – God’s Sword

Small intro to the article “German Princes as “head of church” – God’s Sword” by the Grace of God HMSH, the Primace Dr. Stephen MK d’Guelph Brunswick, ThD, PhD, House of Wolfenbuttel-Brunswick, Chief of House. Registered since 2007 at,, et al. Dedicated to our King of kings Jesus Christ, who is ultimate […]

Greswell’s “Chapters on the Early History of Glastonbury Abbey” (Glastonbury’s Kings)

“Chapters on the Early History of Glastonbury Abbey” by Rev. William Greswell is a detailed exploration of the origins and development of Glastonbury Abbey, a holy site of the Culdees, steeped in history and legend. Greswell’s work delves into the abbey’s connections to early Christianity, its significance in the Celtic Church, and its associations with […]

1945 last Confederate Stronghold, Secession & Reunion Monument

The Confederacy only lasted – “ The last Confederate Stronghold to surrender was in Town Line, New York. It surrendered in 1945. Which means the Confederacy almost lasted 100 years and still to this day Jefferson Davis never renounced it and there are legal documents proving the Confederacy never officially rejoined the Union.

The Life and Works of St Aengus (the Culdee) Hagiographus

Herein you may read a great history on this part of the Irish Celtic (Orthodox Culdee) church. Download free pdf copy of The Life and Works of St Aengus (the Culdee) Hagiographus by O’Hanlon. A reprint from The book goes in great detail on what is called the Martyrology of Oengus the Culdee or […]

Culdee / Spouses of God Prophecy: Céilí Dé meaning Spouse of God

Céilí Dé or Céli Dé means “spouse of God” or “companion of God” in ancient Celtic / Irish. Jowett maintained in his book “Drama of the Lost Disciples” that for the First Century forwards the church was called Culdee and not Christian (As is established the First Century church was indeed British, incl. Ireland and […]

A Few “Separatist Culdee” Books on 2nd Century St Elfanus and his King Lucius

Numerous scholars have highlighted the push-back of the Celtic church against Rome. The Irish Primate / Bishop Ussher also wrote well on this topic in the 17th Century (which was also recognized in the era King Charles the Martyr restored the office of the Culdees as direct successors of the schools established by St Patrick). […]

1st Century Irish Druids Incorporated Hebrew Christianity at Glastonbury Under Direction of the King of Ulster

In the 1922 Cambridge printed book titled, “St. Joseph at Arimathea at Glastonbury” written by the Vicar of Glastonbury, Reverend Smithett Lewis, it says that as early as 48 AD Conor Macnessa, the King of Ulster sent all of his druidic priests to the Isle of Avalon on a special mission to write down all […]

Pope Reaffirms ban on same-sex couples

Lets take the chance now to let the light shine before this one gets way out of hand for this generation. The sooner orderly conduct can get restored the better. Lets not let the lies of Chris Christie go unchecked. He very irresponsibly (and conveniently) said that the pope now “endorses blessings on same sex […]

WAR AND THE BREED by David Starr Jordan – PS, Institute of Peace Studies

The War and The Breed by David Starr Jordan. The Relations of War to the Downfall of Nations Download “War and the Breed” in PDF format Priory of Salem, Institute of Peace Studies War and the Breed: The Relation of War to the Downfall of Nations by David Starr Jordan, published in 1915. This is […]

Tracing Our Ancestors (British Israel book of the month)

For our British Israel book club subscribers (local or online members), the book of the month is “Tracing Our Ancestors” by Frederick Haberman. Freely available for download below. Contact us if you wish to order copies As Paul told the Greeks: “do not be ignorant that your ancestors were with crossed the red sea” […]

State Monuments now being destroyed by church networks!

From the Desk of Dr Stephen MK Brunswick Prior, St Andrew’s OCC Priory of Salem, Institute of Peace Studies Dear Church, I recorded the following audio response Responding to the LEFTIST RADICAL TREACHERY OF SOME PREACHERS Promoting the: ILLEGAL PROJECT OF “SWORDS INTO PLOWSHEARS” I’m reaching out to at-risk areas, where the current trends […]

King Gregor, Founder of the MacGregor’s Clan, Protector of the Culdees

Giric, King of Scots, of Northern Pictland, Fortune (AKA King Gregor, or “Gregory the Great”) Mural at Edinburg Castle (1 of 2 depicting Eochaid and Giric at the center) Royal Protector of the Culdees, Founder of the Pictish Clan Dynasty of the MacGregors Giric or Gregor mac Dungal was crowned as King of the Scots […]

Short Review: “The Culdee Church of Ireland and Scotland” by Dr Moore

Free PDF book on British Israel and the Celtic Church, as widely understood 150 years ago. Note: Attn Priory of Salem students, don’t forget to send in your book reviews and keep on top of past readings. Best to send in your book reviews or summaries on a regular basis to stay in good standing. […]

The Orthodox Order of the Culdees, the Rule of St Maelruan +792AD

The purer ancient Rule of St Maelruan The rule for the Culdees of Armagh, drawn up by Maelruan, abbot of Tamhlacht (Tallaght), who died in the year 792. The full chapters of the rule goes into practical usage day to day as well as annual. This rule has been affirmed by 1600s-1900s historians that it […]

ADL Represents All Enemy Nations’ “Unrestricted Warfare” Against America

Full Article: “Behind the Mask of Respectability: The truth about the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith – THE RACIST JEWISH MAFIA!” Priory of Salem – Institute of Peace Studies, O.C.C. (Est. 2011 at Mt Gibeon / Shiloh Israel, a Humanitarian Mission of the Brunswick Grand Commandery, Order of Knights Templar.) (Editor’s note:  A lot of […]

Male-Only Frank/Merovingian Ancient Genealogy of the NW German / Carolingian Emperors

Male-only line genealogical line of the Frankish Merovingian Dynasty of the Carolingian Emperors. A study backed by conclusive DNA testing. Our legitimist philosophy rooted in living Sovereign domains and International law The following line of Kings is one of the most confirmed DNA / Haplogroup family of Kings ever recorded. 10 of the Kings’ dna […]

Health Freedom Resources

Organizations you may wish to work with towards your health freedom and informed consent Health Freedom Groups Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North […]

Texas Senate passes bill requiring the Ten Commandments in public school classrooms

Texas Senate passes bill requiring the Ten Commandments in public school classrooms “We think there can be a restoration of faith in America, and we think getting [the] Ten Commandments on these walls is a great way to do that. . . . We think we can really set a trend for the rest of the country.” […]

John Nott de Arden’s Bye-law against usury, as Sheriff and Mayor of London

John Notte’s Bye-law against Usury (still invoked from time to time). The Sheriff John Nott (of the ancient Vicecommital house of 4 counties that overlap the Mercian circle of Kineton, continuing for Centuries as Lords of Solihull, etc of the Arden’s Saxon Royal inheritance), during his elected term as Lord Mayor he made a bye-law […]

Should Women be Forcibly Drafted to War? God’s Law on the Military Draft and Warfare by Sheldon Emry

military draft, God's Bible law

Great booklet by a former Washington DC Lobbyist Sheldon Emry. Who should be drafted? Should all women be equally drafted to war (by force) as they’re proposing? Download the PDF and/or share the url. Should Women be Forcibly Drafted to Equally Serve in Heavy Combat Warfare? How will we look as a people, seeing thousands […]

The “Russian Sympathizer Trap” to Disarm Traditional Conservatives

The Long Planned Neo-liberal Trap To Disarm Traditional Conservatives for a fake sympathy for Edomite & Communist enemies of America. New video has emerged from India outlining how they align totally with the North Korean, Iranian, Russian, Syrian and Chinese “pay back” against the West! Special report by Dr Brunswick, Priory of Salem, Institute of […]