Categorie: Usurped Incorporated States

The Forgotten German Land: Why Kaliningrad Must Be Restored to Its Rightful Sovereign

The Forgotten German Land: Why Kaliningrad Must Be Restored to Its Rightful Sovereign Russia’s Ethnic Cleansing of Germans and the Ongoing Occupation of East Prussia For over a thousand years, German influence dominated East Prussia. From its conquest by the Teutonic Order in the 13th century to its role as a key German province, it […]

Pope Reaffirms ban on same-sex couples

Lets take the chance now to let the light shine before this one gets way out of hand for this generation. The sooner orderly conduct can get restored the better. Lets not let the lies of Chris Christie go unchecked. He very irresponsibly (and conveniently) said that the pope now “endorses blessings on same sex […]

Ignoring Corruption Codes and USSC Precedents That Would Jail the Bidens Already

Textbook corruption and bribery is being ignored as it relates to the Bidens. US laws are being ignored as it relates to the Bidens, to change the focus over to irrelevancies in a fog of hundreds of proven instances of bribery to several foreign countries. ACCORDING TO THE SUPREME COURT, IT DOESN’T MATTER WHO GOT […]

Hijacked America: “The Secrets of the Federal Reserve” and more worse foreign financial threats

Download the PDF or read online “The Secrets of the Federal Reserve” by Eustace Mullins. This important topic of the foreign private ownership of America’s money system came up in a recent article ADL Represents All Enemy Nations’ “Unrestricted Warfare” Against America. In that article we briefly exposed some of the ADL Crimes where they […]

ADL Represents All Enemy Nations’ “Unrestricted Warfare” Against America

Full Article: “Behind the Mask of Respectability: The truth about the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith – THE RACIST JEWISH MAFIA!” Priory of Salem – Institute of Peace Studies, O.C.C. (Est. 2011 at Mt Gibeon / Shiloh Israel, a Humanitarian Mission of the Brunswick Grand Commandery, Order of Knights Templar.) (Editor’s note:  A lot of […]

Birth of a Nation, Account of Battle of Bull Run, by Dr Josiah C. Nott

by Dan Masters    In July 1861, Dr. Josiah Clark Nott of Mobile, Alabama was spending his summer with his family in Virginia. As events seemed to point to a clash of arms in northern Virginia, Dr. Nott traveled north to join the Southern army and share in its fortunes.     Besides being noted as […]

Supreme Court Inches Closer to Decision in Major Election Integrity Case

This was the pimary matter that was in the complaints submitted to the court to challenge the validity of the 2020 election. It now is being heard if they were right, but this wouldn’t have impact on the election itself. Some may not see this as exactly the matter. However, it is the Constitutional matter […]

The “Russian Sympathizer Trap” to Disarm Traditional Conservatives

The Long Planned Neo-liberal Trap To Disarm Traditional Conservatives for a fake sympathy for Edomite & Communist enemies of America. New video has emerged from India outlining how they align totally with the North Korean, Iranian, Russian, Syrian and Chinese “pay back” against the West! Special report by Dr Brunswick, Priory of Salem, Institute of […]

“End the Fed”, Credit Fraud Banking is Repugnant to the Constitution

Credit Fraud Banking is Repugnant to the Constitution Dr Ron Paul, was a Republican candidate who won the popular election. Although he broke many records to show he would be the winner, was blacked out by the media and his own party. He made this his primary platform, sounding the alarm that this unlawful money […]

Re-Launch of Regular Broadcasts, Dr Brunswick’s “Our Father’s Business” Episode 1.

NOTE: Our opening broadcast got us a 7 day ban from youtube. Some one said the word covid and “new study” in the same sentence. So it was automatically labelled medical disinformation and so the show was removed and also the next weeks show. You can however find them on rumble (although quality not as […]

The 14th Amendment is Unconstitutional

This article does not change the position of the Priory of Salem (ie from our courseware “Tree of Liberty Analysis” ), that stands regardless of the 14th Amendment’s validity. As the US Supreme Court continued keeping precedents upheld for more than 100 years after the 14th’s supposed passage, that via other guarantees continued to ban […]

FDA Orders Pfizer and Moderna To Investigate Youth Heart Problems Assoc. With Covid Vaccine (Govts. In Uproar)

Watch the Video as the US Congress is about to debate ending the Covid Emergency! FDA Orders Pfizer and Moderna To Investigate Youth Heart Problems Assoc. With Covid Vaccine Fox News Story: CDC Reports thousands of cases of Myocarditis in young men who have received the vaccine. The VAERS data is much worse […]

Was Abraham Lincoln Evil? How He FAILED Emancipating “People of Color”. Worldwide BLM Violent Activists Demand Freedom Every Day.

BLM demands a “blacks-only” government. Our basic civic duties may help bring about this good Christian peaceful measure, as our forefathers always ensured. We have a message of positivity as it relates to these good solutions restoring the earth back to Divine order, just as our Christian forefathers paved the way for our total success. […]

Biden’s Executive Order Authorizing Artificial Intelligence (AI) Bio Weapons Technology

Biden’s Executive Order Authorizing Artificial Intelligence (AI) Bio Weapons Technology  Biden DNA Police Created, AI to enforce a Global Genetic Gestapo, Mandatory gene editing to blanket America and the world Biden’s latest Executive Order may be one of his most catastrophic ever. In it he is fully implementing the World Economic Forum’s main stated plan […]

RETRACTED: “Is Interracial Marriage Now Illegal”?

From the Desk of our Primace and Dean Rev Dr Stephen MK d’Guelph Brunswick You may have received an email regarding our Institute of Law studies. The course on the Tree of Liberty Analysis has a whole section on “Interracial marriage” is against the Constitution. Based on it, I drafted a preview of the content […]

Is Interracial Marriage Now Illegal? PREVIEW of content (Analysis by Priory of Salem, Institute of Peace Studies)

Inter-racial marriage is now illegal? (PREVIEW of content) Analysis by the Priory of Salem, Institute of Peace Studies God’s punishments for His people’s abominations are abundant. With our Spiritually opened eyes we behold and see the reward (punishments) of the wicked(Psalm 91). According to the CDC headlines, the monkey pox virus exclusively effects those living […]


AMERICAN NATIONAL TREE OF LIBERTY ANALYSIS    THE ORGANIC TREE OF LIBERTY. (Not a GMO, hybridized / adulterated counterfeit, synthetic patented and non-Created species which in some Constitutionalist groups falsely consider it liberty.) True Original Liberty, American tree analysis Footnotes to follow. Only sin is bondage (all sins) and must condemn all sins equally as […]

Disarming the non-militia illegals solves the school shooting problem, as per the Constitution

Disarming the non-militia illegals solves the school shooting problem, as per the Constitution Priory of Salem, Institute of Peace Studies Notwithstanding our studies such as: “Time to Revitalize the Constitutional Militias”. Priory of Salem, Peace Institute Those who love the US Constitution and their own State Republic should be elated to hear of this […]

Freedom of the Southern Republics. SON OF CONFEDERATES was asked: “whose freedom were they fighting for, again?”

As seen on our Youtube Channel thebrunswickers: You may like to read more of our content in the Dixie Corner or in our other website content areas on Confederate America, Covenantal Sovereignty, Red Invasion, History, Fighting Communism, Anti-Globalism Alliance and True Christian defense league. I want to speak to you today on the topic of […]

WARE Amerikaanse regering is een eeuwige goddelijke theocratie, onder Jezus Christus en voor de bevordering van Zijn regering op aarde, ons dagelijkse gebed

Amerika's eerste grondwet verklaarde dat onze regering een eeuwigdurende, door God ingestelde theocratie is onder Jezus Christus, de Koning, opdat Zijn Koninkrijk op aarde zou worden bevorderd. In dit artikel zal ik u bewijzen dat het nog steeds als juridisch bindend van kracht is en de juridische basis vormt van de legitimiteit van onze regering van vandaag. Deze grondwet die [...]