Bibliography1 Artamonov, M. I. 1974. Kimmeriitsy i skify. [Cimmerians and Scythians] Leningrad: lzdatel’stvo leningradskogo universiteta. Baker, John R. 1981. Race. Athens, Georgia: Foundation for Human Understanding. Bancroft, Hubert H. 1883. The Works of Hubert Howe Bancroft. Vol. 5, “The Native Races of the Pacific States.” San Francisco: A. L. Bancroft and Co. Baron, David. n.d. The History of the Ten “Lost” Tribes. 4th ed., enl. and […]
Label: read book origin of western heritage
Read book “Origin of Our Western Heritage” Chapter 8, Israel-the type and example, study of British Israelism
Chapter Eight Israel—The Type and Example It has been said that in America, if you attend a church meeting without fear of harassment, arrest, torture, or death, you are more blessed than three billion people in the world. If you have food in the refrigerator, clothes on your back, a roof overhead, and a […]
Read book “Origin of Our Western Heritage” Chapter 7, Did Israel Not Leave Palestine?
Chapter Seven Did Israel Not Leave Palestine? In spite of the massive amount of material that demonstrates the movement of the Israelites from the land of their captivity to northwestern Europe and the British Isles, thence to America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa, one can read statements like this: “How unbelievable it is […]
Read book “Origin of Our Western Heritage” Chapter 6 The Westward Movement
Chapter Six The Westward Movement Modern scholars have not appreciated the scope of travel and colonization in the ancient world. Archaeologists, for generations, have held the belief that only navigation techniques introduced into Europe during the fifteenth century made it possible for Europeans to cross the Atlantic (Fell, 1976, 17). Sir Flinders Petrie uncovered gold works […]
Read “Origin of our Western Heritage” book Chapter 5, The Captivity and Deportation of Israel
Chapter Five The Captivity and Deportation of Israel Both the Bible and history record that the ten tribes of Israel—descendants of the Patriarch Jacob—were deported from their land by a series of invasions. Long before this period, however, the tribe of Dan had already disappeared, and Asher and Gad had abandoned their brethren in […]
Read book “Origin of our Western Heritage” Chapter 4, A Look at Racial Types
Chapter Four A Look at Racial Types Whether one accepts the theory of evolution or looks at a special creation for the presence of man on the earth, we must look to the remote past for the origin of the several races. Before evolution was accepted, the view regarding the origin of man was […]
Read book “Origin of our Western Heritage” Chapter 3, the Historical Time Frame
Chapter Three The Historical Time Frame Any work of a historical nature should have a proper time frame in order to be accurate and present a proper perspective. A proper time frame should be based on what information is presently available, both scientific and historical. In the quest for truth there is no place for […]