Contrary to the destructive propaganda of egalitarianism, marxism, and socialism, the Templar Did Not Have A Vow Of Poverty. While it claims to make everyone feel better to say there were no true Sovereign representatives in the past, that is purely satanic, destructive, and not of God. Enemies of Christendom have sought to re-write what […]
Kategoria: Członkostwo
A Few “Separatist Culdee” Books on 2nd Century St Elfanus and his King Lucius
Numerous scholars have highlighted the push-back of the Celtic church against Rome. The Irish Primate / Bishop Ussher also wrote well on this topic in the 17th Century (which was also recognized in the era King Charles the Martyr restored the office of the Culdees as direct successors of the schools established by St Patrick). […]
WAR AND THE BREED by David Starr Jordan – PS, Institute of Peace Studies
St Elfan Avalonius, 2nd Century Welsh Saint, comm. January 1st and Sept 26
Sermon broadcasted January 1st, 2024: Here is another great lesson regarding the early Celtic Saints (we document over 1,000 more Saints which are officially honored by the Orthodox, as Saints who had flourished in their ministries before Augustine came to Britain). Enjoy today’s commemoration of the Classic Welsh Saint Elfan this January 1st and […]
Bonus Book: “Anglo-Israel: or The British nation the lost tribes of Israel.”
We at the British Israel book club, (by St Andrew’s OCC) hope you enjoy spreading around this great truth of true Israel. Please find enclosed 1 more book of thousands on this British Israel topic. An irrefutable topic of absolute historical, spiritual and Bible truth, His servant race who would bless the world more […]
Tracing Our Ancestors (British Israel book of the month)
For our British Israel book club subscribers (local or online members), the book of the month is “Tracing Our Ancestors” by Frederick Haberman. Freely available for download below. Contact us if you wish to order copies As Paul told the Greeks: “do not be ignorant that your ancestors were with crossed the red sea” […]
Short Review: “The Culdee Church of Ireland and Scotland” by Dr Moore
The Orthodox Order of the Culdees, the Rule of St Maelruan +792AD
The purer ancient Rule of St Maelruan The rule for the Culdees of Armagh, drawn up by Maelruan, abbot of Tamhlacht (Tallaght), who died in the year 792. The full chapters of the rule goes into practical usage day to day as well as annual. This rule has been affirmed by 1600s-1900s historians that it […]
Annals of the Kingdom of Ireland by the Four Masters, Online and Print Versions
Volumes 1-7 of the Annals of the Kingdom of Ireland by the Four Masters. From the Orthodox Church of the Culdees library. The online versions. We can also suggest publishers of enhanced printed versions if you inquire. Here you may find all seven volumes in one place. For those who want to know the meat […]
Male-Only Frank/Merovingian Ancient Genealogy of the NW German / Carolingian Emperors
Male-only line genealogical line of the Frankish Merovingian Dynasty of the Carolingian Emperors. A study backed by conclusive DNA testing. Our legitimist philosophy rooted in living Sovereign domains and International law The following line of Kings is one of the most confirmed DNA / Haplogroup family of Kings ever recorded. 10 of the Kings’ dna […]
Are You a Prophet? (Spiritual gifts confirmed) Are you a judge?
Celtic / Scottish Knights Templar
Celtic establishments of our Templar Order. For sincere inquirers, please Apply for membership. Topics: + Scottish Templar + Scottish land charters and titles prove the continuance. + Henry Sinclair + The Charter of Transmission + Founded a generation before Roman endorsement + East and West Rites used equally + Scottish Catholic represented a purer Orthodox […]
“British Israelism” Teaching in All Generations of Christendom
A study of the Celtic church shows a lot of proof of the continuity of the Celto-Saxon Israel doctrine. Pastor Dan Gayman of COI gave a great sermon on this topic. You can watch this video for free on Rumble at: Note: COI has moved to Rumble, as Youtube started censoring the content on very […]
Saxon England Restoration, in memory of Queen Elizabeth II, important Heralding Christ’s Kingdom coming closer!
In commemoration of the great 70 year reign of Queen Elizabeth II, which occupied the throne of King David of Israel (as the Archbishop proclaimed her “Queen of Israel” live on TV at her coronation). The Royal Saxon house of the Queen was where she derived her age old power, which since the earliest times […]
Actual Sovereign Knighthood was Required for Eligibility to Apply to the Knights Templar
A text to question existing social clubs calling themselves Templar: (Note: We want to empower and unite all Templar orders who presently do not have true sovereign protection. You may enjoy these benefits under our Ducal House of Wolfenbuttel-Brunswick(and global estates), who shall sub-infeudate tenancies (or Lieutenants) who may sub-lease theirs out to multiple additional […]
On Joining the Templar Order, causes and membership requirements
Many want to join our legitimist order of the Templar, successors of the founding house of Angevin etc. However, in keeping the tradition, this may be a lengthy process of applying. The persistence in directly applying to be a Templar, asking multiple times and demonstrating worthiness will eventually get one admitted to our Order. A […]
Membership / Involvement and Subscription
Membership Application (23 questions for stage 1 inquirers) ..scroll down for sign-up page CLAIM YOUR FREE BRITISH ISRAEL BOOK! For a limited time! Scroll down, and use the below signup form to join our British Israel Book Club. If you wish to receive a hardcopy book, for free, then just send an email to […]
Brunswick Continuing Knights Templar House of the Original Angevin Royals’ branch, with full Royal protections of the Templar, incl. fons honorum
The House of Brunswick descends from the original Nobility (Angevin) who had set up and founded the Knights Templar. Not only this, but Brunswick has also maintained it’s status as the rightful head of House for the Nobility who founded the Templar. This was confirmed in numerous early charters and invoked by Brunswick heads of […]
Drama of Lost Disciples, Jesus’ Disciples to Britain #1 – Page One
Drama of the Lost Disciples (Jesus’ Disciples) to Britain #1 PDF Book version: or Download “Drama of the Lost Disciples” by Jowett to read the pdf offline. Below is the text only version The Introduction Drama of Lost Disciples #2 – Part 2 Drama of Lost Disciples #3 – Part 3 THE DRAMA OF […]
Culdees byli pierwszymi chrześcijanami, „Dramat zagubionych uczniów” George'a F. Jowetta
“THE DRAMA OF THE LOST DISCIPLES” is a classic of British Israelism, and a rare book. You can read samples of this book (or check all of it online, as many various sites presently host it). We recommend those who like the book to purchase it from Artisan Publishers, “Drama of the Lost Disciples”, or […]
Książki Eustace'a Mullinsa dostępne bezpłatnie do pobrania w formacie PDF
Some have written in and asked about where the Eustace Mullins books moved to. You can find them at Eustace Mullins books, freely available for download in pdf format. These books are being freely made available by The New Ensign magazine. All of Mullins’ books except for ones on the Jewish Holocaust(for international legal […]
Tobie jest dane, Bóg nie wzywa wszystkich
Czy Bóg woła wszystkich? Niektórzy naprawdę nie traktują poważnie słów Yahshuy (Jezusa), gdy powiedział, że będzie to naprawdę jak za dni Noego, kiedy tylko rodzina została zbawiona (choć silna rodzina). Mar 4: 11-12 „I rzekł im: Wam dane jest poznać tajemnicę królestwa Bożego: […]
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STRONA GŁÓWNA PRZEDMOWA: Nie usłyszysz propagowania obrzydliwości i bluźnierstw z naszego kościoła. „W dzisiejszych czasach” niektórzy mówią, że nasze prawosławne wierzenia rozproszą trzodę. Tradycje stworzone przez człowieka mogą to robić, ale na naszym zgromadzeniu mamy tylko słowo Boże. Nie ma „prywatnej interpretacji Jego słowa Pisma” 2Piotr 1:20, ale jest ono szeroko nauczane […]