Tag: bible

Bubba Caught in Fake Hate Crime Hoax, Attacks NASCAR and all Americans, lies and destruction of US monuments ongoing

Dr. Stephen K. Brunswick who last week covered these topics at length, including the Biblical laws and many curses involved in removing monuments and renaming landmarks, etc, as quoted from the Bible “not to remove the ancient landmark”. He also shed much light on the many New Testament admonitions to refrain from interracial mixing, but […]

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HOMEPAGE FOREWORD: You won’t hear the promotion of abominations and blasphemies from our church. “These days” some people say that our Orthodox beliefs will scatter the flock. Manmade traditions might do that, but we only have God’s word at our assembly. There is “no private interpretation of His word of Scripture”2Peter 1:20, but it is taught widely […]

Biblical Zombie Apocalypse

This article primarily serves as a long list of very specific Scriptures that speak of people resurrected out of their graves and killing the ungodly. Do what you will with it. Probably most of these are not zombies, but some most certainly are, like the “resurrections of the damned”. Nevertheless what the Scripture describes seems beyond […]