Original Roman Catholic Faction Kabbalists ally with Papacy to destabilize Byzantine church ‘Divide and rule’ 1054 Eastern Orthodox Schism [Anti-Papal East]
1066 Kabbalists sponsor Norman (Guelph) Conquest of England
1095 Kabbalists arrange 1st Crusade to take Jerusalem from Islam
1118 Knights Templar learn Kabbalah from the Ismaili
1180 Maimonides Talmud (Great Ashkenaz Rabbi) ‘Blacks equal apes’
1227 Pope allies with Black Guelphs against Ghibellines [Italy]
1240 Mongol invasion drives Khazar Jew kingdom west into Europe
1270 Zohar [Kabbalistic commentary on Jewish Talmud] “Evil equals Good”
1290 Edict of King Edward [expels Jews from England forever]
1307 Knights Templar forced underground “Friday the 13th”
1382 Wycliffe version [1st English Bible] 1st chapter/verse division
1478 Marrano Crypto Jew Torquemada leads The Inquisition
1482 Papal Bull-sanctioned Castilian slave trade kicks into high gear
1479 ACTUAL INVENTION OF EUROPE Unification of White Tribes: Fall of Granada End of Jew friendly Moorish occupation
1492 Catholic Spain Ejects the Jews and their Moorish co-agitators.
At this point the list splits into the three faction categories
1517 Protestant Reformation splits Christendom – Kabbalists foment Protestant schism to Destabilize Christendom -‘Divide and rule’
1517 Marrano Crypto Jews from The Alumbrados in Spain invent Jesuit Society to co-opt Papacy
In the Roman Catholic faction . . .
1540 Papacy in crisis sanctions The Jesuit Order
1545 Council of Trent: Roman Catholic counter coup attempts to reacquire Protestant territorial seizures (embattled papacy enlists Jesuit counterinsurgency services)
1554 Lurian Kabbalah [Ashkenaz sorcerer Isaac Luria]
1571 Battle of Lepanto ends Ottoman naval dominance in the Mediterranean [Jews had betrayed Christendom]
In the Protestant faction (1517 AD) . . .
Protestant Schism (Anti-Papal West)
1530 Rosicrucian initiate Martin Luther [Lutheran Church]
1534 Predestination heresy [Crypto Jew lawyer John Calvin]
1534 Acts of Supremacy [Venetian bankers co-opt King Henry 8th]
1558 Kabbalist Jew John Dee recruits Elizabeth I Stuart of England
1572 Calvin’s student John Knox [Scottish Presbyterian Church]
The Orthodox faction time line begins . . .
1453 Fall of Constantinople: Guelph/Lombardi bankers of Venice and Genoa pit Ottoman Empire against Byzantine Empire
1547 Rebirth of Roman Empire: Constantinople’s survivors resurrect Orthodox Byzantine culture in Moscow
The 1600’s
Protestant faction:
1605 ‘Guy Fawkes’ Jewish banker hoax [rise of British Empire]
1606 King James Stuart charters English colonization of America
1609 Bank of Amsterdam [used to finance 1688 Orange coup]
1609 John Smyth America [Baptist church]
1611 King James I Stuart (anti-papal) Bible version
1620 American Puritan Plymouth Colony (Anglican Separatists)
1649 Bankers’ Calvinist ‘Cromwell Revolution’ Judaizes England
1655 Cromwell reverses Edict of Edward I to readmit the Jews
1660’s England wrests slave trade from Catholic Spain/Portugal
1688 Privatized Sveriges Riksbank [Jews conquer Sweden]
1688 Venetian bankers sponsor William of Orange coup in England
1694 Privatized Bank of England [Jews conquer England]
1694 Sovereign State: The City of London Private Corp [Financial Arm of The World Order]
Roman Catholic faction:
1618 Thirty Years War Dialectic [Catholic vs. Protestant]
1666 Sabbataen cult supplants Judaic monotheism (Donmeh crypto Jews infiltrate Islam [Turkey])
1685 Revocation of the Edict of Nantes [France]
Orthodox faction: no entry
The 1700s
Protestant faction:
1717 Freemasonry founded in Britain on 7 Noahide laws [Talmud]
1726 Wahhabi Heresy [Bank of England finances ‘divide and rule’]
1730 Freemasonry infiltrates France from England
1738 John Wesley [Methodist movement]
1740 Askkenaz House of Rothschild organized to run Conspiracy
1776 Jew banker Haym Solomon finances American Revolution
1783 U.S. federal government a white Constitutional Republic
Roman Catholic faction:
1773 Suspension of Jesuit Order in Catholic countries
1776 Rothschild funds reconstitution of The Alumbrados [The Illuminati] to subvert the Protestant Reformation
1782 Illuminism co-opts Freemasonry at Wilhelmsbad
1789 Illuminati creates Jacobins for French Revolution
Orthodox faction:
1721 Russian Empire officially declared by Peter the Great
The 1800s
Protestant faction:
1803 Privatized Bank of France [Rothschild conquers France]
1806 Rothschild uses Napoleon to destroy Holy Roman Empire
1812 London Bourse victory [Rothschild scams Bank of England]
1814 Dutch central bank [Rothschild conquers Netherlands]
1830 British East India Co. achieves total enslavement of India
1830 Freemason Joseph Smith [Mormon church]
1839 Treaty of Nanking [British East India Co. enslaves China]
1845 Pro slavery USA Bible Belt [Southern Baptist Convention]
1848 Dispensationalist Heresy [Rothschild agent John N. Darby]
1870 Privatized Reichsbank [Rothschild centralizes German state]
1881 Rothschild assassinates U.S. President James Garfield
1881 Ashkenaz fleeing Russian pogroms begin pouring into America*
1882 Privatized Bank of Japan [Rothschild conquers Japan]
1883 Freemason William Miller [Seventh Day Adventist Church]
1884 Freemason Charles T. Russel (Jehovah’s Witness church]
1884 Berlin Conference [Christendom plots to enslave Africa]
1890s Russian Jews begin buying up U.S. seminaries
1898 Kaiser Wilhelm of Germany rebuffs Zionist leader Herzl
1899 Boer War [Rothschild usurps white South African colonizers]
Roman Catholic faction:
1809 Napoleon kidnaps the Pope [“The Fatal Wound”]
1814 Restoration of Jesuit Order in Catholic countries
1815 Congress of Vienna redraws world map [Rothschild]
1815 Waterloo [Rothschild crushes Napoleon’s uprising]
1823 Rothschild captures Vatican purse [usury legal]
1837 Illuminati lodges in North and South begin stoking up Abolition and Secession pretexts to foment Civil War
1866 Jesuit Order assassinates U.S. President Lincoln
1868 14th Amendment coup instates British Admiralty Law
1869 Boshin War [Jesuits crush Japanese resistance]
Orthodox faction:
1815 Congress of Vienna [Russian czar rebuffs Rothschild roadmap]
1828 Tanzimat ends Ottoman independence from Western banking
1853-56 Crimean War: Rothschild pits European coalition against Russia [Russia loses her holy places in Palestine]
1861 Russian czar emancipates the slaves [serfdom abolished]
1863 U.S. Civil War alliance: Russian czar sends naval fleet to the aid of U.S. President Lincoln
1881 Jewish terrorist assassinates Russian czar Alexander II [bomb]
1881 Jews destabilize Russia: Russia makes secret deal with embattled czar for pogroms to force Ashkenaz exodus to America*
1885 Ottoman sultan rebuffs Rothschild bid to buy Palestine
The 1900’s
Orthodox faction:
1904 Russo Japanese war: Rothschild pits Japan vs. Russia
1905 Jews flee to Germany after failed Communist coup in Russia
1908 Donmeh crypto Jews take over the Islamic Ottoman Empire
1914 WW I stage-managed to transfer Palestine from Ottoman Empire to British jurisdiction
1915 Armenian Genocide: Donmeh Jews pit Ottoman Muslims against Christians
1916 Menshevik Jew faction disables Russia’s defences for Bolshevik Jew faction coup
1917 Russian Revolution coup: Rothschild sends Bolshevik Crypto Jew fifth column from New York City to De-Christianize Russia
1941 WW 2 stage-managed to transfer Palestine from British Empire to Rothschild jurisdiction
1953 Rothschild sends Bolshevik Jews to crush Stalin’s uprising
1989 Fall of Berlin Wall: Cold War hoax comes to a close [several nations possess UFO and Directed Energy Weaponry]
Protestant faction:
1901 Rothschild assassinates U.S. President William McKinley
1904 Colonization: Christendom completes enslavement of Africa
1909 Zionist movement publishes Cyrus Scofield Bible version
1913 Privatized “FED”: Rothschild conquers U.S. federal government
1915 Illuminati reactivate Klan to funnel Blacks to Jew subversives
1917 Balfour Declaration: Rothschild threatens British Empire
1918 Rothschild destroys Islamic Ottoman Empire via British MI6
1922 ADL Jews pit the NAACP/Boulé proxy against Marcus Garvey
1928 British MI6 Freemason founds Islamist Muslim Brotherhood
1932 17th century Crypto Jews become Wahhabi Saudi theocracy
1944 Bretton Woods/IMF World Bank design national debt slavery
1949 Rothschild sponsors Communist Mao coup in China via MI6
1969 Neo-colonialism [continued interference via comprador]
1963 Rothschild assassinates U.S. President John F. Kennedy
1968 Rothschild kills French President De Gaulle’s uprising
1974 Watergate: Rothschild kills U.S. President Nixon’s uprising
1979 Rothschild sponsors Islamist Khomeini coup in Iran via MI6
1980s Neoconservative Crypto Jews take over Republican Party
Roman Catholic faction:
1903 Pope Pius X rebuffs Zionist leader Theodore Herzl
1929 Sovereign State: Vatican City [private corp] SPIRITUAL ARM OF THE WORLD ORDER
1933 Transfer Agreement: Rothschild funds Crypto Jew Hitler to force Ashkenaz colonial exodus to Palestine
1939 WW II stage-managed to design a United Nations-vs. Israel Hegelian Dialectic
1945 Yalta Rothschild Cartel divides world map into 7 opposing Hegelian Sociology laboratories [totalitarian Communism in the East and monopoly capitalism in the West]
1946 Iron Curtain speech launches Cold War hoax
1947 National Security Act: British MI6 restructures U.S. government; Bluebeam” alien/UFO hoax programs begin
1949 Rothschild creates NATO bloc to drive totalitarian technology development for WW3 plus 2012 Bluebeam hoax
1958 “October 1958”: Rothschild coup unseats newly elected Pope Joseph Siri [Pope Pius 12’s choice]
1963 2nd Vatican Council removes phrase “perfidious Jews” from liturgy [guilt of crucifixion]
1964 Culture Revolution: ADL Jews use the assimiliationist Boule to federalize sovereign states [divide and rule] [overt Judaizing of America]
1965 Jew Senator Javits overturns U.S. immigration ban
1967 Sabbataen Labour Zionists capture Jerusalem
1969 Marxist Hollywood Jews air fake video over live TV [ADL hoaxes Apollo moon landing]
1982 Sovereign State: District of Columbia [private corp] MILITARY ARM OF THE WORLD ORDER
2001 Fake 9/11 plane videos launch War on Terror hoax [ADL sics Christendom on Islam]