SCOTS ARE GOTHS FROM THE UKRAINE REGION. This book attached by LA WADDELL (or Haberman’s “Tracing Our Ancestors”, or Steven Collin’s books on the Goths) should remove any slightest doubt in the fact that the ancient Scythian Goths (Ukrainians etc) are the same as the Scots. Calling the Scots a Gothic Nation is not a revolutionary thing. One only has to look at the Declaration of Arbroath, signed by Robert the Bruce and all the Barons, known as their Declaration of Independence. In it, it defines the place by the Black Sea the Scottish Nation came from (out of Scythia / Ukraine). MUCH MUCH more to come! (Visigoths the*Western Goths, and Ostrogoths *Eastern Goths, just scratches the surface of our heritage.)
Read “The-Phoenician-Origin-of-Britons-Scots-Anglo-Saxons-1924-1st-edition PDF”
Imperial Gothia