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Head Office

Priory of Salem

Orthodox Church of the Culdees

Eagle Rock, Missouri


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Mailing address

Saint Andrew’s O.C.C.

100 N. Dixieland Rd Ste D208

Rogers, AR 72756


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Contents include

The Historic Celtic Church and Today’s Orthodox Church of the Culdees

The Celtic Church is a subject of much intrigue around the world. We have Saint Patrick and Saint Columba, and even Christ’s Uncle Joseph of Arimathea, and other first Century Saints who led Britain, like St. Aristobulus, St. Andrew, St. Paul, and St. Philip [some of the most ancient forefathers of the Celtic Orthodox Church]. […]

“The Sabbath in the True Orthodox Church” (East and West) BOOK PUBLISHED BY OUR CHURCH

“The Sabbath in the True Orthodox Church” By Rev. Dr. Stephen M.K. Brunswick Primace, Orthodox Church of the Culdees Chief of the House of Wolfenbüttel-Brunswick One of the most informative church history books you may ever read.  More than 40 Early Church Fathers are cited herein as advocates for keeping Sabbath on Saturday. IT’S BACK […]

NOTICE FOR NON-BELIEVERS – You Are On A Private Website For Fully Converted Christians

HOMEPAGE FOREWORD: You won’t hear the promotion of abominations and blasphemies from our church. “These days” some people say that our Orthodox beliefs will scatter the flock. Manmade traditions might do that, but we only have God’s word at our assembly. There is “no private interpretation of His word of Scripture”2Peter 1:20, but it is taught widely […]

NL: Geschiedenis van Kelto Saksisch Israel “Geschiedenis van Kelto Saksisch Israel” (214 pgs) by Bennett

Een fundamentele theologie van de Culdees heeft een basis in de oorspronkelijke stammen van Israël. Hieronder een actie van de site https://vlicthus.nl/. We moedigen u aan om hun boek te kopen en te delen met degenen die geïnteresseerd zijn om lid te worden van een historisch-apostolische West-Orthodoxe (Keltische) kerk. NL: Geschiedenis van Kelto Saksisch Israel […]

Welsh and Celto-Saxon Kings Protecting Glastonbury (and the religion of the Culdees)

A Chapter taken from our booklet on Celtic Ecclesiology, the Married Abbots and Clerics of the Orthodox Culdee. Full text is found at https://celticorthodoxy.com/2017/05/glastonbury-married-cleric-monks/ Welsh and Celto-Saxon Kings Protecting Glastonbury Peace to their shades! the pure Culdees Were Albyn’s earliest priests of God, Ere yet an island of her seas By foot of Saxon monk […]

Shockingly, CDC Now Lists Vaccinated Deaths as Unvaccinated by Dr. Mercola

Shockingly, CDC Now Lists Vaccinated Deaths as Unvaccinated Analysis by Dr. Joseph MercolaFact Checked  https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2021/09/15/cdc-lists-vaccinated-deaths-as-unvaccinated.aspx (archived at ST-Andrewsocc.org as it’s scheduled to go offline) Can You Trust Big Pharma’s Gene Therapy Vaccine? America’s Bioweapon Secrets STORY AT-A-GLANCE According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, you’re not counted as fully vaccinated until a full […]

6 “perfectly healthy/fit” Florida Cops die of covid19 in just 1 week’s time (Breaking God’s laws of Separation)

Hopefully the peak of perfectly healthy people dying of covid is going down. Metro areas have it the worst. Here’s one Metro cops story: 6 perfectly healthy cops die in about 1 week from COVID19 related illness https://www.nydailynews.com/coronavirus/ny-covid-5-south-florida-cops-die-one-week-coronavirus-20210823-tjekvlo6yvd5rprueng4iszrdy-story.html Is covid19 comparable with other annual averages? US Swine flu: 12,000 deaths US normal flu: avg 28,000 […]

Biggest Smoking Gun Ever On BREAKTHROUGH INFECTION Cover-up! 99.9% of new infections are listed as UNVACCINATED in master data!

The Israeli Ministry of Health reports that 64.5% of those hospitalized and 67% of seriously ill people with COVID were “fully immunized” with both shots. Only Israel has a standard to include vaccination status in their National data on new infections. Populations with the highest vaccination rates (like Israel) have the highest hospitalization rates of the […]

Ukraine Crimea rights discussion. Brunswick Romanov Imperial duties

  A short discussion about the Russian Imperial Branches of the House of Wolfenbuttel-Brunswick. The rightful House of Russia, Ukraine and Crimea. https://youtu.be/zAMCH_yCwJg This study focused more on the Brunswick lines of Russia, the Kiev-Rus and other senior originating tribes of the Royal house, which have remained to this day as active lead members. *below* […]

70% of those hospitalized with severe COVID illness are FULLY VACCINATED! .. untested vax mandates are inhumane

Below is a recent response I recieved from Matt Staver, Chairman of Liberty Counsel. They are doing great work helping people from the vaccine injuries. It is also a human rights matter, of which the Equal Employment rights are trampled and you may have a good lawsuit, so long as you don’t quite and are […]

Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccination – A National Security Threat, Military article

48 Footnotes need to be reckoned with! Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccination – A National Security Threat CDR Jay Furman, USN* The forced vaccination of all military personnel with the present COVID-19 vaccines may compromise U.S. national security due to the unknown extent of serious vaccine complications. Further study is needed before committing the Total Force to […]

Stopping Vax Employment Mandates Successfully. Combated by filing administrative charges of Vaccine Employment Harassment via 4 agencies

Mandates are normally illegal, especially in the area of Employment. I remember 15 years ago McDonalds was sued by the governmental agency EEOC because they required every applicant to have a Social Security number and write it on their employment application, in order to be considered for employment. Someone felt they were being discriminated against […]

Intermarium Hope for a Central/East European Regional Power, Speech from Estonian Parliament Foreign Affairs

From the Office of HMSH Rev Dr Stephen MK Brunswick, Head Prince of the House of Wolfenbuttel-Brunswick, Primace St Andrew’s O.C.C. If you’re for European unity and solidarity you may wish to see a good Speech from the Estonian Parliament, Foreign Affairs committee. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BCJ47R03UQE   My comment was given: European International law does purport to […]

Dr Malone, a leading vaccinologist warns that the vaccine causes the virus to be more dangerous.

The Vaccine Causes The Virus To Be More Dangerous Bannons War Room  Published July 28, 2021 587,007 Views SUBSCRIBE516KSHARE Dr Robert Malone, MD, MS Physician Scientist, Inventor of mRNA Vaccine Technology – a leading vaccinsologist, warns that the vaccine causes the virus to be more dangerous! A very good interview in Steve Bannon’s War Room https://rumble.com/vkfz1v-the-vaccine-causes-the-virus-to-be-more-dangerous.html   Find […]