Disarming the non-militia illegals solves the school shooting problem, as per the Constitution
Priory of Salem, Institute of Peace Studies
Notwithstanding our studies such as:
“Time to Revitalize the Constitutional Militias”. Priory of Salem, Peace Institute
Those who love the US Constitution and their own State Republic should be elated to hear of this most peaceful solution to quickly root out the causes of the school shootings.
Show proof of involvement in maintaining the Freedom of their local state’s independence to have it’s own state’s rights, actual representative laws etc.
The Second Amendment was written to the pre-civil war state entities, many of which had clauses that required religious tests in order to hold public office.
As the “freedom of the state” entities the Second Amendment applies to is not what those “kids” stood for when they bought those weapons I think we’ll have to disarm all of them.
Were the kids “well regulated militia” for the “freedom of their state” , the state which had religious tests, and the state which had a different constitution with religious clauses all throughout it?
Mainly it wasn’t till after the civil war that new corporate entities replaced the state entities that the Second Amendment was set up to protect.
So unless they’re promoting restoration of the original de jure states, (representative laws getting passed again) they all should be disarmed.
The sword power of the Re-public (Representative Public) isn’t even understood, let alone used in a republican fashion by these types anyhow. So don’t take away the arms, just hold them till they enlist them correctly as “unorganized militia” for the freedom of their state.