German Princes as “head of church” – God’s Sword

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Small intro to the article “German Princes as “head of church” – God’s Sword” by the Grace of God HMSH, the Primace Dr. Stephen MK d’Guelph Brunswick, ThD, PhD, House of Wolfenbuttel-Brunswick, Chief of House. Registered since 2007 at,, et al.

Dedicated to our King of kings Jesus Christ, who is ultimate head of the body, and comes for His bride church.

It was never just Anglicans who got the idea that the King of England would hold the position as a pope or “head of the church”. Celtic Kings had the title of ArchDruid, which later translated to Bishop, and the Celtic church always had such autonomy of the Kings. This was spelled out in several charters for Glastonbury as well.   

If you remember where the Anglo-Saxon tribes came from, it was Luneburg (Brunswick). The dukes of Luneburg-Brunswick did ethnic cleansings of the Papal states any time their rights as heads of the church of Germany was challenged. Even all the papal states themselves still legally belong by blood inheritance rights, to the house of Brunswick. The house has never relinquished these claims over all papal states as our basic inheritance of our property. This was also the reason for Otto IV von Brunswick invading Italy, and being crowned with the Crown of Lombardy (the Iron crown) of all previous Italian Kings. This was not only because dozens of his male line great-grandfathers were crowned with the same crown, but also because all the papal states were rightfully his by basic family inheritance, we have the contracts. He was also crowned King of Burgundy, Duke of Aquitaine and Poiters, King of Sicily, Tuscany and the rest of the Papal states, and is the house and blood of 11 Kings of Jerusalem during the Crusader Kingdom era. Within Brunswick minor itself has continued the Regency of this order of Templar, with continued Grandmasters of the continued commanderies Brunswick legitimist (Angevin House) Templar which never surrendered. His successors as Dukes of Wolfenbuttel-Brunswick were also crowned as Emperors of Russia, not only of Germany and our still fully acknowledged Piast alloid capitals like Oelsnica / Silesia where the last Kaiser of Germany occupied.

(None of these titles were just by usurped claims or by an elected imperial state. Each of them were inheritance by valid and lawful blood rights of property estates handed down in the family from the original founding. The family only had so many vassal states later that it made some rival elected-titular style emperors jealous and had often occupied and overtrod our lands. However we have in every generation maintained our valid rights of property inheritance according the laws.)

The senior branch of Este (oldest and most senior Italian Royal house) had moved their capital to Gottingen-Brunswick. This was after a gift by the King of Denmark Gotterick with his daughter marrying the senior duke.. Gottingen then became one of the irreplaceable alloids along with the dozen other primary principalities of the Dukedom of Lunbeburg-Brunswick. It’s good to point these out as the Anglican church traditions, were Angli (Luneburg) Saxony in origin. While yes in England the Saxon Heptarchy was much aligned with Latin, it was fully integrated with the Celtic since the time of King Ine and the intermarriage of all Celtic Nobility with the Saxon royal house. The next charters with the great Celtic holy site of Glastonbury further document this rich Orthodox way of King-priests. Some use the title Prince-Bishop but these were still under a Duke who held the title Summus Episcopus in German law.  Regarding tribal, just look at the Viking Gothia shield of Luneburg (it’s an extension of Sweden, or vice-versa), the main coat of arms of the largest province of Denmark and Sweden called Gothia.

One of many such states of Europe bearing the name, from France to Crimea and abroad.

some more background tribal information: Goths’ Viking Royalty, Parallel Empire and Cultural Heritage. Priory of Salem, Institute of Peace Studies. Heirs of Several Former Goths’ States, the House of Brunswick-Wolfenbuettel Succeeded in the alloid inheritance of the Amali and Balti Dynasties

If you remember, it was the tribes of Goths (which reigned supreme of these parts of France, Spain and Italy, under their respective names there such as Visigoth and Ostrogoth kingdoms) and were accredited with conquering Rome. It is also the tribe of the most reliable and complete Bible translated at Crimea / Gothia by Ulfigas into the Gothic runic language (still used in some churches there).

Today still in Germany the title “summus episcoupus” is used in the Lutheran church structure as the head of state. The German dukes were more authentic in the approach of local affairs than their later English counterparts. German Dukes were actively involved locally in seeing enforcement of religion, it was not just a titular. As in all Lutheran jurisdictions they are presided over in each church as it’s own government. The local Lutheran jurisdiction, for example the Wolfenbutel Lutheran Church (is named after the principality and ruling prince). The Duke is still listed in the structure as a landesbischop (primace or summus episcupus). 

With the cultural decay, and loss of so much tradition, we hold the keys of restoration. Our Orthodox, Lutheran, Protestant and Catholic “geo political” influence is very much wanted. For those who want to join our movement, subscribe. I believe you’re going to find this article very interesting. 

German Princes – God’s Sword

by Dr Stephen MK d’Guelph Brunswick, as shared with the Prussian Deutsche Party (Guelph Party of the 1960s) successors. 


German princes claimed not merely to be “Head of the Church” like the English kings or “nutricils” (nourisher) of the church, like the Swedish kings.

The German Sovereigns (including in the Wolfenbuttel-Brunswick Monarchy) held the title “summus episcopus” of their sovereign domains.
Oberhaupt der Kirche im Herzogtum Braunschweig war der jeweilige Herzog als summus episcopus. Die Verwaltung der Kirche oblag dem Konsistorium in Wolfenbüttel.

For example such quotes as an acting “Summus Episcopus” was by the German Kaiser Wilhelm I, rallying the troops at WWI:

“Remember that the German people are the chosen of God.
On me as the German Emperor, the spirit of God has descended. I am His weapon, His sword, His vice regent.”

The Claims and Demonstrations were evident in the great condemnations against the German people.
A lot of this gets covered up so I took some time to transcribe from a book here.

Much more about the German practice and understanding of Monarchs to exercise their Divine duties was published by
the Danish Professor of Theology, Rev J.P. Bang, DD at the University of Copenhagen., for example in his book “Hurrah and Hallelujah”.

Many like Mr. Ralph Connor of Canada condemned Dr Bang, although this beloved Danish teacher mainly quoted the material without comment.
Dr Bang proves that German leaders have long been teaching a special “German religion” with a special “German God” of their own, as
King David in the Scriptures (very red, fair skinned and ruddy) had written “God has given His law to Israel, and hath not dealt so
with any other nation”.
Lagarde wrote condescendingly in his observation: “The German nation is an organism; this organism must have a soul: this soul is the
national religion, which must be neither Protestant nor Catholic, neither liberal nor orthodox, neither Christianity or the religion
of humanity. Still Jesus is to have a place in it”

Many Jews have written against the German leaders relationship to lead for their people, as there was no government or movement
without princes.

Herr Pastor Johannes Rump, lic. Doctor of Berlin, wrote “War Devotions and Memorial Services for the Fallen” (WWI).
In his sermon on “The Great I” he prophesied:

“Germany shall be the Israel of the future. Henceforth we shall fulfill the call of the living God in the world and fight for Germany’s
historical position as savior of the world. A corrupt world fettered in monstrous sin shall, by the will of God, be healed by the
German nature. .. Ye are the chosen generation, the royal priesthood, the holy nation, the peculiar people.”(NT Scripture, and note
most Bible believing Christians in the world indeed are Anglo Saxon German).

Rump exclaimed:
“Verily, the Bible is our book. Even if for a long time we did not value it as such, we now acknowledge that it was given and assigned
to us, and we read in it one original text of our destiny, which proclaims to mankind salvation or disaster according as we will it.”

One poet (of the same blood and faith), F Phillipi from Belgium wrote of their Divine destiny,

“We execute God’s Almighty will,
And the edicts of His justice we will fulfill,
Imbued with holy rage
In urgance upon the ungodly.
God calls us to murdrous battles,
Even if the world should fall in ruins.
We thank Thee, Lord God,
Thy wrathful call obliterates our sinful nature,
With thine iron rod we smite all our enemies in the face.”

Dr Bang chose the title of the book as “Hurrah and Hallelujah”
from his appreciation of the German spirit in the classical expressions
of poems by Pastor Vorwerk, who entitled his work by this name.

One of the first edition poems contained three petitions of the Lord’s prayer,
closing as follows:

“Though the warrior’s bread be scanty, do Thou work daily death and tenfold woe unto the enemy.
Forgive in merciful long suffering each bullet and each blow which misses its mark!
Lead us not into temptation of letting our wrath be too tame in carrying out thy Divine judgement!
Deliver us and our ally from the infernal enemy and his servants on earth. Thine is the Kingdom,
the German land; may we, by aid of they steel-clad hand, achieve the power and glory.”

Invoking the position of Israel was common among all the Lutheran Clergy, Pastor Rump was no
exception. He proclaimed in a sermon a dozen times claiming their King to be the leader of Israel, also
a priest, and said: “…Thus we see, and thus the world sees, our Kaiser: a heroic figure, in truth a knight
by the grace of God, both King dna prophet, Prince and servant, not only the general bent upon victory,
but also his people’s prayerful house-priest.”

German understanding was their status as the sword of God from heaven. For instance, E. Kuhnemann:

“Why this war? we do not know! Perhaps, my people, a judgment on the world. And thou the sword in God’s
hand, flashing down upon the wicked.”

or T.Suze:
“The Germans are the first before the throne of God —- Thou coudst not place the golden crown of victory in purer hands.”

or J. Hort:
“Never have ye seen a strong people and Empire in whiter garments of peace. We offered you palm branches, we offered you
justice, ye offered us envy and hate.”

or F. Lienhardt:
“When these stores have done their work, Germany’s purest mission begins: to become a place of refuge, a holy grove for
all the seekers of the earth, a central land, a land of wisdom, a land of morals. Then will it be the flower-wreathed
hospitable gateway, facing towards the glittering East.”

or K. Hildebrand:
“blessings stream and flow down upon those who have given themselves up to thee; there German virtues gush limpid forth,
there German power wells up. What a draught from this spring! Strong and deep of high courage, the German spirit flows
along, the German nature (Wesen) flows far over the life of all nations.”

From “A Collection of Speeches in Trying Times” Professors of Berlin University, wrote:

“In Germany we meet with faithfulness in leaders, the cheerful service of the free man, who willingly gives up everything
for the fame and power of the Sovereign.”

Regarding German Militarism. Even the German intellectual leaders who purported to represent liberalism, strongly defended
it against the various critics. They did plea that militarism is the corner-stone of Germany’s inner and outer greatness.
It has, they allege, the power of creating a spirit of discipline, through which the individual learns to feel himself an
integral part of the nation, and to subordinate himself to its interests. “But militarism is, in fact, far more than this.
It is at the same time a glorification of war, as the great heaven-appointed instrument of progress, which cleanses the
nation of all that is low and evil, and brings in its train the richest blessings.

One of the leaders of the association known as “Young Germany” wrote in their official organ for October 1913:
“War is the noblest and holiest expression of human activity. For us too the glad, great hour of battle will strike.
Still and deep in the German heart must live the joy of battle and the longing for it. Let us ridicule to the utmost the old
women in breeches who fear war and deplore it as cruel or revolting. No, war is beautiful. Its august sublimity elevates
the human heart beyond the earthly and the common. In the cloud palace above sit the heroes Frederick the Great and Blucher,
and all the men of action–the Great Emperor, Moltke, Roon, Bismarck, are there as well, but not the old women who would
take away our joy in war. When here on earth a battle is won by German arms and the faithful dead ascend to heaven, a
Potsdam lance-corporal will call the guard to the door, and ‘old Fritz,’ springing from his golden throne, will give the
command to present arms. That is the heaven of Young Germany.”