This one Bible verse can save Theologians 20 years of Bible school: 1John 3:4 “Sin is the transgression of the law.” 70% of His law is only nationally applicable. He commanded us “pray His kingdom come on earth” and “seek first His Kingdom”, and “the Saints of the most high will take the kingdom […]
Tag: greek
Angels of YAHWEH, an Exegetical Literal Study and Functional Lesson by Hon Prof Pastor Leroy Crouch
**Mp3 Audio**”Angels of YAHWEH, an Exegetical Literal Study and Functional Lesson by Hon Prof Pastor Leroy Crouch” Sub-topic on the Biblical Angels, within another great study on the Holies of Holies. Proving in an exegetical and exact way from the Hebrew and Greek about types of angels and titles of angels. Teaching the true Israel […]
“Yahshua/Jesus is God” and “Yahshua/Jesus is YAHWEH” in original Greek, Aramaic N.T., Interlinear, Exegeses, etc.
[spacer height=”20px”] YAHSHUA/Jesus is YAHWEH is what the original clearly says. The original Aramaic agrees, the Greek proves it, and the interlinears back it up. [spacer height=”8px”] This brings new meaning to the method we are supposed to “discern spirits”. We are to “try the spirits, to see whether they be of God” as “not […]