Tag: hate crimes

Psychological Warfare Attacks of Toxic Over-positivity

We believe that positivity is good and important, in balance. However some have fallen prey and become foot soldiers of enemies of America in the name of a false notion of positivity. There are very real military psyops (pychological operations) done by foreign enemy nations which falsify, hijack and manipulate their enemies under their doctrines […]

Public Leaders Quoted Saying: “Kill All White People”, powerful people calling for genocide and holocaust (study from the Priory of Salem, Peace Institute)

The “Kill All White People” Top Headlines of Mainstream News. As demanded by numerous public leaders (renegade agents of government and society). Read on to view the Headlines of 96 Cases of Predominately Influential Community Leaders Calling For Mass Genocide of Whites The Priory of Salem, Peace Institute, commissioned this report of recent quotes by influential […]

Proof Stephen Paddock, Vegas Shooter, was ISIS Militant and ANTIFA Activist, Married to Muslim Philippino

The Las Vegas shooter, “Stephen Paddock”, a pedophile child pornographer, avowed ISIS aligned militant, was also an Anti-Trump, chanting slurs calling “all police and Trump supporters are racists”. He was a Hillary radical, turned ISIS militant who discriminately targeted Country Western type Republicans in ethnic hatred. Another venue he had documented plans on attacking was […]