It’s not just about civil unions. In each case, the extremist rainbow flag wavers have taken the issues ten times farther than ever dreamed. Now our beliefs and nature itself is a hate crime against a protected group”LGBT”. Now their protected new “rights” are to control our churches (or such churches can lose their 501c3 status and even be charged with felonies of hate crimes). Now we all must not only condone, but must celebrate Sodomy Marriages (a form of worship) in the Holy Sanctuaries of our churches. If any treats them different from the others, ie denying a certain portion of the sanctuary, such church is committing a felony hate crime. They can then be charged with HATE CRIMES and be imprisoned just like Jesus and all the Saints before us.
Attack Against States Rights
Many states overwhelmingly voted marriage is between a man and a woman and same sex marriage is banned. Their votes all meant nothing as radical extremist fanatical activist judges (that represent less than 0.5% of the world’s population) think they can bypass the legislative system, time and time again. Now the Supreme Court’s Edict makes it now basically a right. So any who denies this new right to be performed or celebrated in their Holy Sanctuaries, the priests can get many years in prison as a hate crime. Our votes have meant nothing, and 99.5% of the world is also being trampled under by these extreme edicts against all nature, all psychology and science fields.
Attack Against Secular Scientists
Doctors, Scientists and Psychologists (who have no religious affiliations) are now being fired in epic numbers, for simply remaining neutral and scientific on the matters. This is like Joseph Stalin’s and the most extreme Bolshevist’s wet dream.
Attack Against All Holy Sanctuaries
Now any priests who refuse to give a “marriage” between two men at the prominent place of their holy sanctuary (even if before only virgins were allowed to marry at that portion of the sanctuary), then such priests will go to jail. Lawsuits have been filed in all 50 states against the churches and priests who have faith that God and nature is correct. Now renegade public servants have decided that sodomites, trangenders and lesbians must be celebrated and taught as good to all children within the walls of any church the said wicked promoters so choose to have it held.
Now It’s a State Sponsored Hate Gestapo
Now domestic insurrection against our inalienable rights (FROM THE CREATOR) is being waged not only by private individuals, but by the renegade public servants themselves. Obama has used the recent court decision to deny funding for children’s meals at schools that won’t radically alter their teachings to include pornographic sexual material in favor of transgenders (all nearing the realm of pedophillia). So now in the US, if any church says they believe marriage is between a man and a woman then the state will prosecute him for hate crimes. The priests, and any who stand with him, will go to jail, and the said church would be destroyed in favor of the new state endorsement of faith against nature.
Protect Yourselves
I suggest everyone have a “Public Servant Questionnaire” onhand to ensure our fundamental rights to freedom of association and disassociation is respected by such agents.
Ensure Privacy. Downloadable PUBLIC SERVANT’S QUESTIONNAIRE – Public Law 93-579
Please use downloadable format for any time you believe your privacy is being violated. If the person/agent signs, it demonstrates good faith that the said person/agent does not intend to violate our rights. Download: Public Servant Questionnaire in *PDF* (click here)
Remember, there will be no lukewarm in the end times, no on the fence. Just light vs darkness. This was foretold clearly in Revelation that such abominations will be exalted above everything of God, and to be worshipped in our very holy places (to exalt ABOMINATIONS with much love from the heart ie GAYNESS) rather than delighting in God’s commandments with all the heart, like David did. The agents of Satan won’t rest until all civilization (Christian civilization) is destroyed. Call on your neighbours, family, friends and community to prepare as if for Armageddon.
Learn about the groups who are the authorities in informing the Public Servants to come and persecute you. Groups such as the ADL, and their history of spying, kidnapping and torture.