Tag: jerusalem

The Jerusalem Church Moved To Britain, and the Apostolic See of Glastonbury, later called the “Second Rome”. Many 1st-2nd Century British Saints attest to this, see attached PDF of Saints

Succession of the Jersalem Bishops and Church.  A study from the Priory of Salem Institute of Theology Many people are unaware of how much authority Saint Joseph (Christ’s uncle, the doctor of the Sanhedrin) had. He was widely recognized as the most eligible heir to the throne and crown of King David. Many thought he […]

Honoring of St Gall and St Othmar in the Orthodox Church of the Culdees

St Gall  (a Culdee Disciple of St Columbanus) In tradition of the high Franko-Gothic Nobles, the Monastic Rule of Saint Columbanus(the Irish Culdee Missionary), was continuously promulgated in the farthest corners of the Germanic Empire.  At the early foundation, with the Kings of the Carolingian Empire, these great Celtic schools became the bedrock of our […]

The Bene Elohim, and coming great glory in Christ. Deep study into Biblical book of Enoch scenarios

Please hear this hosted Lecture on the Bene Elohim, and the coming great glory, Hon Prof Crouch (of Restoration Ministries), Priory of Salem, Institute of Peace Studies Pastor Crouch goes deep into the topic concerning order in this world. He even gets into the inter-galactic and real holy wars coming up, all detailed like never […]