Tag: advancement of the kingdom of jesus christ

Tracing Our Ancestors (British Israel book of the month)

For our British Israel book club subscribers (local or online members), the book of the month is “Tracing Our Ancestors” by Frederick Haberman. Freely available for download below. Contact us if you wish to order copies https://celticorthodoxy.com As Paul told the Greeks: “do not be ignorant that your ancestors were with crossed the red sea” […]

Are we in the last days of the Supreme Court? Replace it with what? Tyrannical Mandates mis-using USSC opinions

Dr Brunswick speaks out against the communist takeover. Source links are at the bottom of this article. Legal experts and commentators everywhere have been hinting at the US Supreme Court is about to come to an end. At least they’ve long lost credibility. For a while the court was deemed inappropriate by conservatives, and now […]

Merging of the Official “Zion” Known as Western Christendom with the Geographical Zion/Salem

Latest update February 2022: Brunswick Continuing Knights Templar House of the Original Angevin Royals’ branch, with full Royal protections of the Templar, incl. fons honorum by Rev Dr Stephen MK Brunswick, OCC Pub 2021 Announcement: This is a true Templar message for the day in which we live, Deus Vult (Note: the Templar worshipped in […]

Freedom of the Southern Republics. SON OF CONFEDERATES was asked: “whose freedom were they fighting for, again?”

As seen on our Youtube Channel thebrunswickers: You may like to read more of our content in the Dixie Corner or in our other website content areas on Confederate America, Covenantal Sovereignty, Red Invasion, History, Fighting Communism, Anti-Globalism Alliance and True Christian defense league. I want to speak to you today on the topic of […]

Blasphemy Laws Prove America Was And Still Is Legally A Christian Theocracy

This article is about the lawful and true America vs the de facto usurpers. It exposes Lincoln’s unconstitutional successors that all started under illegal Marital Law. These created new states as corporate entities far from the original and de jure original states (not connected to the constitutional state entities that the Second Amendment applies to). […]

TRUE American Government is a Perpetual Divine Theocracy, under Jesus Christ and for advancement of His Government on earth, our daily prayer

America’s first constitution declared our government is a perpetual Divinely instituted Theocracy under Jesus Christ the King for His Kingdom to be advanced on earth. In this article I will prove it to you it is still in force as legally binding, and is the legal foundation of our government’s legitimacy today. This constitution defining […]


DIGEST  OF  THE  DIVINE  LAW  #1 by Howard Rand (1942) FOREWORD The Bible contains precepts and commands which are the God-given authority for the direction and control of humanity. God speaks through various channels. Invariably He chose those through whom He conveyed to His people His commands and through whom He spoke to the people. These men, who were thus […]

Short History of the Orthodox Church of the Culdees, and Our Reestablishment

Short History of the Orthodox Church of the Culdees – TABLE OF CONTENTS – – Short Definition of Culdee –  – The First Century Church – – Numerous British 1st-5th Century Saints – – British Israelites – – Triumphant Christian Israelites – – Orthodox and Israelite Liturgies – – Archbishops and Patriarchs – – Charters […]

Glastonbury Apostolic See Gave America Independence, Quick Summary:

SUMMARY On How America Gained It’s First Independence In 1639, And The Spiritually Important Truths Regarding Covenantal Sovereignty:  Archbishop Parker, the first Archbishop of Canterbury in the reign of Queen Elizabeth promised in his letter to Calvin, concerning the proposal of a union among all Protestants, reminding him that the Church of England would “retain […]

Perpetual Union of Confederated Sovereign States – FUND OUR ADS PLEASE

America’s first constitution declared that our government is a perpetual Divine Theocracy under Jesus Christ the King, joined together for one aim, for the advancement of His Kingdom on earth. In this article I will prove it to you it is still in force as legally binding, and is the legal foundation of our government’s […]

Biblical Zombie Apocalypse

This article primarily serves as a long list of very specific Scriptures that speak of people resurrected out of their graves and killing the ungodly. Do what you will with it. Probably most of these are not zombies, but some most certainly are, like the “resurrections of the damned”. Nevertheless what the Scripture describes seems beyond […]