ISRAELIS BRING NUREMBERG CODE LAWSUIT ON MEDICAL EXPERIMENTS ON HUMANS BEING MANDATORY, EXPERIMENTAL COVID INJECTIONS IN ISRAEL Another big development We post this in addition to the numerous articles we have posted here on this site, for Priory of Salem, Institute of Health members. All have been quoting and publishing official content by the Vaccine […]
Tag: anti-globalism alliance
We are a long time advocate of local sovereignties, taxation with true representation, freedom to worship and keep the commandments of God in peace, independence rights of self determination, Christian Defense against atheistic communism, anti-atheist absolutist dictatorships, etc.
Bio-weapon (bad/fake vaccine) of Mass Destruction “Could wipe out populations” says former Gates Scientist
Numerous accurate Quotes of Gates are being scrubbed from the internet. So save down the following youtube video or start switching over to for important videos. Just “remove a few billion people from the planet“, “if we’re doing a really good job“ (Says Gates, primary financier of China’s Bioweapons facility, and the coverup […]
Why and How has China “lost” the early host samples of original covid19 virus?
Why has China Continued Severely Restricting RESEARCH INTO THE ORIGINS OF CORONAVIRUS? (Biden doesn’t mind, he just made it illegal by Executive Order to call it a Chinese Virus). While most have seen the numerous speeches by Gates that climax with applause when he says “if the vaccines are successful” or “if we do a […]
TEXIT Bill has a good chance of passing. Endorsements are Mounting Through the Texas State House of Representatives
The TEXIT bill is moving fast through the Texas State House of Representatives. At this rate it has a very good chance of passing so that the people of Texas may be able to vote on a referendum to establish Texas Independence, returning back to America’s earlier union, withdrawing from the present new form of […]
EU Covid Vaccine Supervisor REFUSES ALL the Vaccines, says wouldn’t take it even if offered $1 Million Euros!
LEGAL DISCLAIMER: Always consult your physician about medical conditions. You may also want to ask them if they and their families are getting this untested vaccine. Ask any expert anywhere if they can point you to any single vaccine safety study that has been finished regarding any kind of mRNA or Coronavirus vaccines on “safety”. […]
mRNA Covid Vaccines Target and Destroy Brain Cells, Neuroscientist’s Accurate Tests Confirm
(Members and students only content. Priory of Salem, Institute of Health) Important information covered from Neuroscientist Chris Shaw PhD, Prof at University of British Columbia: What our analysis of his disclosures confirm is that the mRNA of any mRNA vaccine does indeed travel to the brain in all of the studies done. This would mean […]
3% vaccinated are now crippled! URGENT CDC Report about the Covid-19 Vaccine, Anaphylaxis Following m-RNA COVID-19
Priory of Salem, Institute of Health has published the following warning to our associate members and students. (Legal Disclaimer: This information is not intended to treat, diagnose or cure any disease. If this information reaches the public, then legally we are required to say you must consult your physician about it.) Additionally we publish this […]
Only Jesus Saves! Proof as the COVID Vaccine “Poster Lady” Collapses, Sins of Babylon Multiply the Plagues of the world.
Only Jesus Saves! Proof as the COVID Vaccine “Poster Lady” Collapses, Sins of Babylon Multiply the Plagues of the world. by Rev Dr Stephen MK Brunswick, Primace OCC, Dean, Priory of Salem (Members and students only content. Priory of Salem, Institute of Health) Good News of the Kingdom under Christ Our people […]
The Forgotten WASHING Commandment FOR EVER, for the redeemed Gentiles!
Article “The Forgotten WASHING Commandment FOR EVER, for the redeemed Gentiles!”, Priory of Salem, Institute of Health, by Hon Prof Rev Stephen MK Brunswick (Members and students only content. Priory of Salem) (From the Good News of the Kingdom Newsletter Issue No 52, 2013) Also published online in 2014 under the heading “Snapping the Bonds […]
God’s Law is For Israel Only, Adam-man only
*VIDEO: Doctors & Medical Experts Worldwide Warn Humanity Against Taking the COVID19 Vaccine
Update on latest information: URGENT CDC Report about the Covid-19 Vaccine, Anaphylaxis Following m-RNA COVID-19 Doctors & Medical Experts Worldwide Warn Humanity Against Taking the COVID19 Vaccine Priory of Salem, Institute of Health As mirrored from World Doctors Alliance All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Find […]
Guess Who has Been Funding the Company that Owns Dominion Voting Machines?
Chinese communist surrogates in the media. Smollet, fake hate crime actor (left) and Lemon, the CNN propagandist promoting anti-American hate against what he calls the “systemic white supremacist nation”(right). All who conspire with outlawed communist (antifa) terrorist groups should be arrested and tried under the laws on the books. These same groups are in control […]
Video Courses (in German) by Hon. Prof. Klaus Jaeger, Elder O.C.C.
Video Courses by Hon. Prof. Klaus Jaeger, Elder O.C.C. We would like to announce the web presence of our Hon. Prof. Klaus Jaeger, Elder of the Orthodox Church of the Culdees. He has for some time been holding excellent courses in the German language. You can reach the website of his teaching Ministry, for the […]
Our True Sovereign Possession
Our princes (at the Orthodox Church of the Culdees and covenant assemblies) have existing US, German, Swiss, French and other Treaties recognizing the legal realities of our Sovereign domains and estates. What all Christians of power and authority are to do is eventually to get all Christians who raise to maturity placed into that rank […]
Sin Relationship, Biblical Definition of Sin: “Transgression of the law” losing rewards RM 8-3-91
This one Bible verse can save Theologians 20 years of Bible school: 1John 3:4 “Sin is the transgression of the law.” 70% of His law is only nationally applicable. He commanded us “pray His kingdom come on earth” and “seek first His Kingdom”, and “the Saints of the most high will take the kingdom […]
Order Your Make Dixie Great Again Hat!
Ending the Red Fascist Communist Occupation of the “Systemic White Supremacist” Nation. Priory of Salem, Institute of Peace Studies
A short lecture by Rev Dr Stephen MK Brunswick, Dean, Priory of Salem, Institute of Peace Studies: Till the Immigration Act of 1965, the precedent remained that only Whites could become US Citizens. People born after Obama in Hawaii in the 1960’s have also been stripped of their US citizenship as recent as the […]
Stage 6 Genocide in South Africa, Plea to the world in the middle of a holocaust, higher stage classification
Very important information as the world turns a blind eye to this holocaust. We are building up a section of news articles on this topic as found at and throughout our website. From, South Africa remains in the final stages of full Genocide, as Whites are selectively murdered at an ever increasing rate. Every […]
The Correct Perspective in Our Time: Babylon Falling
We are not in the time of Babylon Rising. This is the time of Babylon falling. Emry covers many important Biblical perspectives that the churches should be declaring soon. It is nearly time to celebrate. The disasters, plagues, foreign enemies and other events were all foretold to come upon the enemies of the true Israel […]
Bubba Caught in Fake Hate Crime Hoax, Attacks NASCAR and all Americans, lies and destruction of US monuments ongoing
Dr. Stephen K. Brunswick who last week covered these topics at length, including the Biblical laws and many curses involved in removing monuments and renaming landmarks, etc, as quoted from the Bible “not to remove the ancient landmark”. He also shed much light on the many New Testament admonitions to refrain from interracial mixing, but […]
Will Juneteenth ever end? from Dixie Heritage
Washington and Lee University faculty discussed a resolution to remove all references to the Confederacy and Lee from the campus of the liberal arts college in Lexington as well as to the school’s name. No action was taken during the virtual meeting Wednesday evening. But the more than 100 undergraduate and law school professors who […]
Mark Dice has had a breakdown succumbs to peer pressure condemning many brands that enjoy imagery of minorities. Host a WATCH PARTY on your GROUP! good stuff
We don’t know why these product brands are all of a sudden called racist. Many of our reporters and affiliate correspondents have been scouring the available information for clues. Nothing has made more sense than Mark Dice’s rendition of the self-guilt of the white masses. This may be simply because people haven’t gone to church […]
Young lady savagely beaten by Floyd Protesters. *sober analysis and real solutions (P.S. Peace Institute)
covid distancing is not that bad: Social Distancing is an Elite Privilege of Imperial Nobility and of Hebrew law
The 6 feet social distancing rule etc was always considered a high privilege of the German Nobility. There were also special dress codes and special parts of the street you’re allowed to walk on depending on your class. This went through the Imperial eras. Frankfurt Nobility had 7 dress code classes, where it was a […]
Total of 7 LGBTQ Super Bowl Ads will be shown (leftist absolutist showdown)
SUPER BOWL ADS will be showing a Total of 7 LGBTQ Commercials featuring LGBTQ extremist radicalism for families to be subjected to. You can see the full list here: The list is all very commercial, so don’t twist what I say about definition of commercials, as it’s worse than the basic commercials in the […]