written by Kosar WikiLeaks has been Hillary Clinton’s worst nightmare for months, but they just dropped the biggest bombshell yet: They have released emails which confirm just how serious Hillary Clinton’s debilitating health issues are. First we learned, Hillary Clinton reached out to the NFL Commissioner in 2012 to ask for advice about dealing with her […]
Category: Uncategorized
Article copied for information only, for speculative analysis, to know the thoughts going around: PURGING RUSSIA FROM THE EVIL ROTHSCHILD MONEY CHANGERS Alexander Azadgan “War is the continuation of politics by other means.” Carl von Clausewitz (Prussian general and military theorist) We can further deduce from the above Von Clausewitz quote that politics is a […]
Obamacare Bubble Will Burst and those who believe the mythical illusion that they needed it will fall
Another article on Babylon’s Pharmakia Witchcraft led by an unlawful and corrupt financial system. Healthcare and values of True Christians is far more superior and stable. Obamacare Bubble Will Burst and those who believe the mythical illusion that they needed it will fall By Robertiu on Wed, 08/10/2016 – 12:42 What these “experts” fail to realize […]
“Spread of the Culdean Church” free Chapter from “History of the Scottish Nation” or The History of The Celtic Church (All Three Volumes): History of Civilization From Pre-historic Times To Medieval Times.
Free Chapter Preview: CHAPTER XXVIII SPREAD OF CULDEAN CHURCH from “History of the Scottish Nation or The History of The Celtic Church (All Three Volumes): History of Civilization From Pre-historic Times To Medieval Times.” The Culdees in France—France strewed with Culdee Institutions Culdees in Rhineland—They Christianise Gerrmany—Willibrod in Germany—Killean—Culdees in Iceland—Bird’s-eye view of Culdee Church in […]
Disclaimer: The author does not take into consideration the 7 Patriarchates that spanned the times he is mentioning. The British church itself being completely under the Jerusalem Patriarchate till the 7th Century when it largely came under Rome. However much of Britain remained under non Roman Orthodoxy till the Norman invasion. We don’t subscribe to […]
EXCLUSIVE: Major Russian TV Film, ‘SODOM’, Blasts LGBT (HD Video – Eng Dub)
An analysis that has been submitted to the Priory of Salem, Peace Institute by Watchman Reporters Correspondant Reinhold Sommerstedt. On the topic of Freedom and Liberty to associate and disassociate to gain peace with our loving Creator. Some would say that Obama’s Sodomite Supremist Absolutist Dictatorship Regime has met it’s match! Major Russian TV Film, ‘SODOM’, […]
Succession of Our Book of Common Prayer, Our Primary Liturgy
How the Orthodox English Liturgy (the Book of Common Prayer) has come to us. We keep the Book of Common Prayer as a central part of our liturgy together with the *TRUE Hebrew feast services as handed down within the Orthodox Church of the Culdees. These festivals are lightly highlighted in the mainstream version. The […]
The Scythian Goths, The True Israel Kingdoms That Form The Foundation Of All European Nobility And Right To Rule
The Scythians were all called Goths and Goths all called Scythian, ( I have many quotes from Steven Collin’s book on this under their various names Getai/Geats. Visigoths, Ostrogoths, etc). Here is a sampling. You can order his full book on http://www.stevenmcollins.com/. Also order from us the book “Uncovering the Mysteries of Your Hidden Inheritance”, just […]
Migrations of the Goths POSTER
MIGRATIONS OF THE GOTHS (enlarge in other window) If any are interested in getting this graphic in the larger format contact us. It is 12×18″ on thick poster paper, for mounting in your office. (From p. 44 of Robert B.’s God’s (TRUE)Chosen People – Guthones / Goths / Getae / Jeats (“the people of God”); […]
Glastonbury Apostolic See Gave America Independence, Quick Summary:
SUMMARY On How America Gained It’s First Independence In 1639, And The Spiritually Important Truths Regarding Covenantal Sovereignty: Archbishop Parker, the first Archbishop of Canterbury in the reign of Queen Elizabeth promised in his letter to Calvin, concerning the proposal of a union among all Protestants, reminding him that the Church of England would “retain […]
Interactive Updated Map of Islamic Terrorist Attacks in Europe 2014-2016
The only updated map of European Islamic Terrorist attacks found online! The Priory of Salem, Peace Institute has created the most updated map of Islamist Terrorist attacks in Europe from over the last 2 years. Maps such as these simply do not exist anywhere else. This will be updated on a regular basis and expanded. For any additional […]
Deaconess Anna Agnieszka will be our new Editorial Assistant
I will like to inform our friends that we have a new helper with our Watchman Publications, Deaconess Anna Agnieszka. She is well qualified with a Bachelors degree in Journalism and Masters Degree in Political Science. I am thankful she has taken the position as Editorial Assistant for Watchman News. From time to time you […]
St. Joseph of Arimathea at Glastonbury or THE APOSTOLIC CHURCH OF BRITAIN
St. Joseph of Arimathea at Glastonbury or THE APOSTOLIC CHURCH OF BRITAIN, by the Rev. Lionel Smithett Lewis, M.A., VICAR OF GLASTONBURY. He is also the Author of “GLASTONBURY, THE MOTHER OF SAINTS“ –HER SAINTS A.D. 37-A.D.1539. FOURTH AND ENLARGED EDITION, you can also purchase here: . SETTING FORTH FULLY THE TRADITIONS OF THE EARLY […]
Celtic and Biblical Drums for Loud Praise and Military Parade
Some have attacked our assemblies for usage of bagpipes and drums at our annual pilgrimage festivals and crusades. We hope to set the record straight that these are orthodox Biblical instruments. Write to marshalofsalem(at)yahoo.com if you have any questions, corrections or additions for this article. The Irish “drums”(taboret – KJV) and “bag pipes”(psaltery – KJV) […]
Excerpt from “Celt, Druid and Culdee”
Free Chapter Preview from the book “Celt Druid and Culdee” on the history of the Culdees. From the book “Celt, Druid and Culdee” (1973) by Isabel Hill Elder To trace the history of the Culdees from the days of St. Columba is a comparatively easy task; to find their origin is more difficult. In […]
Stages and Categories of church members
Stages and Categories of church members *Inquirers* (Those who may be pagan or non-believers who are visitors, and are not allowed to partake of the Sacraments.) *Catechumens* (Christians who confess they believe, and are new to the conversion process. They’re learning instruction and showing they are fully willing to do it. As they are […]
EU Refugee Rapes to Increase Unless National Repentance of Sin Occurs – the good solution
Dear Friends, At the below URL you’ll find a video I made on the good solution to the refugee rape crisis. The regular news says just in the one city of Cologne that 1,000 migrants were participating in the rapes. I have faith in you that we will make it through to witness His enemies […]
We Bring the Sacrifices of Praise and Thanksgiving, Sing For Joy
If you forget David said it’s sometimes “a sacrifice of praise” and a “sacrifice of thanksgiving” and YAHWEH loves it, (we enter His gates with thanksgiving and go into His courts with praise). and in case you forget it, you can listen to this tune and get it in your heart. Singing in your heart […]
Abraham’s Last Words to Isaac (Book of Jubilees Chapter 21. 1-25).
End Times Prophecy: Isaiah 42:21 “YAHWEH is well pleased for His righteousness’ sake; He will magnify the law, and make it honourable.” The Orthodox has accepted the Book of Jubilees is canon. This chapter will be insightful as we read into procedures of the ancient Melchizedek order. Some argue the Melchizedek order was more strict than […]
Peace Conference Results , September 2015
From the desk of Grand Marshal Abp. Stephen M.K. Your thoughts, prayers and discussions are greatly appreciated. It has been a trying time during the last several weeks of peace sessions listening to several sides of the refugee crisis. Working together with Marshals and assistants within the “Priory of Salem” has been fruitful. Some details […]
EVANGELIZE THE CROSS / CRUCIFIXION, tokens of Christ our Lamb / Sacrifice
Together with the Passover feast “for ever” for all generations, we are told to wear tokens that declare God’s miraculous deliverance for His Nationalist people(Christian true Israel). Christ also told us together with the communion Sacrament to remember His coming again (for judgement, in final fulfillment of the Passover judgement on the whole world). In […]
Happy Trumpets Feast 2015
Happy Trumpets Feast 2015. Today starts the ten days of awe we rehearse every year (ending in atonement, AKA the great and terrible day of YAHWEH, the day of His wrath) Now is an alarm day, YAHWEH fulfills it and works it every year. It’s a day of new beginnings! http://biblicalcalendar.org http://christsassembly.com/2015/09/assemblies/ Hoping everyone has […]
The Didache -(incl. missing translation and verses) Accepted by the Culdee, and greater fellowship of churches.
The Didache was written in the First Century and is part of the Orthodox Canon. The Didache is accepted by our church, the Culdee, and greater fellowship of churches. Note Chapter 14 on Assembly, in the original Greek text it does NOT use the word “day” but says “Lord’s way”. The Lord’s way is more appropriate […]
Peace Solution for 5 Million Islamist Refugees Entering Europe
No one seems to have any good solutions. However, we ask everyone to read and pray about our points in the attached document. We will show ourselves faithful to follow these beautiful answers for a bright future. This is the most peaceful, good and positive answer to the extinction level event now hitting Europe (5-10 […]
Ukrainian Guardsmen Killed At Capitol Over Decentralization Bill
First of all, we at the Priory of Salem – Peace Institute are very sorry for the 100 Ukrainian Guardsmen (soldiers) casualties and deaths that were inflicted by protestors this Monday. We have long been attempting to get our Peace Institute set up with a firm base in Ukraine but have lacked the financial support. […]