Category: Uncategorized

A Prayer To Heal Yourself

The attached “COVENANT PRAYER NAMES CHANT” can be used in whole or in part at any time. We use it during Sabbath services and the Culdee Monks of Glastonbury use it as part of the daily services. For healing, we recommend people pray these verses daily. (Remember God answers His word, and we are to […]

SPECIAL THANK YOU TO ALL “LAW ENFORCEMENT” Oath of Office to Protect and Defend the Constitution

I just want to take a moment to thank all officers of the law, who follow their oaths. The central part of the oath: “…to protect and defend the constitution” The central part of the constitution is known as the “Bill of Rights”. These are called our “constitutional rights”. Thank you for PROTECTING OUR RIGHTS Thank you […]

Solomon’s Ships Sailed to America and To Britain

Below images of oldest 10 Commandments found here: It is the proof that at the time of King Solomon sanctuaries were founding in America (complete with the oldest copy of the 10 Commandments, the oldest known copy in the world). Solomon’s ships were better better than the Mayflower for sure! Some princes of Persia reportedly […]

How Much Revisionism (and removing national symbols) is required to “cure racism” from the nation?

A commentary by Grand Marshal Rev Stephen MK,  How Much Revisionism (and removing national symbols) is required to “cure racism” from the nation?  To get rid of racism in America they’re going to need to delete every precept and symbol from the entire nation. Starting in about 1640 the first constitutions were written that were […]

YOU might be a suspected accomplice to the Criminal act of “complacency with a crime of sodomy” (most states require a citizens arrest of any knowledge of felonies).

Peaceful Separation / Excommunication Decree for any act of “complacency with sodomy”.   To be signed and promulgated by any who wish to remain in communion with any part of God’s Holy Church.   Download here: Peaceful Separation-excommunication-decree PDF   All assemblies who do not Sign and Send this decree to be promulgated to all associates, […]

Texas Wants Its Gold Back From The Feds

In a unanimous move, Texas has passed a bill (and Governor Abbot has signed) for all their gold bars to be returned home.   More info:

Ensure Privacy. Downloadable PUBLIC SERVANT’S QUESTIONNAIRE – Public Law 93-579

Please use downloadable format for any time you believe your privacy is being violated. If the person/agent signs, it demonstrates good faith that the said person/agent does not intend to violate our rights. Thanking all officers of law, who “protect and defend our constitutional rights” Download Public Servant Questionnaire in PDF (click here) Now we all must Celebrate Sodomy […]